Yongzheng Six-Character Mark and of the Period (1723-1735)12 cm wide來源:史提芬·瓊肯三世紐約佳士得,2003 年 9 月 18 日,拍品編號 367藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:Stephen Junkunc IIIThe property of a ladyChristie's New York, 18 September 2003, lot 367The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong粉彩花卉紋石榴尊「大清雍正年製」六字二行楷書款HKD: 700,000-900,000Harmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection
雍正官窯中出現(xiàn)多聯(lián)瓶,其成形難度遠(yuǎn)高於普通瓶式,充分體現(xiàn)了御窯廠高超的製瓷水準(zhǔn)與別出心裁的創(chuàng)造力。拍品造型敦實可愛,三瓣花口外翻,短束頸,或綻放,粉紅色花朵色彩嬌嫩,渲染自然,姿態(tài)婀娜。一旁有小枝鵝黃色花朵虞美人花先以玻璃白打底,花瓣邊緣暈染少許胭脂紅,表現(xiàn)出立體質(zhì)感?;ㄈ~陰陽向背富有變化,而又以設(shè)色深淺以凸顯明暗,繪製之精工高妙,後世官清陳瀏著《陶雅》曰:「粉彩以雍正朝最美,前無古人,後無來者,鮮豔奪目」。雍正粉彩有鮮而雅、粉而柔的特點(diǎn),色彩層次豐富多變。雍正皇帝對瓷器製作、設(shè)計講究嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),雍正朝宮廷作坊中凡有花卉題材,均是工筆寫真,形神具佳,栩栩如生,為雍正一朝粉彩器的代表作。故宮博物院藏有一件清雍正粉彩花卉紋碗,圖載《故宮博物院藏清代御窯瓷器》卷一下冊,圖 84,(附圖一),其所繪花卉紋樣與拍品相似,運(yùn)筆及色彩控製亦相似,可對比參考。附圖一:故宮博物院藏正面(一)正面(二)
Yongzheng Six-Character Sealmarks and of the Period (1723-1735)Each, 13.7 cm wide來源:藝德堂,香港The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong「大清雍正年製」六字三行篆書款款識HKD: 80,000-120,000USD: 10,256-15,385Harmonious Flames of Majesty似舟,遂以茶船或茶舟名之?!讹嬃鼾S說瓷》雲(yún):「承杯之此對茶船精麗小巧,形似獨(dú)木小舟,做工秀雅,造型自然,壁船身兩側(cè)各繪一條礬紅行龍,船頭尾兩顆火雲(yún)寶珠相對,附圖一:清乾隆 青花礬紅彩雲(yún)龍紋舟形洗《清代瓷器賞鑒》,圖 244
Yongzheng Six-Character Sealmark and of the Period (1723-1735)18.3 cm diam.藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:Hong Kong青花蓮?fù)邪藢毤y高足碗「大清雍正年製」六字三行篆書款1073款識USD: 15,385-23,077拍品器形敦實,胎體較厚,侈口深腹,高圈足,足壁起一道六字三行篆書款。拍品與故宮博物院及瀋陽故宮花瓷器》,頁 64-65,圖 24 及《瀋陽故宮博物院藏文物精的亦燒造些」,拍品也應(yīng)為此類厚胎品種。就因用蓮花喻佛所說教法的清靜微妙而得名的。Ming and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection
Kangxi Six-Character Mark and of the Period (1662-1722)藝德堂,香港The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong清康熙黃地綠彩花鳥紋碗「大清康熙年製」六字二行楷書款1074款識USD: 19,231-25,641黃地綠彩為明清官窯的名貴品種,在宮廷御用瓷器中等級較高,(附品種相同,圖見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系—雜花鳥紋臥足碗內(nèi)壁無紋,外壁以綠彩填繪數(shù)只喜鵲嬉戲於碩果累累的桃錐刻紋飾,入窯高溫?zé)蓾メ幔┘狱S綠彩釉二次燒成。附圖一:故宮博物院藏明嘉靖 黃地綠彩花鳥紋臥足碗Harmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器
Yongzheng Four-Character Sealmark and of the Period (1723-1735)18.5 cm wideChristie’s Hong Kong, 27 April 1997, lot 727Christie's London, 16 November 1998, lot 236The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong清雍正爐鈞釉菊瓣壺「雍正年製」四字二行篆書款1075款識HKD: 500,000-700,000USD: 64,103-89,744Harmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection來源:香港佳士得,1997 年 4 月 27 日,拍品編號 727倫敦佳士得,1998 年 11 月 16 日,拍品編號 236
本品為宮廷御用茶壺。扁圓壺身,短流寬口,倒把渾圓。通體呈菊瓣式,器形以壺腹為分隔線似將上下兩朵菊花合二為一,上如覆菊,下似仰菊,又稱「合菊壺」。壺身與器蓋之菊瓣,瓣瓣相吻,扣合緊密,上下印對,毫厘不差。通體菊瓣筋紋均為 32 道,蓋口及底心花蕾為 16 瓣。俯視之,層層相疊,恰似菊花綻放。器身橫向呈扁菊之態(tài),正向成瘦菊之形,恰如「橫看成嶺側(cè)成峰」之妙喻。壺底菊瓣形圈足,足心設(shè)菊瓣式開光,陰刻「雍正年製」四字篆書款,將壺身翻轉(zhuǎn)而視,即呈現(xiàn)年款置於菊花瓣式宜興壺一件,奉?做木樣交給年希堯,照此欵式做均窰將霽紅霽青釉色燒造,欽此」(附圖一)。由此可知,拍品此類茶壺應(yīng)為雍正七年,在世宗皇帝欽命監(jiān)督下,以宜興紫砂壺為原型而製。(附圖二),圖見《荊溪朱泥·明清宜興朱泥壺研究》,圖 48。據(jù)清康熙三十四年,於琨《重修常州府志》刻本中記:「壺則宜興有茶壺,澄泥為之……香盤、十錦、杯子等物,精美絕倫,四方皆爭購之。」清吳梅鼎 (1631-1700)《陽羨茗壺賦》亦雲(yún):「菊入手而疑芳」,皆為描寫合菊式紫砂壺之語,此式壺形端莊俊雅,紋路流暢自然。景德鎮(zhèn)御窯廠在仿燒時,擴(kuò)大了壺嘴底部與壺身的銜接面,壺身菊瓣形筋紋弧度更為平緩,視覺上重心靠下,更顯另據(jù)雍正十年正月《賞用底薄》中錄:「十四日……賞敖牛特王敖齊裏:附圖一:雍正七年八月初七日《各作成附圖二:清康熙 合菊式朱砂壺做活計清檔》中相關(guān)記錄爐鈞釉菊瓣壺
房存雍正年款:……均釉菊花瓣壺二件……共壺三十件傳去四件現(xiàn)存二十六件」(附圖三、四)。皆有留存。仿鈞釉菊瓣壺可見四例,其中館藏兩例,分藏於故宮博物院和中國國家博物館,圖載《故宮博物院藏清代御窯瓷器》卷一下冊,圖 142;及《中國國家博物館館藏文物研究叢書 -瓷器卷·清代》,頁 92-93,圖 59。另兩例,其一配純金蓋,曾刊在《收藏家》雜誌,2005霽藍(lán)釉菊瓣壺可見兩例,一例先後售於香港蘇富比 1982 年 5 月 18 日,拍品編號 291;香港蘇富比 2005 年 5 月 2 日,編號 673;及北京 2019 年 6 月春拍,拍品編號 5397,581。中國國家博物館藏有一件魚子綠釉菊瓣壺,無款,圖見《中國國家博物館館藏文物此式壺還可見乾隆朝作品,參考一綠釉例,無款,售於紐約佳士得 2013 年 3 月 21-22日,生遞藏,後售於北京 2019 年春拍,拍品編號 5395,當(dāng)時成交價為 29,900,000人民幣。載了菊花的藥用功效。宋代起,上至宮廷,下至民間,「賞菊」活動漸興,而後發(fā)展為民俗節(jié)日—圖表一 - 一圖表一 - 二附圖四:光緒三十年十二月立《梨花伴月收存不在印檔瓷器清冊》中相關(guān)記錄中相關(guān)記錄
附圖七:故宮博物院藏《雍正行樂圖》冊頁之「東籬賞菊」(局部)見於屈原《離騷》:「朝飲木蘭之墮露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英」。自此,菊花便被視為剛正不阿,不趨炎附勢的象徵。之後陶淵明成為最大悠然見南山」等,從詩中可以感受到詩人對於塵世的超脫和對自然的熱愛。故而淵明之後,菊遂為文人雅士之精神象徵,寄寓隱逸高予菊花之形化之於器物之上始於宋代金銀器和漆器,後為瓷器所摹仿。宋人追求「平淡」之美,崇尚典雅質(zhì)樸、嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)含蓄的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格,故宋代陶瓷裝飾中的菊花紋比較寫實,捨棄過多修飾,以切實還原(附圖五),館藏編號:故 00145380,通體為 14 瓣菊花形,以簡潔、規(guī)整之式模擬菊花形狀,這與當(dāng)時的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格相契合。明代後少見,參考同館所藏一件明永樂青花纏枝蓮枇杷紋菊瓣碗,館藏編號:新 00077158。雍正皇帝鍾愛菊花,懷揣著如陶淵明那般閑雲(yún)野逸的文人情懷。胤附圖五:故宮博物院藏宋 哥窯青釉菊瓣式盤館藏編號:故 00145380附圖六:故宮博物院藏明永樂 青花纏枝蓮枇杷紋菊瓣碗附圖八:故宮博物院藏清雍正 粉青釉菊瓣瓶館藏編號:故 00152008附圖九:故宮博物院藏:清雍正 十二色菊瓣盤禛尚為皇子之時,逃避太子之位的紛爭,幽居靜養(yǎng),自號「破塵居士」,使胤禛深悟菊花之蘊(yùn)意,並與之結(jié)下不解之緣。登基以後,雖置身二十餘件,堪稱一絕。同時,雍正皇帝還擬取菊之形態(tài)美感,凝練於
