DD:Neia, ZharinciaBLO137 7773 9935 0580E-alh@eeg.c鴻春氣, LDn and ehe mobptoeOfiebitf te cajng Hoguetic C., Lhe fateit foe cnent cten hs mul. Fr me dailnatn, pe coa;r enierncnicl pesnelicernu. Act tehgy cnies talaefecal podct oscial fory; If the aneo frher notcl bihime
品手冊RUCT LEOAUALcabinet bodyoltage 浙江鴻氣公司ZEJGCUN ELCTRIC CO., LTD鴻春電氣
Hongchun Electric Co., Ltd. is large regional and dutyeonomiconsortiumatfoconpoermsiond equipment and high electrical components. scientific manufacturing, domestic and international and functions. With a capital million company mainly produces sets of transmission and distribution uimet,parfcabinsphtvlaicste-uptransformers, connected cabinets, energy storage series, charging piles, substations, cable branch boxes, switch stations, transformers, high and low voltage switchgear, and low voltage shells, various high and low voltage etc. within range 0.22KV-35KV.The company located in own, capital of electrical appliances in It overlooks the to the east, enzhou Airport and Wenzhou Railway the south, andang Mountain, a national 5Alevel scenic spot known as the \"World north. railways, National Highway 104 through area, sea, land, air convenient. With a atmosphere, it is l-nvaleadetrprneradestintobthomstilnd The company strong with electrical and technicians. has formed an excellent talent team with advanced tenlgcpledctionesnt,trcaiand testing methods to ensure By computer-aided design and management, the has formed an integrated system the sales the , and after-sales Our has quality system crtifin40environmentalentytmcerificatohealth safety management and strictly manages in accordance with the vemanagemesystemsoensureproductquhelowagby the company has nnalCCCmatcerticationaniedtheCCCcerificaton certificate. The high-voltage obtained the type test report from the national authoritative department. The product quality is stable and reliable, and the after-sales service is complete.Teomaytherportpoophy\"siingsincere service, customer satisfaction\". Guidedbythcorporaespiritof\"enterprising,honest,ragtcand innovative\", we believe that only and ensuring quality can we win the and support our customers. forges a brand, the strive to cooperate with friends from all walks of with and make contributions to the of the 電春電氣
PARTERN H LLFromnt ufctpowr ngneesroowr prucserceo mpehesie enegy svis, om rodct etity sericetoveralutis,enngEnehs eerod in hweenidtfo5+yrsadhito a tmervaue ae, antnabdvlopmet oed apcr rgintnton rucad we Forge aha.
IC , 春電氣we have been cmmitted a series uons the fields smart siribued phoviccharging vices, enery storage tems, rogridprttnc.WelookroIn fieldsfintelligntdistribtonnechgingrportatinewenergcsrion,engineerntc., we dro tonet f \"plm, us, nst\"brainhnihieveentsceenerfornce
ZN63(VS1eies oocict ber ia t-phazraeltge of 1kindoor hgr, onrol d potefor dutial d ing eterriepoelats and substins, ecicl failiies, and frequnopeation place. Adoptg Vopratmechanisand crcuit kr inegrte, design be usad insaton unit caso be eqpd with speiaanceismpoitiandcat unit use1. Te ambenatur15℃ - +0℃;hltitde: ≤100M;3. Rehumidity: daily avere it tr t95%, monteg air is not and flammable gas, steam and other sinificant pollution;5. Earthquake intnsity: ≤8 dgree.VS 1 - 12 / □-□-FdRd current(ARatd voltaKesig.Vacuum circuireakerRad shorircut brg curent(BNODONA春Z6V)12Inr Hgh Volgum Cicreake00ZHIAG HHLETRIC CL IM
OVERAIMEN鴻春NG HNGCTRIO, LTD0V-2Inigh Voltage Vacircuit BreakTECHCCFICAONkHzkAV0225026122363560200542100000040000.sO-18s-COsC18sO46791121000630201602025/11.NO.ItemParametersRtltageRaerqntd short-cirut braking curRaterirt wstanurretRaihsturircut coinrren(eaurof rhorrcut curentMchfrequency tleanf the sconry cre (n)ateditioeveRigse vtaolency vlta5o eh/Phas48arse t5/85Tatpeg sncet(ARhort-cuit breairrent(KA)
BIEOOMMY鴻S11aent Magc IoHige Vacum Creke003HEJANCULECTIC CO, LTDEL IMCTONeris c ovauum circut breker is a hee-hae AC 50z, aed volagf 12knoor wtgar, cotrl anprotecton for industral and mnig eterprise, pwer lns asstatiolectrifcilties, and for reueneration paceAdopting VET operating echansm and ircuit breakr ntegrated, dsign can be sas a xed insnit an lso e equippd wih speal advance mechanism, the cposon of hancart uit use.. the aent ttre:-10℃;ltitude: ≤10;3. Rlative humy: aily aeragvalue is not greater than 95%onrage is not greater than 90%;4. Thurroundig ir is ot rammabe gas, team and oer sglluion;5artity: ≤8 degrePerent magneticoperainechanisRhuitbreaking cuk)Rated currenRated voltage(KV)Deo.acrcuit breaker1-/ □-□-Y
