1340AN ARCHAIC YELLOW JADE 'DRAGON' PENDANTWestern Zhou Dynasty (1100-771 BC)9.3 cm (3 5/8 in.) wideProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 80,000-120,000 USD: 10,300-15,400西周 · 黃玉龍首璜形佩玉璜黃玉質(zhì),玉質(zhì)細密瑩潤自然,玉色沉蘊,光氣純熟。呈弧形扁平片狀,璜身纖細,厚度均勻,一端雕刻龍首,口部打?qū)Υ┛?,以供穿繫。器身以雙鉤陰線、坡刀、浮雕等技法雕刻抽象龍紋裝飾,長身卷尾,蜿蜒盤繞,雕工流暢柔順,無論方折圓弧皆流暢,古樸自然。玉璜在中國古代與玉琮、玉璧、玉圭、玉璋、玉琥等,被《周禮》一書稱為是「六器禮天地四方」的玉禮器,用於祭祖和朝覲等禮儀。整件設(shè)計精巧,造型精美,玉質(zhì)細潤有光澤,令人愛不釋手。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏1341AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE 'DRAGON' PENDANT, XIWarring States Period (475-221 BC)8.8 cm (3 1/2 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 80,000-120,000 USD: 10,300-15,400戰(zhàn)國 · 白玉受沁龍首卷尾觽玉觿最早是作為解結(jié)的實用器物而誕生的,但是後來隨著時代的發(fā)展,它的實用功能逐漸降低,裝飾功能日益加強,到了戰(zhàn)漢時期,幾乎完全演變成了純粹的飾品,出現(xiàn)了很多設(shè)計精湛,製作精良的精品。不僅弧度較之前更大,且線條也更加流暢。此玉觿形制、紋飾、工藝均具有戰(zhàn)國時期琢玉風(fēng)格。白玉質(zhì),局部受沁,器呈片狀。器身收窄微曲,末端上卷收尖。頂部鏤雕龍紋,龍首張嘴前視,雕琢細緻,器身飾勾連紋,下琢細密陰線漸收至尾。龍身鑽有小口。整器紋飾精美,線條流暢,器形美觀,頗為雅致。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1342AN ARCHAIC GREYISH-WHITE JADE SWORD POMMELWarring States Period (475-221 BC)5.2 cm (2 in.) diam.Provenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong戰(zhàn)國 · 玉穀紋劍首以玉飾劍在我國有悠久的歷史,興起於春秋戰(zhàn)國,而流行於秦漢。劍首又稱為鐔,常與劍格、劍璏、劍珌組配使用。這件劍首為玉質(zhì),圓形,器表中間弦紋內(nèi)飾勾雲(yún)紋飾,周圍飾規(guī)整劃一的穀紋,穀紋飽滿,方向隨意、靈活。整件用料精良,雕琢精細,使用了線刻、浮雕等多種技術(shù),紋飾拙樸古茂,線條流暢,刻畫逼真,彰顯大氣,雄武而有王者之風(fēng)。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 40,000-60,000USD: 5,100-7,7001343A GROUP OF TWO ARCHAIC WHITE JADE SCABBARD SLIDE AND SWORD GUARDWestern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)The largest, 6.8 cm (2 5/8 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong西漢 · 白玉勾連雲(yún)紋劍璏和獸面紋劍格一組兩件劍璏白玉質(zhì),局部有沁,背部的扁方孔可穿過腰帶,使得寶劍劍鞘能夠固定在腰間,方便佩戴和取用,表面隱起獸面勾連雲(yún)紋,細紋刻畫精細入微,線條走勢婉轉(zhuǎn)逶迤,磨製細膩,拋光極好。劍格有淺褐色沁,平面為一劍簇形,中間穿長方形孔,下端尖狀伸出,中脊凸起,器形中間厚,兩端薄,兩面浮雕獸面勾連雲(yún)紋,邊緣刻邊線。本件劍璏和劍格玉種類似,紋飾雷同,可見為原件成套,殊為難得。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,3001344AN ARCHAIC GREYISH-WHITE JADE SCABBARD SLIDEWarring States Period to Han Dynasty (475 BC-220 AD)8.2 cm (3 1/4 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 100,000-150,000 USD: 12,800-19,200戰(zhàn)國 - 漢 · 白玉勾連雲(yún)紋劍璏劍璏白玉質(zhì),局部受沁呈黃褐色,沁色漸變自然,包漿溫潤,質(zhì)地細密,略呈長方形,整體造型細長。