Qianlong Six-Character Sealmark and of the Period (1736-1795)36 cm high倫敦佳士得,1985 年 6 月 17 日,拍品編號 482紳士收藏香港佳士得,2003 年 10 月 27 日,拍品編號 666藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:Christie’s London, 17 June 1985, lot 482The property of a gentlemanThe Yidetang collection, Hong Kong清乾隆「大清乾隆年製」六字三行篆書款1076款識HKD: 2,000,000-3,000,000USD: 256,410-384,615A Magnificent Turquoise-Ground Famille Rose 'Eight Buddhist Emblems' VaseHarmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection
乾隆皇帝好賞瓷品,督陶官唐英苦心經(jīng)營,御窯廠彙集名工巧匠,不方可得如拍品般制式宏大、繁麗富貴之作。制大氣磅礴。通體罩施松石綠釉為地,口沿至頸部描繪如意雲(yún)瓔珞紋、蕉葉紋及夔鳳紋。腹部以粉彩飾纏枝蓮八吉祥圖案,體現(xiàn)出極豐富寶傘、白蓋、蓮花、寶瓶、金魚、盤長結(jié)組成,象徵佛教威力的八種物象,至乾隆時,其宗教意味漸失,純?yōu)橄槿饒D案。八個佛教圖案穿插在纏枝蓮紋之間,圖案看似隨意安放,實則佈局嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),花葉互不重疊,分佈平均,不鬆不緊,視覺上平衡勻稱,設(shè)計精巧,令人讚歎。整器造型規(guī)矩,所施彩釉明快,色澤妍麗,華美而考究,別出心裁,光彩輝耀,致為珍罕。本品殊勝之處在於,以製瓷之技藝仿金屬胎掐絲琺瑯器的效果,以瓷複製,艱難不易。以松石綠釉摹仿景泰藍(lán)之色地,以金彩勾勒替清乾隆附圖二:臺北故宮博物院藏館藏編號:故瓷 004542附圖三:臺北故宮博物院藏清乾隆 粉彩綠地番蓮紋瓶館藏編號:中瓷 005121廠在仿古仿生等創(chuàng)新領(lǐng)域達(dá)到巔峰,創(chuàng)燒出仿石釉、仿木釉、仿珊瑚等仿生瓷釉,正如邵蟄民在《增補(bǔ)古今瓷器源流考》中所評:「清瓷彩色至乾隆而極,其彩釉之仿他物者亦以乾隆為最多最精。如仿綠松石、花崗石及象牙、珊瑚者,亦足與真物相抗衡」。?掐絲琺瑯一般是在金、銅胎上以金絲或銅絲掐出圖案,再填上各種顏色的琺瑯顏料,之後再經(jīng)焙燒、研磨、鍍金等多道工序,才製成各式精美的琺瑯器,於明景泰年間成名。待至清代,康熙帝致力於開拓畫琺瑯技法,而雍正帝素愛淡雅,在位期間對於繁縟的掐絲琺瑯器並未著力發(fā)展。雍正十三年唐英撰《陶成紀(jì)事碑》中也並無記載瓷仿銅胎拍品即為一件仿銅胎掐絲琺瑯器與粉彩完美結(jié)合的成功之作。以松石綠釉為地,施以金彩描繪紋樣骨骼,線條如遊龍般蜿蜒流轉(zhuǎn),勾勒出鎏金掐絲的立體質(zhì)感。紅、黃、綠三彩釉色凝練深沉,恰似掐絲琺瑯器歷經(jīng)歲月摩挲後的醇厚包漿,盡顯宮廷藝術(shù)的莊重氣象。縱觀乾隆朝御瓷,運(yùn)用此法,俱為品格不凡者,足見此件作品之罕有珍貴。相同裝飾者參考一對臺北故宮博物院藏清乾隆湖綠地粉彩花卉梅瓶,館藏編號:故瓷 004542(及故瓷004543,外壁裝飾纏枝花卉紋,未見八寶,底足落乾隆篆書金款。另外同館收藏一件粉彩綠地番蓮紋瓶(附圖三),館藏編號:中瓷 005121,同為仿景泰藍(lán)器且書寫金款者,外壁繪番蓮紅蝠紋,可對比參考。附圖一:乾隆五十年正月初二日《九江關(guān)呈貢檔》中相關(guān)記錄附圖四:北京拍賣會,2010 年 12 月 5 日,拍品編號 4685 清乾隆 松石綠描金粉彩換掐絲,匠心獨(dú)運(yùn)。紅黃綠三彩尤見景泰藍(lán)之本色,而寶相花紋,
附圖五:香港蘇富比,2010 年 10 月 7 日,拍品編號 2132 清乾隆 孔雀藍(lán)地粉彩纏枝花卉八吉祥圖雙如意耳瓶(成交價:40,980,000 港幣)附圖六:香港蘇富比 2013 年 10 月 8 日,拍品編號 201 清乾隆 松石綠地粉彩折枝花卉福壽延綿雙龍耳瓶(成交價:15,040,000 港幣)附圖七:香港嘉德 2024 年 10 月 8 日,編號 1327 清乾隆 松石綠地粉彩桃紋蓋罐(成交價:25,830,000 港幣)附圖八:故宮博物院清宮舊藏清乾隆 綠地粉彩勾蓮螭耳瓶附圖九:故宮博物院清宮舊藏清乾隆 綠地粉彩折枝花卉紋葫蘆瓶類,底落金款,成交價為 13,440,000 人民幣。香港蘇富比2010 年 10 月 7 日售出一件孔雀藍(lán)地粉彩纏枝花卉八吉祥圖雙如意耳瓶(附圖五),拍品編號 2132,該器曾入戴潤齋收藏,腹部主題紋飾與拍品極為相似,裝飾一對如意耳,底亦落金款,當(dāng)時成交價為:40,980,000 港幣。還可參考一件松石綠地粉彩折枝花卉福壽延綿雙龍耳瓶(附圖六)紋飾與拍品有異,頸部裝飾雙龍耳,同為金彩底款,當(dāng)時成交價為:15,040,000 港幣。本司於 2024 年 10 月 8 日售出一對松石綠地粉彩桃紋蓋罐(,同為瓷仿掐絲琺瑯者,曾屬胡惠春舊藏,外壁飾桃紋,成交價為:25,830,000 港幣。故宮博物院兩支清宮舊藏乾隆瓷瓶,亦可與本品比對:綠地勾蓮螭耳瓶,器形簡潔,瓶身繪仿掐絲琺瑯纏枝花卉,與拍品相似,底書金彩款;葫蘆式瓶,短頸無耳,散飾仿掐絲琺瑯折枝花卉,卻欠八寶紋樣,且署紅彩篆書款,與本品有別,全錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集琺瑯彩粉彩》,圖版 119 及 115
Xuantong Six-Character Mark and of the Period (1908-1911)藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong清宣統(tǒng)粉彩吉祥如意蘭草紋渣斗「大清宣統(tǒng)年製」六字二行楷書款1077款識HKD: 50,000-70,000USD: 6,410-8,974A Famille Rose 'Orchid' Zhadou拍品品種與香港中文大學(xué)文物館藏品(附圖一)相同,館藏承圈足。全器以粉彩為飾,內(nèi)壁繪癩瓜翠竹圖,外壁頸部繪福壽、芙蓉秋蟲兩層紋飾。腹部四組圓形開光內(nèi)書金彩「吉祥如意」,並間以折枝蘭花,上下搭配如意頭紋和變
Qianlong Six-Character Sealmark and of the Period (1736-1795)26.6 cm diam.環(huán)球藝術(shù),香港,1996 年 8 月 15 日藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:Fred Lee Antique, Hong Kong, 15 August 1996The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong粉青釉外模印內(nèi)暗刻花卉紋碗「大清乾隆年製」六字三行篆書款1078款識HKD: 180,000-220,000USD: 23,077-28,205A Moulded and Incised Celadon-Glazed 'Floral' BowlHarmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器
清逸雅緻的宋瓷一向為後世皇帝所喜愛。乾隆帝好古,故常仿製,御窯廠為迎合聖心極力仿燒宋代釉色,其中青釉品類眾多,蔚為大觀。同時又使用模印、暗刻等技法表現(xiàn)紋飾,與釉色相得益彰,藝術(shù)效果含蓄而內(nèi)斂,堪為後世典範(fàn)。光緒三十年十二月《梨花伴月收存不在印檔瓷器清冊》中錄:「……永恬居西配殿存乾隆年款:……凍青釉拱花大盌二十件……」(附圖一)或為拍品同類器之清宮貯藏記錄。拍品胎體厚重,敞口深腹,下承圈足,造型規(guī)整。通體施粉青釉,釉質(zhì)肥牡丹紋,內(nèi)壁亦為纏枝牡丹紋,但以暗刻技法為之,搭配富有變化,紋飾清晰流暢。整器端莊的造型、精緻的紋飾與溫潤似玉的粉青釉渾然一體,顯示出乾隆朝高超的燒瓷技藝,達(dá)到了「合於天造,厭於人意」的藝術(shù)境界,《匋雅》(卷上之二十九)對此讚譽(yù):「內(nèi)平外凸之雕花豆青海盌。雍乾皆有之。式樣絕巨,而甚為精緻?!构蕦m博物院及三藩市亞洲藝術(shù)博物館皆藏有雍正時期同類器(附圖二、三),可資參閱。附圖二:故宮博物院藏清雍正 粉青釉凸纏枝蓮紋碗附圖三:三藩市亞洲藝術(shù)博物館藏清雍正 粉青釉模印纏枝花卉紋碗館藏編號:B62P82附圖一:光緒三十年十二月《梨花伴月收存不在印檔瓷器清冊》中相關(guān)記
Qianlong Six-Character Sealmarks and of the Period (1736-1795)24 cm high來源:明成館,香港,1995 年 12 月 19 日藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:Ming Gallery, Hong Kong, 19 December 1995The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong霽藍(lán)釉豆「大清乾隆年製」六字三行篆書款1079款識HKD: 90,000-130,000USD: 11,538-16,667A Sacrificial-Blue-Glazed Altar Vessel, DouHarmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器
此式瓷豆為清代宮廷祭祀禮儀用器,乃乾隆十三年(1748)欽定制式。傳世品中見有霽藍(lán)、月白和紅釉等不同釉色,以及大小兩種尺寸。據(jù)《皇朝禮器圖式》載,天壇與祈穀壇均配用相同形制的青色瓷豆,而大小有所區(qū)別。今與傳世品比對,可知拍品應(yīng)為檔案記載中尺寸較小的祈穀壇配位豆。據(jù)乾隆十三年四月《清檔》記載:「二十五日,司庫白世秀將做得祭器木樣持進(jìn),交太監(jiān)胡世傑呈覽。奉旨:將祭器蓋里並底俱刻款。欽此。於五月初二日,司庫白世秀將壇廟祭器紙樣十五分,地壇、祇穀壇、夕月壇木樣十七……磁器交江西唐英燒造」(附圖一),又據(jù)《清史稿》志五十七則載,「乾隆十三年,詔祭品宜法古,命廷臣集議,始定製……凡陶必辨色,圜丘、祈穀,常掣青」,即為此一品種之由來。豆由蓋、身組成,蓋呈半球形,上置交錯繩紋鈕,豆身直口深腹,高足外撇。器身飾波曲紋、竊曲紋、回紋等青銅器紋飾,極具金石氣息。紋飾亦符合《欽定皇朝禮器圖式》中記載「腹為垂雲(yún)紋、回紋,校為波紋、金钑紋,足為黻紋,蓋……同為波紋、回紋,頂為绹鈕……對銘」制度,陽文鐫刻「大清乾隆年製」六字三行篆書款。品種相同者參考大都會藝術(shù)博物館藏品,館藏編號:25.143.2(附圖二);維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館藏品(附圖三),館藏編號:C.17&A-1957;及瀋陽故宮博物院藏品,館藏編號:瓷丙 779。附圖二:大都會藝術(shù)博物館藏