ORALL DIENIO春電氣EJIONGN ELECTRIC CO, LT04ECHAPCIFITIS12Pernetc IndoorHgtgcuircuit BeakekVzkAATah/pase to phase42/48h/o ps5/540000O-03sO-80CO0s-O-18CO6301520500125056363125002000 250010830120 16002000 25001001290121040NO.Unitsated voltageRted frencyrcirureakinurrRted sort circut withstand currentted pek withsaentRrtcirclng crntpk)urn of rated srt circuit currentMcnal lfeFruncy toleranhe scondary cuioltag1min)RrrntRted ling impulge tlean1 Mireqency voageRated operainqueRtinsulatioevelime6481/2551.5at(ARd scuireant(
INNIIOMMY鴻春ZN(V7-1iee Munted IndoHgoltge Vaucuit BZHJNCUN ELECTRC CO., LTDEL IMCATS12 smntd cuibrkia d of idor high oltagch deviwhich s used in the Are-pase oer system f freency 50Hrated olage 12KV to be the rotecton nd control nitBeause hspal supeority ocum rcuit breaker, esecilly suitale for apcationthat equire frquent eraton at ed prating current or tiplopen short-ciut brang currenat. It s eseciauitabe to the pce urireqnt opeons. VS1-12 sidemounyuum cicuit er adopts fixed stallaion, hich is inlused n the fixed switchger. t can e used loed in ring network power upply ystem, bx-variable synd non-tandarpowepy ttrol thansmissinistribution line.. the ambienempratre:-2. the altitude000M. Relativmidaily averge value s ot grear 5y aerage iot greater than 90%;4The surrundinar is not croie afammable gassanthiiinolion;ahqke ineni: ≤8 dg.Rated cn(Rad vlag(Vgo.Idor vacurikrRaehot crurkig curent(kA)ZN 63-12 /
VERLL DISIO鴻春電ZHEJIANONGERC CO.00L SPEICAN63B7-12ries SontdorHgh Voltge Vcurci245810121341171821VAKAAAKVVVms/sm/ss0~2515025631153.801100/0±5≤2.±.≤.050080.3ADC 2210NO.ItemUnitsParametersvolageRatedcurrtedshrt-circtrekingcrentRatdshrtciruitconcurenRatekithsadce4atedsot-iwistndcrrentRated operatig sequenceechasm lfRaed operatolosing vltage(DC)d oerator openiotage(DC)ce beeen open cttOverl(Contact springcompson degree)hase polinunimeontact cosunce tAverpening spdloineedCosg tieRatedinsulaton levepeningtmOpeing timf ratehort-circuit braking currentDyamic atatc contct alloo wear a cumule thic1owequenoltageightning Ipulse Wthstad votage (peak)he higesperating volthe lest operaoimTs2(fracture 48)5rar503SCO
IEODIIOUMRY鴻春電氣ZN6(V1)-4Inr Hgogacuut Ba7ZHEJIANG HNHN ELETRIC CO.MEL IMPLCATNZ6S1)2sies hat typindoovacm ircut rkeiltag24V, hre-ase AC 50Hz idor igh-vltge wichger, applopor taisubstial aninenterrises o control or protcon ransision and ditribution sytemspeilly for the important high alitude breakload freqoperatiopae. icuibreaer manufctuing ccordance with ounatonal standard GB194-3 AHIGH VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAERS\", DL/T40-2000> <3.6~40.5KV INDOOR ACUUM RCUIT KER ORDERING TECHNOLY; nd e latd IEC standardand reliable inerlock fuctin. Cirbreakerating mechanism for the pring enery storage tpe, aue AC ane operations, can lso be sed mnuallyCircut breker can be equiped wth lonlifpermaent magnetic actutor, echanical ife can reached 6000can be ued for extremely ent operation pl. Circuit breakr igned trepackage he tucture befoe aafterboth can be used ation unit, can albe qed with thassis asen te mounted uni.Rht cirit breaking currnt(kA). the abient temperate:-140℃;2. the alte: ≤1000M3. Relative humity: daily veragvalue is ot eater tha9%, mly avrge is not greateThe surroundng air is nt ooivnmmae s, stanter sgnicnt plln. Eknnsit: ≤8 dere.ted current(ARatd vlaVesg.ocuiuireerZN 63-2□-
OVRLL DEIO春氣HEJANG HONGLCTRIC CO., LTD0TECHIAL SPFCTIN63(VS)-4Inoigaacuucuiake 1 2 3 4 5 80 112 1 14kVHzAkAksVkVmsmsvmss50200-0.3s-CO-180s-CO12565≤50≤65≤10NO.teoltageRated frequencRteurnted srtirt bkiurntad stiriong crt (ek)Raed sorciuutiatd srcrcuit beanunt breakng timested operating sqenceRatighnmpulse withstand voltage(fraiower fequency wtsoltage(fractueosing timenig tmechanical lifeRatd storage anperation voltagrekig lifeEnetorge tmeTimesimesZN63(VS1)-24/2000-3150(1000 Panel)