來源:PROVENANCE:The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong清乾隆仿漆御題詩菊瓣盤一對「大清乾隆仿古」六字三行楷書款1080Each, 16.5 cm diam.HKD: 350,000-450,000USD: 44,872-57,692A Pair of Extremely Rare Imperially Inscribed Imitation-Lacquer Ming and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器
清乾隆仿漆御題詩菊瓣盤一對乾隆朝國力強(qiáng)盛,乾隆皇帝亦喜好廣泛,故景德鎮(zhèn)御窯廠不惜工本仿製各種材質(zhì)以迎合上意,仿漆瓷器即為其中一例。此對盤取四十八瓣秋菊之形,敞口淺腹,隨形高圈足外撇。內(nèi)外壁施仿朱漆釉,盤底施仿黑漆釉。盤心淺凸起,以金彩書乾隆御題詩:「吳下髹工巧莫比,仿為或比舊還過。脫胎那用木和錫,成器奚勞琢與磨。博士品同謝青喻,仙人顏似三十九年(1774 年)。高宗一生詩文之豐,首屈一指。在位期間編撰《御製詩集》五集,《樂善堂全集》,《御製乎都是明代漆器,詩題還明確標(biāo)注了永樂、宣德、嘉靖、萬曆等具體時期,這其中最欣賞的便是永樂器物,詩句多有褒揚(yáng)之意。其中一首為《詠永樂朱漆菊花盤》,出自《清高宗永樂朱漆菊花盤》,收於《乾隆御製詩四集·卷二十五》,拍品盤心所刻即為此詩(附圖一),詩中感歎「事宜師古寧斯謂,擬欲摛吟愧即多」。由此可知,拍品此類菊瓣盤的造型源頭附圖一:《詠倣永樂朱漆菊花盤》,出自《乾隆御製詩四集·卷二十五》
附圖五:故宮博物院藏清乾隆 仿漆釉題詩菊瓣式盤附圖七:中國國家博物館藏清乾隆 仿朱漆菊瓣盤據(jù)乾隆三十八年九月二十九日《各作成做活計清檔》中記錄:(古玩檔)「庫……永樂欵紅硃漆菊瓣盤一件……傳旨:著在寧壽宮樂壽堂格內(nèi)配裝……」。然乾隆四十年三月《清檔》有錄:「三十日,員外郎四德庫掌五德來説,太監(jiān)胡世傑交:刻詩紅漆菊瓣碟一件……舒文,照樣成做六件,其碟內(nèi)詩並大清乾隆仿古欵亦照樣刻做,送到時交乾清宮,欽此」,此為拍品相同款式之漆器製作、刻款記錄(附圖二)。上述文檔所記器物見故宮博物院藏品,圖見《故宮博御製詩倣硃漆菊瓣碟,」分別交(附圖五- 七),形制大小、字體刀法、落款筆法均如同出一轍,附圖二:乾隆四十年三月三十日《各作成做活計清檔》中相關(guān)記錄附圖四:乾隆五十八年四月二十七日九江關(guān)監(jiān)督福英《貢檔進(jìn)單》中相關(guān)記錄
Qianlong Six-Character Sealmark and of the Period (1736-1795)25 cm high來源:香港佳士得,1999 年 11 月 2 日,拍品編號 621藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:Christie’s Hong Kong, 2 November 1999, lot 621The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong清乾隆仿官釉四方獸耳倭角瓶「大清乾隆年製」六字三行篆書款1081款識HKD: 600,000-800,000USD: 76,923-102,564Harmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection
清乾隆仿官釉四方獸耳倭角瓶伊斯蘭文化在華傳播始於唐宋時期,興於蒙元,而真正全面深入的發(fā)展則出現(xiàn)在明清時期。明代早期,重啟絲綢之路,自永樂起出於政治經(jīng)濟(jì)的雙重目的,出身伊斯蘭世家的宦官鄭和,奉永樂、宣德皇帝之命,率領(lǐng)一眾精英部下七下西洋。受此影響,出明顯的階段性特徵。馬文寬在《明代瓷器中伊斯蘭因素的考察》一文中指出,明代仿製伊斯蘭金屬器、玻璃器、陶器等的瓷器至少有 19 種,其中大部分為永樂年間創(chuàng)燒,如天球瓶、扁壺、燭臺等。四方倭角瓶則是宣德時期所創(chuàng)燒仿製的獨(dú)特瓷器品類,其造型的靈感源自伊斯蘭金屬器。英國維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館珍藏著一件 12 世紀(jì)伊朗製造的青銅刻紋嵌銀多面體瓶(館藏編號:777—1889)(附圖一),極有可能是此類型瓶的造型藍(lán)本。二者相比,僅頸部略有區(qū)別,無耳。本品造型遠(yuǎn)比碗盤類圓器難做難燒。其製作工藝極其繁複,需分段製作,如頸部、高足等。鋪首雙耳用專製模具模製而成,鋪首神情威猛,細(xì)節(jié)清晰,晾乾之後以特製精細(xì)接頭泥粘附在頸肩部。腹部主體亦為上下兩部分別模製而成,再上下相接。此類折方瓶製作繁複,燒製極為不易,因整個器物有多處接胎,器型複雜,燒窯過程中極容易出現(xiàn)變形成為廢品,成品率較低,故製作數(shù)量極少,流傳至今者珍若晨星,國內(nèi)外各博物館似僅見五件宣德製品發(fā)表,尺寸相近(高約 13.8-14.6 厘米),皆繪有相類牽?;y,其中三件署款。參考故宮博物院藏品(附圖二),館藏編號:新陶工之卓絕工藝。附圖一:英國維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館藏12 世紀(jì)伊朗 青銅刻紋嵌銀多面體瓶館藏編號:777—1889附圖二:故宮博物院藏明宣德 青花牽?;y四方倭角瓶
附圖三 - 一:大維德基金會藏《雍正古玩圖》卷六中所繪青花牽附圖三 - 二:大維德基金會藏《雍正古玩圖》卷六中所繪青花附圖四 - 一:倫敦維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館藏《雍正古玩圖》卷八中所繪青花牽?;y折方瓶 -1附圖四 - 二:倫敦維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館藏《雍正古玩圖》卷八中所繪青花牽?;y折方瓶 -2附圖五:臺北故宮博物院藏清 郎世寧畫《瓶花軸》(局部)館藏編號:館藏編號:故畫 000804清代宮廷對於宣窯的推崇亦毫不遜色,康雍乾三帝皆有慕古之心,宣窯益為所重。此類折方瓶於雍正、乾隆時期亦有仿製?,F(xiàn)分別存於大維德基金會以及倫敦維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館的《雍正古玩圖》手卷卷六以及卷八(館藏編號分為:PDF,X.01 及 E.59-1911)(附圖三、四),由宮廷畫師各繪於雍正六年及七年,描繪清宮御藏古董珍玩,其中這種形制的折方雙耳瓶最為獨(dú)特,前後收入四件之多,每卷各繪方瓶兩件並連木座,且四個木座形態(tài)各異,由此可見該品早已被雍正皇帝視為珍寶,格外重視。另外義大利傳教士、宮廷畫師郎世寧所作《瓶花圖》一幅(館藏編號:故畫 000804)(附圖五),圖中亦繪有相同品種之青花折方瓶,盛以牡丹成雙,寓意吉祥,圖見於《新視界—郎世寧與清宮西洋風(fēng)》,2007 年,圖版 16。博考海內(nèi)外公私著錄,可見雍乾御窯,此類折方瓶多摹宣德舊範(fàn)而製,青花作品多見,單色釉者則寥若晨星,且以雍正朝所製居多。如拍
弗利爾 & 賽克勒美術(shù)館藏品(附圖六),未署款,器型與拍品相似,外壁施白釉,館藏編號:F1956.32,載於《東洋陶瓷大觀》卷 9,圖 98(彼時書中定年(附圖七),落雍正六字篆書款,形制等與拍品亦相似,可對比參考,圖見《故宮博物院藏清代御窯瓷器卷一下冊》,頁 50, 圖 14。還可參考一例,於中國嘉德 2011 年 5 月 22 日售出,拍品編號 3556 雍正款仿汝釉四方倭角雙耳瓶(附圖八),當(dāng)時成交價為 4,830,000 人民幣。乾隆時期折方瓶參考上海博物院藏青花牽?;y四方倭角獸耳瓶(附圖九),拍品當(dāng)為乾隆時期摹仿宣窯器之典範(fàn)佳作,以宣窯器型為骨,承典雅規(guī)製;以仿官窯釉色為神,納古樸氣韻,兼收並蓄歷代名品之優(yōu)長,將諸般精妙元素融會貫通,演繹出獨(dú)樹一幟的藝術(shù)風(fēng)姿,精妙絕倫。附圖六:弗利爾 & 賽克勒美術(shù)館藏館藏編號:F1956.32附圖七:故宮博物院藏清雍正 仿官釉四方折角獸耳尊附圖八:中國嘉德,2011 年 5 月 22 日, 拍品編號 3556 清雍正 仿汝釉四方倭角雙耳瓶(成交價:4,830,000 人民幣)
Wanli Six-Character Mark and of the Period (1573-1619)香港佳士得,2004 年 11 月 1 日,拍品編號 865香港邦瀚斯,2007 年 5 月 26 日,拍品編號 210藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 November 2004, lot 865Bonhams Hong Kong, 26 May 2007, lot 210黃地綠彩龍紋碗「大明萬曆年製」六字二行楷書款1082款識HKD: 1,000,000-1,500,000USD: 128,205-192,308A Very Rare Yellow-Glazed Green-Enamelled 'Dragon' BowlHarmonious Flames of Majesty紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器