ZG 2A12 sees ndoor vcum ict brkes three-phe C 0H, rated vole f 1V idor swicga, oonproectfisind mininenerpise, polns and sstationectiaclite, nfor requt operaiolae1e amnt temeratur: ot higer han +40 not s t0 ℃ (-3rmid sto)2. tite: ≤1000M3. ae udit: ilvrage alue inot ger than 95%mothy aveage s nogretehn 90%atve hidity n erge less thn 2-3Mpa, on vge es tha.81-3The rondg ir s t rrsie afamabe gtam and oteigniicnt pollution;. Erhqake intnsity: ≤8 degee.ated srt-ccutreaing current(KARated operating curent(A)Rtehe hghtperating voltageKV)esign Nondooacuum cirreakrith eletromanetiperatinhansm (B fhe gashellT with spring operatingmeanism (or ceramic sellA\" means suspnsion tpe; \"G\" mens ttionary tye28 □-2/□□□□IENONDIIONSUMY鴻春電氣N28G28A-12s SidrHigh Voltage Vacuum Ciruit Braker09ANOGCHECRC CO., LTDMDEL IMLICATION
ORALIMNSIOHEJIANG HONGCHUN EECTRIO., LTD10TIFICATIONN2Z28A-12Seris Side Monted Idoorigh Volage Vacuum Circuit BrekerKAKAKAKSVV20020010)<8000.3s-COThe pse 42ection 48Te phase 75on 8100026031501.508031.ItemUnitsParametersted voltagRad currenahcircureking crrentRted short-ciuit closinurrentRated damic sey eltc curnpea)Rherl stabilty crent(RMS)ated theratabiity timehe breaking times of rhrt circuit breaking currentpeif CD10 electroantic oprtinechanismated operating sequenceite pwerequency wstand vltage(RMS)Lhock pressureMcanl lfeTimesNote: 20KA, 3.5KA t=0.3s t1=180s 40KA t80180mdefc
ET CNDITNUMMARY鴻/000-31.ndor Higlagcuum Crcuaer01ZHNG HONGCHULCRIO, LTODEL IMPTNN8-0.5 0ees indor vacuucirt breker is a tre-pe C 0H,40.5KV,contand tectin fonduial ad mg enterp, pwer ps atioleccal flit, and fqut operaton plc. uren()Rated volae(KDesgn No.ndoor vcm cruit breaeRated shorrcibreaking crent(kA)1. the ambient temertue:-30℃ - +0℃;2. thlttue: ≤2000M;. Rtive humidiy: daily averagluis not greater ha5%onhlveagot greatehan 90%. Te srrunding aiis ot orosas, team anher significautio;5tquakntenstyr.ZN 85-40.5C
OVELIESIO鴻電氣HJING HNGCUN ELECTRC CO, LT1TCHNICAPIFCTIOZN540.5/2001.ndoor Hgoltage Vauuircuirer 0-sO-ItemRd volagRarencyRated sort-iihstand currentRated pak withstantRted sho-irng curretatehircuit makiurent(peak vale)Rar-circit Continuinimeated oprating suenceBreaknmeed short cicuit burrent tmesinapacr ureaking cMachnery liRaperg voltaine bakbck cctor deRated iultin levelPower frequency wistaltamin (ffective valning imulse withsnd voltage (effctive)VKVHzKAKKAKASmTimTieVA40.59585120600/0005025 31.63 80.563 8C-0.3sCO-180-O8063000AC/DC 10,228823003001104
BIENT CNIOSUMARY鴻電氣-40.52031Idoadcrt Tyacm Cuit Breake13HJAOGCHUN ELETRIC COMODEITIN2.5 sres hcarpe ior vum cireaker thgh vage ed 4vthreephaC 50indhigoltlerical euipmenpto idustril amiig etepressubston ad tansmissin and disrution sstems foontand roteion swtching; particularly suitable for mealury, eletric ac seel-makig idstries, etcfrequent operaion required, as a contol anrotction equipmet.23405 Sries meeB198489AC HGH VLTAGE CRCTT BREAKEtandaent tmperaure:-40℃ - +40℃;2. the altitue: ≤100;3. elativhumiiy: daily arage vaue s nt raer han 95%ony averae is nt gatr ta0%4e suudg ar s t crrosvd amblastntr sificnoluton5thuake intesiegee.ad cuentndatola()CeInor vacuirct braerted sot citurren)Z3-40./ 2000- 1.5
OVERLIENSON鴻電氣HEJIANOGHUN ELCRC C., LTD4CHNIAL SPECIFCIONZ25/000-.5Indandape Vauum Ciruit BeakUnitsParametersed voltagehnder iphtnoltage(pak val)n iustrial freuency withstataeRated fruencyRated currentRad srt-circuit break currentaed sort -circuit withsd currentRated peak value withstand currentRated short duration timeRatehoriruit breakig tted sort crcuit cong curretRperation orTie of cing braime of breaking brakeRated short-circuit current brand cloe timMecanical life-panaed dropout cunt of condenser bankRd pry-storage electric machineRated vt of eergyorage mtrSgimCoing ad oeinolenoid rolOver current tripping device rated centAuxiliary switch rted vage crentKKKHAKAAAmssTimesTmesWVSVAA0.58595501250,160,20049063, 800-0.30-10s-C~80~8501000075AC220, 11<1AC220,11510256331518
ZW81adot vuuinterrupter, ar nuationequpped elc simcaistopetelis ahproducas grextion aiyhh ort-imbreaknes, no fie psdngeresy operae. t is a d pformnce and paicblr.W8-1reaker n stuure adoptree-pe togehepe, ing pie nomng; ad outgg liand he t is drlctric srinhanism lted ie box, ie useer moriorcuance.12 eaker’vacuuinerupter e eraackag, cp ape ad lgiuinl mgntic id contator strute. Ss high aility tut-ofd shor-circit makig cpacity. ZW8-12 has small olue, igt weigt, beatiul outloo. Vcum nterruper and insulatin supporting casig pipe’s cmpact esign, utgoinoning outsie-eedinsiicne ruberit an bsd uer erous her coditions and pollution envirnmntUSRated oltage V ZW8-12 ies vacuucirut breaer e-phase C 50/60utdor hioltage itch uipment, manly used for breking losng rurl norkcity network nd small-scale er system load curret o1Kv, overlad rrentst currnt. Aso, causd fr rual power network asall power yem’s branh switc, is htnd roeewk withul.MMY氣-020Ouoor Hgauuicureakr1ZEJIAG HTRC CO., LT
ORALL DIMENSON鴻OGCHUN ELCTRDTHCAL SPECIFICAIONZ8-30-0Outdooigh VltagacuuircirakerIENT CINMODEL IMPLICATION1. Altith20m, thplateau is ot higher than 4000m.2. Envionmn-3~40℃0℃tepatupcircuit beake3. Relativehumidity:dayavergvaluenotmorehan2.2pa,overage lesa.4. Earthquake inensty: less t.5. Can according to ser reuirements increase letc nti jup.. Wind: ≤ 70Peuvalnt to the wped 34m/s)7. Air pollution level: common grde III, special g8. Available in e thaGB/1022-199specified above nomal environmentalconditions, the user can be resolved in consultatin with the manufacturer.Rated curren(A)Roltage(kV)Design No.Outdooracuum Sho-circuitbreaking circuit(kW 8-12 / RateurePower frequency whaotgLmuhsanoage(peak)Rtehcut brkinurrntRaehririt maing currepak ve)Rateeuence operationsBreaking timf rhortcaking cuchaiciRatd operaWr thicness betweeynamic and static contactorating fracture b2kV630A4kV/48kV75kV/8V20A3s-co-183ies000imesDC220V, A0V>200mParameters080940000
ZW8-1C inellget outdoor hg-otge vacuum ciruit briftr clld teigent akeralied forang, ff od cnt in C three-pse or stem f rd 10-2kV th 50/0Hz, ios uctins of orod short otecn, st braking recio, ape deland auttic eosing, ican o be eqiped with etoodsonnectg (cireaeand dicng wh minatio, heriater clld cmbination ellircbeaker) acdincusequientis illit brer owns er supptself, vaable foremototro, ercs of CT, PT aemote cntrol, cet te requrentf remote contlECIFICION鴻春電氣W8-1/Centelient OutooHigh Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaer17EJIANONGCHUN ELECTRIC CDABIT CNITIONMEL IMPLICATON1Ambnt temertu: - 30℃~+40℃;eight: 2000 m beow. The biggesencmper: nre tha5℃;4he wind pressuno morhan 700 a (quivalnt t34 m/s wind spee;5. Pollution levl: three le;6. Teismic intensity is not more than 8 dgrees.Shot-circuireaking circt(kA)ed current()Aatlse fctionaltagekDeign Noouum ciruit baer ZW 8-12 / 3020
VRALINSION氣HEJIAG HONGCHN ELECRIC CO., LTD8ECHNICAL SPEIFIATION8-/eies Ineligt OtdoorHgh Vltage Vcum CreakrAKsWVSAmsmkv12345.63020.O~180~C35050,16,12.5415~015503~60≤≤070≤2ADC220 110, 24AC/DC204<85±10196~2080~03RateotageRed insulation leRted curentRted short circukinnRaed operatinquenceated srrcut breaing tmesated short ciling currenpeaRted peak withtand currhort time withstand currenturatiof rted srt circuit breakingnime (shunt trip)losing teTal bking triMechal leClosirequencyEnery storator rated iput powerEnergy sge time under rated vltageurrent adjustQdjustDay timeRte cntrol distaneThe number of overgItemUnitsParametersRaterating voltage and sidiary loop rated vage1min PFwthstand voltageLighteinpulsithsoltage(peak)DryWetMaperaing voltageteperating voltagMperaig voltageRated crrentAf rurtTiesTmesTimOurrent rease59051048分儲能儲能-18310已儲未儲能EeciT tyicuit brker oralmensionAoc ct ber oll dn
ECICAION鴻春電W012XDGSeries Oudootuowr Swtcevce019HANG HGCUN ETRIC CO., LTD01DG63-srieigh voage dpor swich devcheeiaefrred as unis cmsed of higacuum icuit brees ad neligent ntroler omposwo prts. Suitbe for AC 50/0zrtd voltKad urrt uto 630A ds, ll he way o the current hn a pwr failure oudevoltae autoaticly swittthher wer sa reble ranconiuiosuplyBoh sht ccuanveurreroeion irlock funion efectively aoids unncessar-load pwer faiure ipact. n e eent of blackouts during the cmon power supply ais, witch deve can comee wttndbower auatic withto esre the lliy nd cuity. so accodine load fr the ichibetween he two owsupples. ariullapplicabo not alothe portant placf er, n important lectrical contrl device o ensure ontnuous pwer upply. As a new generation of novel design, perfect in performance, sfe reliable higdegee of automatin, wide applable scope of the vhe replica dual ower omtswh produt. Prodare designed to ensure that the two ay high votgper uply omlely ilahe smtie with pefct mechl nelecriinteoia reibayo iis of rhgstand aly. TZ12suitable for higr quenfopoer py elbid sauowupctrwer ue, as a dul pweuy systm of ctrl and protietings.Z112XDG eries ltdal ower switch device are wilusd n ol field mine mllrgycheicandurilwayomus mery and so ov dstribution line, indutril and mining entiss, 10Kv lne.