明萬曆黃地綠彩龍紋碗黃地綠彩屬低溫釉彩,從考古發(fā)現(xiàn)來看,應(yīng)創(chuàng)燒於明代永樂時期,參考 1983 年御窯(一),圖見《景德鎮(zhèn)珠山出土永樂官窯瓷器》,頁 92,圖版 53。黃地綠彩燒製工藝較之青花更為複雜,首先在澀瓷胎坯上刻劃紋飾,隙地填低溫黃釉為地,於紋飾內(nèi)填繪低溫鉛綠釉,後入窯低溫?zé)於?。耿寶昌先生在《明清瓷器鑒定》中對其有所闡述:「唯永樂、宣德時龍身凸起於釉面,而有別於成化以後諸朝的暗刻填綠彩的裝飾工藝」。弘治之時,白地綠彩和嬌黃瓷器流行,黃地綠彩瓷器合二者之妙,盡顯皇家之尊榮。正德年間,黃地綠彩御瓷較為(附圖二)Wares》,倫敦,1978 年,編號 33,圖版 IV。萬曆之世,黃釉瓷傳世者本就少見,黃有,故歷來尤受鑒賞家及收藏家的青睞。碗形周正端莊,敞口,深腹弧收,下出圈足,窄而垂直。內(nèi)施白釉,厚潤凝潔,口沿處繪青花單圈,碗心青花雙圈內(nèi)飾綠彩如意雲(yún)紋,以墨彩勾邊。外壁滿施黃釉為地,腹部暗刻雲(yún)龍紋,紋飾上填以綠彩,雙龍昂首矯健,怒目圓瞪,鬚髮飄逸,龍鱗清晰,蘊(yùn)含嘉靖、萬曆時期特有的粗獷風(fēng)格,時代特徵昭然。隙地間穿插諸般雲(yún)紋,熱鬧非凡,祥瑞盡顯。耿寶昌先生言萬曆時期黃地綠彩風(fēng)格時有述:「此品種與嘉靖時一樣,以黃釉為地,刻花填綠彩,綠色淺淡。器形具有萬曆時期的特徵,暗刻紋飾多不精細(xì),綠彩淡雅青翠,色彩對比奪目,較正德時期有過之而無不及,當(dāng)為萬曆黃地綠彩之精《大明會典》載:「洪武二十六年定:……凡江西燒造全黃並青碌(綠)雙龍鳳等瓷器,送尚膳監(jiān)供應(yīng)。其龍鳳花素圓扁瓶、罐、爵、盞等器,送內(nèi)承運(yùn)庫交收,光祿寺領(lǐng)用?!褂纱丝梢?,明初部分彩瓷已為宮廷日用之器。據(jù)明萬曆二十五年刊本《江西省大志》卷七《陶書·御供》所記,萬曆時期御器廠製作的碗類器皿有碗、甌、茶鐘、酒盞;盤「什器類」中碗的四種樣式圖附圖四:故宮博物院藏明萬曆 黃地綠彩龍紋碗館藏編號:故 0014495714.4 釐米左右),拍品或?qū)俅祟悺7Q,是為時代特點(diǎn)。工藝等均不及拍品精細(xì)。另見大維德基金會藏明萬曆黃地綠彩雙龍紋杯,器型、尺寸及龍紋雲(yún)紋畫法等與拍品十分相近,施彩有異,當(dāng)時成交
Qianlong Six-Character Sealmark and of the Period (1736-1795)17.5 cm diam.藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong「大清乾隆年製」六字篆書橫款1083款識HKD: 180,000-220,000USD: 23,077-28,205拍品敞口淺腹,束腰,高足外撇呈喇叭狀,造型穩(wěn)重端莊,潤凝重,溫潤如玉,光澤柔和。足內(nèi)中空亦施釉,邊沿青花書「大清乾隆年製」六字單行篆書款,為乾隆標(biāo)準(zhǔn)官款。南京博物院收藏一件同類器。乾隆三年六月《各作成做活計清檔》中載:「二十五日,七品首領(lǐng)薩木哈催縂白世秀來説,太監(jiān)高玉交:……汝窯靶盤一件……,傳?:著為拍品同類器之清宮燒造記錄。高足盤造型系仿青銅器式樣,按古時稱謂亦名淺盤圈足豆。以瓷燒造首見於隋代,南北瓷窯皆有燒製,青瓷為常見。至唐代除青瓷外亦有彩色釉陶瓷製品,器型較隋略有變,此後歷代皆有。仿汝釉之燒製在雍正朝已相當(dāng)成熟,至乾隆Harmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器《各作成做活計清檔》中相關(guān)記錄
Kangxi Six-Character Mark and of the Period (1662-1722)倫敦蘇富比,2010 年 5 月 12 日,拍品編號 120PROVENANCE:Sotheby’s London, 12 May 2010, lot 120The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong青花孔雀花卉紋觀音尊「大清康熙年製」六字三行楷書款1084款識HKD: 70,000-90,000USD: 8,974-11,538A Blue and White 'Peacock' Vase, Guanyinzun瓶侈口束頸,頸部中央飾凸弦紋一周,豐肩,肩下弧線內(nèi)收,至脛部以下外撇,下承淺圈足。瓶體修長,線條流暢,為典型觀音尊造型。器身施白釉,釉質(zhì)清亮,光明如鏡。瓶身通體以青花描繪花鳥山石圖,畫面中,一只孔雀棲息於玲瓏還隱約向兩側(cè)分開,這顯然受到了清初「雙犄牡丹」畫法的影響。另有喜鵲飛翔空中,平添意趣。整體有「平步青雲(yún),觀音瓶流行於清代康熙至乾隆時期,器型高大古樸,典雅而不失清秀俊俏,如一美人亭亭玉立。瓶腹平緩開闊,適宜展示瓷畫之美,其上可繪通景圖案,題材豐富繁多,故而程度,表現(xiàn)得淋漓盡緻,斧劈皴繪製技法更顯山石嶙峋,Harmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection
23 cm high紳士收藏香港佳士得,2001 年 10 月 30 日,拍品編號 801藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:The property of a gentlemanChristie’s Hong Kong, 30 October 2001, lot 801The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong清康熙紅彩纏枝花卉紋抱月瓶HKD: 600,000-800,000USD: 76,923-102,564An Irod-Red-Decorated 'Floral' MoonflaskHarmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器
Daoguang Six-Character Sealmark and of the Period (1821-1850)29.5 cm high來源:藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:The Yidetang collection, Hong Kong爐鈞釉螭龍蒜頭瓶款識HKD: 60,000-80,000此瓶制式初見於明嘉靖朝,參考故宮博物院藏白釉塑貼紅段則近油錘,宋制已有之,後此尤夥。純色、青花多有之?!篃?,器形更趨成熟秀美。紫宸窯韻 - 藝德堂藏明清瓷器明嘉靖 白釉塑貼紅蟠螭紋蒜頭瓶
Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Daoguang marksEach, 10.5 cm diam.藝德堂,香港PROVENANCE:清礬紅雲(yún)龍紋蓋碗一對「大清道光年製」款A(yù) Pair of Iron-Red-Decorated 'Dragon' Bowls and Covers拍品由蓋、碗、環(huán)形底托三件組成,極為少見。碗托環(huán)形中空,托面描金雙龍戲珠紋,龍身兇猛矯健,指爪犀利,其中一龍回首盼顧狀,Harmonious Flames of MajestyMing and Qing Porcelain from the Yidetang Collection
報告或可於審看拍賣品時提供。圖錄描述及狀態(tài)報告在若干情況下可用作拍賣品某些瑕疵之參考。然而,競投人應(yīng)注意,拍賣品可能存在其他在圖錄或狀態(tài)報告內(nèi)並無明確指出之瑕疵。該等資料並非事實之陳述,而是本公司所持有之意見而已,該等資料可買任何拍賣品之版權(quán)發(fā)出任何聲明或保證。(六) 受本規(guī)則第五(一)至五(五)條所載事項所規(guī)限及本規(guī)則第六條所載特定豁免所規(guī)限,本公司是基於(1)賣家向本公司提供的資料;(2)學(xué)術(shù)及技術(shù)知識(如有);及(3)相關(guān)專家普遍接納之意見,以合理審慎態(tài)度發(fā)表(且與本規(guī)則中有關(guān)本公司作為拍賣代理的條款相符)載於圖錄的描述或狀態(tài)第六條 對競投人和買家之責(zé)任豁免及限制(一) 受本規(guī)則第五條之事項所規(guī)限及受規(guī)則第六(一)及六(四)條所規(guī)限,本公司或賣家均無須:保證以外之任何暗示保證及條款均被排除(惟法律規(guī)定不可免除之該等責(zé)論是由於疏忽或其他原因引致),向任何競投人負(fù)責(zé)。(二) 除非本公司擁有出售之拍賣品,否則無須就賣家違反本規(guī)則而負(fù)責(zé)。何索賠以該拍賣品之落槌價連同買家傭金為限。本公司或賣家在任何情(四) 本規(guī)則第六條概無免除或限制本公司有關(guān)本公司或賣家作出之任何具欺詐成份之失實聲明,或有關(guān)本公司或賣家之疏忽行為或遺漏而導(dǎo)致之人身傷亡之責(zé)任。第七條 拍賣品圖錄及其他說明口頭或書面陳述,均只屬意見之表述,而不應(yīng)依據(jù)為事實之陳述。此陳述並不構(gòu)成本公司任何形式之任何陳述、保證或責(zé)任承擔(dān)。圖錄或拍賣品狀關(guān)知識之代表親自審看。未有提述本條前述資料,亦不表示拍賣品全無瑕疵或未經(jīng)修復(fù);而如已提述特定瑕疵,亦不表示並無其他瑕疵。因印刷或攝影等技術(shù)原因造成拍賣品在圖錄及/或其他任何形式的圖示、本公司及其工作人員或其代理人對拍賣品任何說明中引述之出版著錄僅供競投人參考。本公司不提供著錄書刊等資料之原件或複印件,並保留修訂引述說明的權(quán)利。第八條 底價及估價凡本公司拍賣品未標(biāo)明或未說明無底價的,均設(shè)有底價。底價一般不高於本公司於拍賣前公佈或刊發(fā)的拍賣前低估價。如拍賣品未設(shè)底價,除賣前低估價。在任何情況下,本公司不對拍賣品在本公司舉辦的拍賣會中未達(dá)底價不成交而承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任。若拍賣品競投價格低於底價,拍賣官有權(quán)自行決(一) 競投人親自出席拍賣會,並按照本規(guī)則第十至第十二條的規(guī)定進(jìn)行登簽署的本公司的電話委託競投表格,委託本公司代為競投;或號牌。本公司可能要求競投人出示用作付款的銀行資料、其他財政狀況投行為均視為競投號牌登記人本人所為,競投人應(yīng)當(dāng)對其行為承擔(dān)法律投保證金的數(shù)額由本公司在拍賣日前公佈,且本公司有權(quán)減免競投保證下述條款可以在拍賣期間以公告或口頭通知的方式作出更改。在拍賣會(10)“拍賣官”指本公司指定主持某場拍賣並可決定落槌的人員;總和;家額外要求的有關(guān)任何拍賣品之測試、調(diào)查、查詢或鑒定之費(fèi)用或向違(15)“估價”指在拍賣品圖錄或其他介紹說明文字之後標(biāo)明的拍賣品估計(1) 買家及本公司在本規(guī)則中合稱為“雙方”,而“一方”則指其中任何(2) 凡提及法律條文的,應(yīng)解釋為包括這些條文日後的任何修訂或重新立法;(3) 凡提及“者”或“人”的,應(yīng)包括自然人、公司、法人、企業(yè)、合夥、個體商號、政府或社會組織及由他們混合組成的組織;(4) 凡提及“條”或“款”的,均指本規(guī)則的條或款;(5) 標(biāo)題僅供方便索閱,不影響本規(guī)則的解釋。買 家 業(yè) 務(wù) 規(guī) 則