鴻春電氣EJIANG HCULC CO., LTD0ZW10DSerietdohVotage Dul Powr SwitvceMPLated short-circuitbreaking curreA)Rated current(A)Operatincnmated vltageDeign No.Outdoor vacum circuit breakeZW 10-12 /630-2VERALL DENION12567011121151718123NO.UnitsParameters80Rated volaeMx. operating voltageRd cetRatd shrt-iit leaking cutRated short-circut closinrrent(peak)Rated peak wd currentad short-timmin. withstand crentRaperating sequenceMehanical lifeOated short breakiurrentOpeor mechanism rted clng votaeOperator mehanism rated opening voltageetwen opeontactsOer-travelThree phase olooyhnismCotct closing bounce timeverapening speedverage clospeClosg tiThain loestance fr each pDyamid staic contact eosion liRnsn leelCeax. oting voltgMinpring voltage1ihtaltae(ry type)iening ilse wtand vgepeak)13052O3s-022±35.0.7±.01.6.05KAkAKvTsVmmm/sΩ
Z2-series of outdor high volae auum cirer (reinaterred tas rcuit bkerfor a perd of 2 V, eoltage te hehHoutdor powdistibtion ystmIt uses vum arcinnd 6 as ulnmdimis 20-12 te vacciuit beaker f e iprvof rodus. Caet aoed the ntrductin f Japee Tsia SP5 gas al tehnoogy, eionproof, inuating strutr, elig prforme iomts ere made intthe ouvral sealng performne is od, intenl flling oSFgas noleakaeint ffeted y thenvirentTe mituiztin ospnprainmehaisotiztirlibitntbil, te min dive chn nd mulevel blurd out of movng sytemeratig liaility and tability thathe doeic raditional pring perating mechanism for impovmet of e ral time; ntctbtwen e mn shaft and te sleve wth loypbrcelet aducioflaretuctur, the ntact resstncthe main cicuit, ow temperature sSo, ZW0Z12 outdoor column on cuum ccuit brekes a mintenace-free produt. Is that tolumn on circieaker in the beZW20Z-12ZW20-12 also incrased the ver-curent rotection, instituional pring energy storage instructions, d quipped with air otleor secondary electrical cnnectio, easy to bombined witlligent cntroller.xcellent anmechanical performance, make Z20Z-12 outdoor olun on m iwidely ed.ainly used fr ing nd closing to 10 KV power system, d rent and short circuit current, sile fnsformer sustation nd indsrial and miing eterprises for prction and cotrol in pwer dstribtion sstemis more sitale for equnoperation wh power gid.Ths product with the ntroller, it has elent functioof the reclosing, n meet he equements of distribution automation system.ICATIO鴻春20Z-12Series Outdoor HhVoltage Vacuum Circuit Breaer21JACHUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD
鴻ZHEJIANG HONGCHUN EECTR2MODEL IMPNERALL DIMESIONZWdoor HighVoltagacuum CiruirekeRated sorircuit brekinunt(kA)ated currentA)Rated voltage(kV)Mehanism sringesin No.Otdoor vacuuircuirekerZW 2Z / 630 - 0VzAkAkAkATisTieTeskV12506251.5、16、20、231.5、40、632.5、16、20、23.5、40、50、6001000004275214UnitsParametersoltageated frequencyaed currentRated short ciruit breaking crrentRak wihtand current(peak)Rated shtime wthstand curRthort cicit makg current (k vlu)Mcal lBreakng times of rated currentBreaing times of rated short-circuit breakig cure1min PF withstand vltanterse, to earth/fractureighning impulse withstand volt(peak): interphase, relan circuiin power frequency tleranceNeghtOVERALL DESION50+0C idLftng hokanuaoredey hanhkWtotnrgeral socStagnrind snke cechty
FZW28Z2 seres outdoor boundrevcm load i(reifteferd to s FF) ud in te umn instaled siewiutions onanlopration. Swtch ontlogy is itroducd frm Jaan's osiba VSP-12 fritenae lohm rcinSFais appld to minlatig medimZW8Z1es utdobourievuum load witch ae fat etcinprotecon, cntrl and cicaion functos, installd n 0V ins, which careaizthauttc remol single-psarh fault ad autoapicble to 1KVdistrbtioie users inine T or end usrsn aso be ueo mehe reuirements oter branch lie conecion.AIET CODIIOMEMPICTIN. Aint ir tmprauUppr lit o40℃, lwer im40℃.2. Air relve humidi: Daily aveage no greter than 90%; Monhly averae nreaer than 90%.. Altitude: o more halitude of 3000 meters (If need higher altitude, itatd leel accordily).. ir resueNot orthn 70pa e eqialent to 34 m/s wnd s).5eurapont onneciomoe: Neura-poinearthng, eutal oit via rc suppresn coil grouded, neutal oint by the lw ristane gunding.Rated current(A)Rated voltae(KV)MchanismspringDesdeLoacuum circuit breakrFZW 2Z - 630-20Rated sort crcuitreaking current(kA)FICATION鴻春電氣ZW28Zeoounaries Vacum Lad Swich23ZHEJING HHUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD
鴻春ZHEJINONGCHN ECTRIC CO., LTD024VERALL DMESIONAENZW28Z-12eridor Bondaries Vacuum Loawitch42/834UnitsParametersRaoltageRncyRateurenttehort-time withstand current and drationRatd shotcircuit csing currentechanicaieNt WeihtRatedinsulan lever1mn power freqncy wtanvoltage (ase, to earth, frctue)Lighustand voltageinterphas, to earth, frate)KVZAKATmeskVDryWet75/85503012.5, 16, 2031, 40010000210φm368ilsg dcAvatoluContreenuaopening hleMallosdleO & C IationPorcelain setsof cabltl closing nulMualp
Z32-12 modl outdoor auum iruid(heinfr rerreo s icudevceiRatd voltag2V, theepae A5Hutoor ttn eqen. And Shorcircit cuent. Fthe ain brek, wheclosing tpowesystem lod curnt, overarrent Ad hcuitAd ntial nmining terpes the sbstator pwstibuton sem fr e protecion ancntrprpssAd frequt opeatin of ruwer rid place. he circuit eie isml, Weight lghtani-nensio, ntenacefreaure, cn ato pwter dition and diry evironet.anet mantism operatig mechanstyp, ince thermanenmagnetism opratng mechanism is proieby ermaet agnet prtctinkep the switch in thclosig positionhe dereae in he number mehanical p, echicransmission chhortenedugrety mprointe relabliy nd ecanical fe of th.. Ambient ir temprature: Upper limit of +40℃, lowr limiof -42. Wind speed: no more than 34m/s;3. Altiud: No more tn altitue o300 mtrs (f ned igher alttude, its rated lvecordingly).4. Air pollution levels: no more tn IV;5. Tsrounding air inocoroe anflmmable gas, team anr sicant pllution;Raed currentted voltgeesign NO.dooacum cicuit breakPemanet mnetismpertng maispeated srt ccuitbreakig curretZ W 32YCAMT CNIIMEL IMCAIOECFATIONPneetOtoor Vacuum Circt Breakr025JIANHUN ELECRC COD有限公司浙江博時達電氣有限司
VHAKAKmva1o eart、pase tha2 Fre 48xraln 34o ea、hrate 852.5/6/2031.5/40/50.5/40/520-.3-80s250/15~50310000C22/AC225±0ItemParametersed vlgeRaed frequencyRated currentated short-rcuit breanurrntRated short-crcuilsed crrent (peak)ated peak withstand creRated shotithstad curren(s)Rated operating sequenceswitch on/openinimted st brakng creninimesMechanism lifeted operating voltage and auxiy crcuit rated votaOvercurrntrtrol circut and ailiary cit 1 mr freqy withstand voltagRatednsulation leel1owrequencywithstaoltageryWetLighnimpulse withtnd vtge (eak)imesTimes0630atd currTg current precisin鴻春ZHEJIANG HONGHUN ELECTRIO., LTD26OVERALL DIMNOVERALL DIMENSION2Peranent Magneticutdoacuum CirrerglolelnstaioCotnr sSne poensiinod s
ZW43-12()/630-2seriePeaeneutdooacm iribrekeerinfter rferred ts ermaent get switgeire a, ratole 12KV, AC 50HZ utdohigh-ltage witgear. Magnet stch is manly usas 10V substtin outlt switchaKV thre-phC elyselsg ad onig hod currenbreag an ove-currnd socicuit urrof lnrotectin swithBreein ie ih GB1982003 HIGVOLACIRCUTBEKERS>,DLT0-07IGH-VOLTAEACRCTBREERERINGTECHNOLGYnDL/3200<2K-405HIGOAVACUUMCICTREAKERORERINGTEHNardPRODUCT FEATURMagnetic wtch s onsider of thepartsthe acum wich body, single sablperaet agetic acuator and ntellgnt ontroler, ihas ide ranof cmplex anfleible actoprogram emode, wih hih reliabily ad serityiwih control ad potetiouctions of the new \"mchtrnicsmrt hghvotae switchgar.EICTIN電氣W412(G)/M630-20Odoor High Voltage PeranentMagnet Vacuum Circuit Breaker02HJIACHUN ELECTRC CO, LTD
鴻氣ZHEJIANG HNGHUN ECTRIC CO., LTD0283-12()/M63-2Outdooigoltage Permanentagnet Vacuum Circit BreakerMBIENT CONDITIONMEL IMCATO1. Thit tpre iom -0℃ t40℃.t exceedng 300m.3. Aipressurotmorehan700P(quivalendelocity34m4. Allutver is nt more tever 4.. Ie thicknes is leshan 1m.. Nire, explsion, chemical corroon and sharp saed curent(A)eranent magnet systemith disconnectorRated voltage(V)Des.tacakrRated short-circuibreakng crent(kA)Z W 43-1M 6320ECHNAPECFICION15623145111VkAASSA24434/856300S-C305000.0406000~0.10.0000.2~2.50%05±10%.50±10%50.5~8A/DC20110AC/DC220,110UnitsParametersted voltageRd currentatehort-circuireaing currentRd operatioequencepening times of red short-circuit braking crrentRd shoruit closing cur)Raeeak withstand currentd short-time withstd currentThe duration of ratd short circuitechfeRated closing operatoltageated opening oeraton voltageurrent setting multipleing current toleranceDeay sng veLtency toleranceurrent settinltipleSetnt tlercDy setnalueLrancRaing vaue Fluctuation rninim(from thonronit receives a comd to tpenhree-Phasontcperaioime)Clog tme(from tontrnit reves a command to the opening of the tePhase cotact csure tme)Ratedinsulation level1min PFwtstand vtageLitening impulse withstand volteak, intaefactre)DWetver currentprotectioInstantaneous ovecurent protectionAC input currencging cntol untOVAL DIMNIO344025826800760分0280±1.5280±1.54×15×2Inse806160