(一) 買家提取所購拍賣品;或(二) 買家向本公司支付有關(guān)拍賣品的全部購買價款;或買家須在拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi),前往本公司地址或本公司指定之其他地點(diǎn)提取所購買的拍賣品。買家須自行負(fù)責(zé)於風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)移至買家後為所購拍對其所購拍賣品承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。逾期後,即使該拍賣品仍由本公司或其他代理人代為保管,本公司及其工作人員或其代理人對任何原因所致的該拍賣品的毀損、滅失,不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任。本公司工作人員根據(jù)買家要求代為包裝及處理購買的拍賣品,僅視為本公司對買家提供的服務(wù),本公司可酌情決定是否提供此項服務(wù),若因此發(fā)生任何損失均由買家自行承擔(dān)。在任何情況下,本公司對因任何原因物的損壞不承擔(dān)責(zé)任。此外,對於本公司向買家推薦的包裝公司及裝運(yùn)公司所造成的一切錯誤、遺漏、損壞或滅失,本公司亦不承擔(dān)責(zé)任。之許可證。未獲得任何所需之許可證或延誤取得該類許可證,不可被視取服務(wù)費(fèi)用。然而,本公司不保證出口許可證將獲發(fā)放。本公司及賣家概無就任何拍賣品是否受進(jìn)出口限制或任何禁運(yùn)作出聲明或保證。第三十一條 未付款之補(bǔ)救方法及強(qiáng)制履行若買家未按照本規(guī)則規(guī)定或未按照與本公司協(xié)定之任何付款安排足額付司有權(quán)委託第三方機(jī)構(gòu)代為向買家催要欠付的全部或部分購買價款;權(quán)自拍賣成交日後第八日起就買家未付款部分按照日息萬分之三收取利息,直至買家付清全部款項之日止,買家與本公司另有協(xié)議者除外;(三) 在本公司或其他地方投保、移走及儲存拍賣品,風(fēng)險及費(fèi)用均由買家承擔(dān);損失和費(fèi)用,包括利息損失;(五) 留置同一買家在本公司投得的該件或任何其他拍賣品,以及因任何原發(fā)出後三十日內(nèi)仍未償清所有欠付款項的情況下,處分留置物。處分留置(六) 在拍賣成交日起九十日內(nèi),如買家仍未向本公司付清全部購買價款的,本公司有絕對酌情決定權(quán)撤銷(但無義務(wù))或同意賣方撤銷交易,並保留追索因撤銷該筆交易致使本公司所蒙受全部損失的權(quán)利; (七) 將本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司、以及中國嘉付買家之款項抵銷買家欠付本公司關(guān)於拍賣品之任何款項;(八) 本公司可自行決定將買家支付的任何款項用於清償買家欠付本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司、以及中國嘉德、中國嘉德的買方違約,一方向另一方支付損害賠償,均不是對守約方足夠的救濟(jì)。第三十二條 延期提取拍賣品之補(bǔ)救方法(一) 將該拍賣品投保及/或儲存在本公司或其他地方,由此發(fā)生的一切費(fèi)用(包括但不限於自拍賣成交日起的第三十一日起按競投人登記表格的規(guī)司、母公司無任何欠款,則該保證金在拍賣結(jié)束後十四個工作日內(nèi)全額第十四條 以當(dāng)事人身份競投委託本公司競投之競投人應(yīng)在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)(不遲於拍賣日前二十四小時)就不設(shè)底價的拍賣品,除非已有競投,否則拍賣官有權(quán)自行酌情決定開直至有競投人開始競投,然後再由該競投價向上繼續(xù)拍賣。額、拍賣品編號、拍賣品圖片或參考外匯金額等信息均有可能出現(xiàn)誤本公司其他買家負(fù)責(zé)的各項費(fèi)用,且認(rèn)可本公司可根據(jù)本公司賣家業(yè)務(wù)許可證之任何規(guī)定,買家應(yīng)自拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi),向本公司付清購買價款並提取拍賣品。若涉及包裝及搬運(yùn)費(fèi)用、運(yùn)輸及保險費(fèi)用、出境費(fèi)只有在買家付清購買價款及所有買家欠付本公司、本公司的分部、附屬及/或賣方可以對拍賣品行使管有權(quán)及/或留置權(quán)或法律容許的其它救濟(jì)。第二十七條 風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)移
during the auction. By bidding at the auction, the Bidder agrees to be bound by the following provisions. serve as the Seller’s agent. The contract for the sale of the Auction Property shall be the contract between the Seller and the Buyer. These Conditions, the Conditions of Business for Sellers, and all other terms, conditions and notices contained in the form of an announcement shall constitute the terms agreed among the Seller, the Buyer and/or China Guardian (Hong Kong) Auctions Co., Ltd. as the auction agent. Article 2 Defi nitions and Explanations(1)“Company” means China Guardian (Hong Kong) Auctions Co., Ltd.;3/F, Offi ce Area, Guardian Art Center, No.1 Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China;(3)“Seller” means any person, company, body corporate or entity that off ers Auction (4)“Bidder” means any person, company, body corporate or entity that contemplates, makes or attempts a bid in any manner. Unless otherwise stated or specifi cally required by the context, the term “Bidder” herein shall include the (5)“Buyer” means the Bidder, including the principal of a person bidding as an agent, the highest bid or off er of whom is accepted by the Auctioneer in the auction held (6)“Buyer’s Commission” means the commission that the Buyer must pay to the Company based on the Hammer Price at the rate specifi ed herein;(7)“Auction Property” means the item(s) that the Seller consigns to the Company for auction and which are auctioned off at the auction;company on which the auction will offi cially commence;(9)“Sale Date” means the date on which the transaction of an Auction Property is by the Auctioneer that a transaction has been struck in the auction held by the deciding the sale of the Auction Property to the Buyer, or, in the case of a postauction transaction, the agreed upon sale price;(12)“Purchase Price” means the total amount that the Buyer is required to pay for his Commission, and the taxes, levies, interest and various charges payable by the Buyer;(13)“Buyer Charges” means the expenditures and expenses relating to the sale of to purchase in respect of the Auction Property, expenses for testing, investigation, searching or authentication of an Auction Property additionally requested by the Buyer and additional expenditures and legal expenses incurred in seeking recourse (15)“Estimated Price” means the estimated sales price of an Auction Property Commission;(16)“Storage Fee” means the charge for storage that the Buyer is required to pay to a “Party” refers to either Party; (ii)Any mention of legal provisions shall be construed as including any future amendments to, or re-enactment of, such provisions; interpretation hereof.Article 3 Applicable ScopeArticle 4 Special NoticeAuction Properties1.The Company’s perception of an Auction Property is partly dependent on the information provided by the Seller, the Company is in no position to and will not carry out comprehensive due diligence of the Auction Properties. The Bidder is aware of this and shall be responsible for inspecting and examining the original Auction Properties so as to satisfy himself or herself in respect of those Auction Properties the Bidder before sale. Where the Bidder and/or his or her agent participates in description of, the Auction Properties. 3.The Bidder confi rms that numerous Auction Properties are of great age and of special types, meaning that they are not necessarily sound and free from defects. All Auction Properties are sold “as is” at the time of the auction (whether or not the Bidder attends the auction in person). Condition reports may be provided at the time of viewing the Auction Properties. Under certain circumstances, the catalogue CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS FOR BUYERS獨(dú)享利益,且不可轉(zhuǎn)移至任何第三方。為能依據(jù)本保證申索,買家必須:在收到任何導(dǎo)致買家質(zhì)疑拍賣品之真?zhèn)位驅(qū)傩灾Y料後三個月內(nèi)以書面(三) 有關(guān)現(xiàn)代及當(dāng)代藝術(shù)、中國油畫以及中國書畫,雖然目前學(xué)術(shù)界不容許對此類別作出確實之說明,但本公司保留酌情權(quán)按本保證但以拍賣成的服務(wù)、進(jìn)行客戶分析,或以便提供符合競投人要求的服務(wù),或根據(jù)本到該通知日期。內(nèi) ,本公司可在若干司法管轄區(qū)同時進(jìn)行訴訟。
audio recordings or video recordings, etc. in the auction venue.Article 14 Bidding as Principalin writing by the Company, each Bidder shall be deemed to be the Bidder himself or herself. or by way of an agent, he or she may appoint the Company in writing using the Telephone Bidding Form to bid on his or her behalf. The Company shall have the If the Bidder wishes to appoint the Company to bid on his or her behalf, he or she should have completed the appointment procedures of the bids by the prescribed deadline (no later than 24 hours before the Auction Date), present a duly completed pursuant to these Conditions.If, having appointed the Company to bid on his or her behalf, the Bidder wishes to cancel the appointment, he or she shall notify the Company in writing no later than Article 16 Outcome of Telephone Bidmobile phone number) and keep such instant communication instrument in safe custody. While the Company is appointed to bid on the behalf of the Bidder, the Bidder shall personally use the instant communication instrument. In event of loss While the Company is appointed to bid on the Bidder’s behalf, it will (use timely transmitted by the instant communication instrument (regardless of whether it is transmitted by the Bidder himself or herself or the Bidder’s Agent) shall be deemed as having been transmitted by the Bidder himself or herself, and the Bidder shall be legally liable for the actions thereof, unless the Buyer has himself or communication method provided on the Telephone Bidding Form. Nevertheless, Bidder for the purpose of transmitting bidding information, neither the Company bidding on the Bidder’s behalf.Article 18 Discretion of the AuctioneerThe Auctioneer shall have the absolute right of discretion in respect of the following 1.to refuse or accept any bid;combine any two or more Auction Properties and auction them together;or to auction the disputed Auction Property anew;5.to open and conduct the bidding at the level and at bid increments that he or For those Auction Properties without a Reserve, unless there are bids, the price. If there are no bids at such price, the Auctioneer will, at his or her own discretion, lower the price and continue the auction until a Bidder starts to bid, Article 20 Image Display Panel and Currency Conversion Display PanelFor the convenience of Bidders, the Company may use image projection or other manner of display panel during the auction. The information shown thereon shall information, such as the amount, reference number of an Auction Property, the on the image projection or other manner of display panel, the Company shall not be liable for any losses arising as a result thereof.Article 21 Successful SaleUpon the confi rmation of the highest bid by the striking of the hammer or otherwise has been concluded between the Seller and the Buyer.Article 22 Commission and Chargesto HKD20 million shall be equivalent to 17% thereof and the commission applicable to those part of the Hammer Price above HKD20 million shall be equivalent to 14% Article 23 Taxes or she shall solely bear the same in accordance with the relevant laws currently in force.Article 24 Payment DeadlineUnless otherwise agreed in writing, after a sale, the Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price in full to the Company and collect the Auction Property within seven days from the Sale