N3-24 tpe outdoohgh vlte acirit brer ereifr rfeed tas ircuibreakers hree hase, aed lge 4V5HZ uoochear. Suitable for peniand cing all sorinure loaurnt anfrequent oation casn,pply to costruction and oatiothe ity n, rurmig, aner lctrial equipme. Thioduct ito adsrvacor orein teoloyased on te dometcalpodcd aw mateals ad poce, sucessul dvlopment sutd o hnanational cndiios 24KV utdr hgltage swtchgea. Caed wih the internatonasimilar produs ith miniturztio, free antenance, intelligeec, at the ame ie thouct othe suunnvnnpollutin-ree, green envirometal protectooc. B-203 <higholtage AC crct reakes>, L/T402-2007<hgh-otagAC ccuit breaes orering tehnoo> and D/T403-00<2KV405 higvoltaum circuit bakerng techology > ad othr tchncal sad.1.Tshels madof ig-qalty tanlesel or rdinry tel e after daro ti-rust treatment processspray with polish resistance to Urnsh, aicoroive proucts, slt fog resistant etc. Eelent ristance tnvironmental performance.2.AG enclosed a couusnsilibr ainnatainslinbr, smalue, eellent ondenation resistnc, lng wking life, relibln pmace..ing mechanisfothe spring oertig mecanism, which has o kinof manuaand electric, when eed caadd remote trol evice to vid switcing device.Requirment power supply source funcion is not grea0 atbe ippeh ackuer supplyiue design of the buffer device, excellent pormancesmreboud, lose.4.rcncmbr dopsel tiless seel bazing echnoogy, witut plati, igh eiqaliyste nreliallkae ratProcs uithsal eramietlzion forma ad dvaced aietlzain ocss, ensure that the product'iihs, tensiltngh ieaeh30 m, cmle a rw.Crrernomersmdohiuliymgeicmterialandepoxresinanslconerbbercopiteinutngmaterals,halargecapaity,ultleynaicermalstablrecisgrademaiteanceree,Highrelty,OCT FEATUREIFICTONs Outdoor HighVoltge Vacuum Crcuit BakerHEJIANG HGERIC CO., LT江浙江博時達電氣有限公司
ZHEJIANG HONGCHUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD30MBIENT CNDITIONMODEL IMPLICIONTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONOVRALL DIMENSIONW32-24eries Outdor HVoltaacuum Cuit BreakerRtd shrt cicuit reaking curenk1. The abient tmperature is from -40℃ to +2. Air eative umiDaaverage no greater than 95%; Montage nreater than 93lte noxceeding 30m.. Aipsurenotmrethan70(equivaliity /s).. Allution lever iot more tan lever 4.6. Ice tckness iess than 1mm.. Nre, elosionhemical corrosiond sharnaesRaurrent(A)Spring control mechanismated vage(kV)ign No.OutVacuum circuit breakerZ W 32-24 / □-□134670112kVAkkAkkAskVkAkg2450630250204225362503s-O-1802/65679125451ParametersReageRed frequencyated curntRicireaiurenRated peak withstand currenpkRatehrulosing cent(peak)Rhort-tmithstand cnnd duaioetoeuneMecicl lifBrakng tief rd sht-circukg crtihtng ipuse wthtanlgepever te grunrp/rctreegt1n powqenywihtnd voltae(we) oer the gnhs/faur(ryvr throundinterphfractureSecondaroopimesimes6870015133分059316W3/T vuurit brarZW2-GT vaccut brea
WitolatioRatd crretpig mhsRatd voltDesgn N.OudooacuucircuieaerW 3-2 /63-0 anrtgD elecc opratingRated short circuenrent. bt apera: Ur ii4ler mit of -40℃;2. Wind speed:msatteccrily).4ir pluiovs: no man IV;. Tesrndintcroadammbasteanthiaolnce thknee thn 10.ZW2l ouor cciut vc(heinr efeeo iruit vi) iRege 2KVhrhe AC 5outstribuiouimewhih is anly applicablto rekngswicof n crevrauthrruurnt , mutbrqnprn paes ut rr abcih htolthrcn, ee heoe rlre eigre omao, te \"e cnrntn。NIOEL ILICFICATI-12or Vacuit BkerZHEIONHULECD
鴻ZNG HONGCHUN E32HNICAL SPCIFICATIONOVERL DIMENSIONWm Circuit BakerKVVzAKAKAAAs1206256/0500200-03-C0-180sC025~5/503010000000DC22ItemParametersated frequeted curreaeoraing centaed sht-it courpeak)Rad pak witnurnRad sr-iihsd cur4ted oerg scein/ping tRhraurrenreaimesechanifeRated operting volage and auxiliaircuit ratgeTtrol circuit ad auxiliary circuit 1 mn poweeency withstanoleRed voltagatdinslon lemin pwer fquencywithtanoltgeDWLgng iiopeak)ver-currenttripperRated currentrippinurrrecisionTimesTimesTo earth、phase to phas2 Fture 48eernal ilation 34To earth、pase tha5 Facture 8
ZW8-2(G)/T cicuit breker tre phA5Z odor high vole swichgar, ainly used or 12KV sm of ruaelctrc ntoanty e, fr reng and closing load crrentocennd shrcentaled ohr siaacRatd short-cuit breietA)teurent(ig conl sstatn kRateolageOtorVacuum circuit breakrZ W 8-1/ T 30-□ODEATIONFICATIN81/TigageAc Vacum Circuit Breakr33ZHENG HHN ELRO.D有限公司浙江博時達電氣有公司博氣有公司
13567801214AVkVk1302/875505020253635404016301003ItemUnitsolageRaroquencithstantageLightmpulse witort circuit breaking currentRated sorrculosng crent Rated pithand crrnts raed sht timitstand currentRated operation sequenceing times of rated short-circuit breaking curegted volgeOver crenelase rad curtDynamiaic cntact alowd to arsion thation voltae wihscpring oing mchanispeng coiloing coilTime0.SC-18S-ODC/AC 20鴻春EJING HONGCHUN ELECTIC CO., LTD034TECHNICAL SPICATIONVERALL DIMENSIONZW8-12(GOgh Vt Bkr236113157810860564-Φ180eg bake bfferhase rottin3-Bea-be rdreabrke sing-Inulatinenson poe6-oncinevr-oact srg8-othush rd9-ynmic ed bract10Fexboligaum ac dlt-Sc end backet3insuatg cve4Bx1uet tsome1ndutng rod