Date, regardless of any export, import or other permit regulations for the Auction Property. All packing and handling charges, freight and insurance charges, export related charges, etc. involved, if any, shall be paid by the Buyer together with the foregoing.Article 25 Payment CurrencyAll monies shall be paid in Hong Kong dollars. If the Buyer pays in a currency other between the Buyer and the Company or at the exchange rate for the Hong Kong borne by the Buyer.Company, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent company, or China Guardian, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent company, even if the Auction Property Once a successful bid has been made, the risks attaching to the Auction Property Property he or she purchased. The Buyer shall be solely responsible for purchasing Properties may have other defects not expressly stated in the catalogue or condition statements of fact, but rather statements of the opinions held by the Company. Such information may be revised at the sole discretion of the Company from time to time. 5.Neither the Company nor the Seller gives any representations or warranties as to to the Company; (2) academic and technical knowledge (if any); and (3) generally 1.Subject to Article 5 and Articles 6(1) and 6(4) hereof, the Company or the Seller shall not: (1) be liable for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the Company to the Bidder, whether verbally or in writing, regardless of whether due to negligence or otherwise;(2)give any guarantee or warranty to the Bidder, and any implied warranties or conditions other than the express warranties given by the Seller to the Buyer through the Company are excluded (except where it is provided in law that such liabilities may not be exempted);(3)be liable to any Bidder for any actions or omissions in respect of any matter relating to the auction or sale of any Auction Property by the Company (regardless of whether due to negligence or otherwise).2.Unless the Company owns the Auction Property to be sold, it shall not be liable for any breach of these Conditions by the Seller. fraudulent misrepresentation made by the Company or the Seller, nor for any Article 7 Catalogue and Other Descriptions of the Auction Propertyin any form. The relevant defects and restorations mentioned in the catalogue reviewed in person by the Bidder or a representative with the relevant knowledge. are no other defects.or publicity materials and that of the original, due to printing, photographic or other unless there already have been bids, the Auctioneer shall have the right, at his or her low Estimated Price of the Auction Property before the auction.at a price lower than the Reserve. However, under such a circumstance, the amount that the Company shall pay the Seller shall be the amount that the Seller would have defi nitive selling price, and is not legally binding. No Estimated Price may serve as right to revise from time to time Estimated Price(s) that have already been made.1. The Bidder shall attend the auction in person, and complete the registration and 2. Subject to Article 15 hereof, the Bidder may appoint the Company in writing to bid on his or her behalf by a duly completed and signed Telephone Bidding Form of Article 10 Bidder RegistrationDate the registration documents on the strength of an identity document with photo Bidder is a company or other organization, it shall fi ll in and sign the registration funds.announce before the Auction Date the conditions and procedures for obtaining a paddle, including but not limited to formulating the qualifi cation conditions necessary method approved by the Company.All of the bidding acts carried out during the auction by a paddle holder, regardless of whether he or she has been appointed by the Bidder, shall be deemed as having been done by the paddle registrant himself or herself, and the Bidder shall bear the legal liability for the acts of such person, unless the paddle registrant has himself paddle by way of a written method approved by the Company, and the paddle in question is declared void by the Auctioneer on the spot.Article 12 Bid DepositWhen the Bidder participates in the Company’s auction, he or she shall pay a Property and does not have any amounts owing to the Company, its divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries or parent, or China Guardian, its divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries or parent, the entire amount of the bid deposit shall be refunded to the Bidder without interest within 14 working days after conclusion of the auction. If the Bidder becomes the Buyer, the bid deposit shall automatically be transformed into the deposit for payment of the Purchase Price of the Auction Property.Article 13 Discretion of the CompanyThe Company has the right, at its discretion, to refuse anyone from participating