ECIFICATIO鴻Z7-4.uoor Vcum Cicuit Brk5ZHJIANG HONCHUN ELECTRC C., LTD江電氣公司W(wǎng).eitdr hioltage acuum circuit-brs hree hae, rad voage .KV, A0Hystily usr beaking anlosod crver cunt anrAIN FUNCTIcuurcing, high breaing ality, long electril endrcical le 1000 ti.2. Simple constructioaitence-freintnae cyng3. Good insulation perfomanc, gooreveih ability.4. Can mtch ring or elecromagneoperatinecnis, mhany d, eratiNo fire osion risk5. Built-in current tmed trutl proctinuilt-istroller, crcuit breakers caininet a cetain tly.AMBIENT CNDITIONMODEL IMPLICATIN1. Ambient emperature: Upper limit of +40℃, r limit of -30℃;2. Wnd speed: no m4m/;3e:Nomorethtudeof20meter(Ifneehigheral, is rad level ay)4r ptin lelso me than III;. Maxmm Tmprtre dfferne:t morha5℃.Rated currentRated voltageDesigOutcuum cicuicircuitbreaking currentZ W 7-40/0
鴻ZHEIAG HOCHN EECC C, LTD036TEHNCAL SPEICAIONOVALL DIMENION7.Otoocuit B678911311171101cAAS/sms1250、63、8020、25、31.541.5±0.20.7±0.2≤2≤1510D214c0、10、24≤10380135kAkA40901250、10、2025、3,ParametersRated volaReurrntRaouit baing curenceRated shotcikig currt beaing timesRated shicit ceurreakted peak wthstand currenth-tme wthtaureRated shrcuit duraionArge onng seedAvalosinpeedContaclosing bounce dationThee pse cnd opening synchronspening timeClosing timeMPhasC resistance (without current trmer)Periteccuuae wa-ths oynamnd static contateightated opang vltage and auxiliary lop roltageO-0.3s-Cs-CO1in power fquncihstand voltageRatednsulationlevelightnng impulse wthaoltapk)dywete
ECIFICATIN鴻春電氣GN-1noih Voltgiscnnect Switch37ZEIANOGCHUN ELECTIC CO, LTDN1-12 seriehigh tae iconnewich alto pom ovolg2KV50Ht is upped with -mal otg niautbreaad make t uner no-load but with voltage. There arditol pment type, hgh atudnd elerifed diaAMBIENT CONDITIONICIO1. the altus thn 1000M;2. the ambienemperature: -25℃-+. the relative hmidiy of ai: monthly≤90%ail4. the wirssur: ≤700Pwh sped 34s);5. ampitude: earthquke degree 86. Applichld free from fire, inflammables, explosives, corrosivevbr1. Scientific aniable den.2. Large clarance betating powPRUCRated thermal stabitThrougte-alodeRed voageDeign NIdDcnect swith G N 19-12 C / □-□
鴻春電氣HEJIOCHUN ELCTIC CO.D038ENICAL SPECIFICATIOVELL DEONGN-diotage Dont SwichGN19-2/002.5GN2C/100-31.5GN19-12C/1250-4012121400600012501201.50350800ModelRated4s thermalstabilitycurrent (KV)DynamicCACGN9-1/04431N9/44621×4192/694311604664-×4191/00G1/151418×291148-18×2G1-2
GN3012M series rotary inoor high voage snnt swich is a ew type of tocrtatinknife ype isconnct swich, hmaituctre n tre pae chassis of the upand owwlatixed sf nslor ad tctby rting contorelize the die anombe te swit. swch in hs of GN32 switch ncreases h thooernnie, an met ternt por ssmThis duct depall ootprint, insulg ability is stro, eay ieformane meet G198589 <AC High Voltage Isolating Switch and Earth Switch> requirements. Alse to tolt0KV AZ and thlloing indoor systems, as in the cases with voltage wi, for opng current. It cae useith high voltage swich ct, alsan bsele.ANPRODUCT FEA. the alttud0M;2. the ambient temperature: -10℃ -+40℃;3. the relative hir: monthly≤9maree 8;6. Acation occasions should frfom fie, inaables , sives an1ieifigd invtie strcue.2Contatnps itn o le, ll opeaing momentneesssusmaadeasadjusmen3. Imprved diing and codmandcreeoerainaiity of cruit conduton.PECIFICTIONndoor HVary Disconnet Sitch39HEJANCULCRC C.
ated sort-time withstand currgesign NIdooriconnet switch ODEL IPLIATO□-鴻CHUN ELECTRIC CO., LTDGN3012Series Indoor HVRotay DsctECHNICAL SPECIFICATON12/40-12G00-12.5N30-12/630-2312/6-2N0121001.5GN30-12D/1000-31.301535GN3-D/12-310015320155041100025031.58ted Voltage(KV)Rated Current(ARaed shote wstand currentKAated short-ccit duatoS)ateak wtand cnt (RatdinltinglevelLightning impulse withstaltKn.PF withstand vltage(KVPhase to phase/to earth:75、across opontacs:85Phashas/tarth:42、across open contacts:48OVEALL DNSION003AtInstalatfoaG0-GN30-2/14030A00A2A0A 630100A250ACACACABCABC~565580332580~29~55~61~24~57~61~24~58~60~29
AMBIENT CONDTIONDEPLITN1. The alttude: ude00M;2. Thmienemperatue:-25℃-+40℃;3. The rlativuiitironhl0%, daly≤9%4. The wind pssure: ≤70PA(iems5. Ampituartue6pplin csions sourfreflammespliveorrsvs and severatic aale des.2rancwees3. Small optinwr ad semc.PROUCT FEATUREeaaiuaed curPnthe-wll moaed voltageDesign No.IndoorDisconwih1GN1-12 eries indoor high votage iconnect sto hivtage itch equies, apes ter syem f rated voltaC 50Hz nd less than it system, it is equipped with CS6mauoeratinmeism anis used to eak ad make ciuit under n-load but with voltage. Thee additonapolution atment ype, high altitdye and electrifielay.CIFICATION-12Ss Indoor HVRict Stch0ANG HCLIC C, LT
19-12CM/40-.GN19-12CM/630-20GN19-12CM/131.5N112M25-4021221260100250.2031.531.5501004381172021700521VELL DIMSIONModelRatedCurrent(V)current (KV)current(KA)aeg85 width 150 thcss 5ZHEJIANG HONGCHUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD042GN30-1ies IdooVRotarsitcN