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Without the prior written consent of the Company, neither the Buyer nor anyone else may use the same. Neither the Company nor the Seller gives any representations or warranties as to whether the in the Auction Property. fax or by the Company’s mobile app (“Mobile App”). 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To the extent allowed by law, the The Chinese language version hereof shall be the governing version and the English language version shall be for reference only.relevant copyrights shall vest in the Company. Without the prior written permission of the Company, no one may use these Conditions in any manner or way to obtain commercial benefits, and may not take copies of, communicate or store in any searchable system any part hereof.Article 41 Term of ApplicabilityThe Company may update these Conditions from time to time without further notice and the Bidder and the Buyer have the obligation to check the Company’s website https://www.cguardian.com.hk for any update. If the Bidder and the Buyer do not Buyer participate in any auction, then applicable Conditions of Business for Buyers shall prevail.Article 42 Right of Interpretation Address of the Company: 5th Floor, Tower One, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong insurance for the Auction Property he or she purchased once the risks pass to him shall solely be borne by the Buyer. Under no circumstance shall the Company be liable for damage to glass or frame, box, backing sheet, stand, mounting, inserts, rolling rod or other similar auxiliary object arising for any reason. Furthermore, the and export, endangered species or other permit for the Auction Property. A failure or delay in obtaining any required permit shall not be deemed as grounds for required import or export waybill, list or documents.permit will be issued. Neither the Company nor the Seller gives any representations or warranties as to whether or not any Auction Property is subject to import/export to take one or more of the following measures:1.If the Buyer fails to pay all of the Purchase Price in full to the Company within 7 organization to collect all or part of the outstanding Purchase Price from the Buyer;2.If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in full within 7 days from the Sale Date, the Company shall have the right to charge interest at the rate 0.03% per day on the Buyer’s outstanding amount starting from the 8th day after the Sale Date until 3.All risks and charges relating to insurance coverage taken out on the Auction 4.To institute a legal action against the Buyer, demanding that he or she compensate it for all the losses incurred as a result of his or her breach of contract, including the of the lien shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to perform all of his or her relevant obligations by the deadline designated by the Company, the Company shall have the right to dispose of the subject matter of the lien after issuing notice from the disposal of the subject matter of the lien are insuffi cient to off set all the 90 days from the Sale Date, the Company shall have the right (but shall not be obliged) to decide, at its absolute discretion, to cancel the transaction or agree to 7.To off set any amount related to the Auction Property owed by the Buyer to the Company against any amount owed from any other transaction by the Company, its take reasonable steps to notify the Buyer before disclosure;The Company is aware that the Auction Property is unique and irreplaceable, if either the Buyer and the Seller agree that any such breach, the observant party may apply 1.To take out insurance coverage for the Auction Property and/or store the same charges, freight and insurance charges, export related charges at the sole expense 2.If the Buyer fails to collect the relevant Auction Property by the deadline prescribed herein, he or she shall solely be liable for all the risks and expenses arising after the refund to the Buyer in the original currency the Hammer price together with the Buyer’s Commission paid by the Buyer to the Company in respect of the Auction Property.caused the Auction Property to lose value; or warranty, the Buyer must:(1) notify the Company in writing within three months after the receipt of any information which leads the Buyer to doubt the authenticity or attributes of the Auction Property, specifying the reference number of the Auction Property, the date
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