璏面中部略拱,兩端向外出短簷,寬窄不一。背面有一倉孔,孔洞形狀為拱方形,便於革帶穿過,可固定劍與腰帶,為古代貴族隨身所帶佩劍的裝飾部件。表面用淺浮雕與線刻相結(jié)合的手法雕琢勾連雲(yún)紋,背面光素無紋。整件磨製細膩,雕工精湛,紋飾佈局規(guī)整。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1345AN ARCHAIC YELLOW JADE 'FIGURE' PENDANTWestern Zhou Dynasty (1100-771 BC)9 cm (3 1/2 in.) highProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 150,000-200,000USD: 19,200-25,600西周 · 黃玉神人紋佩此件玉神人佩黃玉質(zhì),溫潤細膩,有紅褐色沁。黃玉是較為珍貴的玉材,選用黃玉製作玉佩,顯示出其較高的等級和價值。呈長條形,整體造型獨特且富有神秘色彩。器表以陰刻、一面坡等技法飾兩神人面紋,分飾兩端,高髮髻、菱形眼、寬鼻,展現(xiàn)出威嚴莊重之感。身體部分的線條彎曲流暢,兩端鑽孔。整件包漿古樸,工藝精美,造型極具神秘感,器類較為少見,對研究當時的社會史、文化史有十分重要的價值。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1346AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE 'DRAGON AND MONKEY' PENDANT, HUANGWarring States Period (475-221 BC)7.6 cm (3 in.) wideProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 150,000-200,000 USD: 19,200-25,600戰(zhàn)國 · 白玉紅沁猴紋雙龍首璜白玉質(zhì),帶有灰皮紅沁。透雕玉璜,玉質(zhì)細潤,沁色自然。此玉璜兩側(cè)為常規(guī)的卷首龍頭,中央紋飾則極為特殊,一面以鏤雕技法琢一隻靈猴,另一面則表現(xiàn)了正在長袖擺動的舞人,如此組合,實屬罕見。雙螭龍相對,口部大張,作咬嗜狀,身形狹長??坦ね傅窆に嚲?,使得螭龍具有律動之感,螭龍身體局部可見短陰線及弧線裝飾。靈猴和反面舞人的刻畫更是靈動清奇,靈猴雙眼圓睜,攀爬行走於玉璜內(nèi)側(cè);舞人則長袖善舞,以鏤雕和淺陰刻技法組合成完整水袖。同時靈猴、舞人與螭龍組成玉璜主體。戰(zhàn)漢玉璜以穀紋、蒲紋、螭龍紋居多,但多為淺浮雕,鏤雕工藝相對少見,本件玉璜不僅施以鏤雕之技,且並非常規(guī)龍紋,巧妙結(jié)合了龍、舞人與靈猴為一體,造型生動有趣。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1347AN ARCHAIC CELADON AND RUSSET JADE SWORD POMMELWarring States Period (475-221 BC)4.7 cm (1 7/8 in.) diam.Provenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong戰(zhàn)國 · 玉渦紋劍首劍首又稱為鐔,是最早出現(xiàn)於春秋晚期鑲嵌在劍柄頂端的裝飾品,一般為圓形,以玉或金屬製成,其上鏤有花紋,除作裝飾外,也是區(qū)分等級的標誌。以玉飾劍在我國有悠久的歷史,興起於春秋戰(zhàn)國,而流行於秦漢。此件劍首玉質(zhì),圓形,正面分內(nèi)外區(qū),外區(qū)飾減地渦紋,內(nèi)區(qū)飾旋轉(zhuǎn)渦紋。背面有一個圈槽,以納劍莖,旁鑽有孔,表面無紋飾。整件雕琢精細,使用了線刻、浮雕等多種技術(shù),紋飾拙樸古茂,線條流暢,刻畫逼真,是玉劍飾中難得的精品。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 50,000-70,000USD: 6,400-9,0001348AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE SWORD POMMELWarring States Period (475-221 BC)4.7 cm (1 7/8 in.) diam.Provenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong戰(zhàn)國 · 玉勾連穀紋劍首玉劍首,作為玉劍具中的裝飾玉器,通常鑲嵌於劍柄的末端,最早出現(xiàn)於春秋晚期。此件劍首圓形,側(cè)面近梯形。使用線刻、浮雕等技術(shù),正面分內(nèi)外區(qū),外區(qū)飾穀紋,內(nèi)區(qū)飾勾連穀紋、網(wǎng)格紋,側(cè)面飾勾連穀紋,紋飾拙樸古茂,雕琢細緻。背面有下凹卯孔。此件玉劍首不僅是武器裝飾,更是古代人們審美、工藝水準的體現(xiàn)和歷史文化的見證。一般劍首僅在正面飾有紋飾,本件劍首側(cè)面整圈均飾有勾連穀紋,頗為殊勝,實為難得一見的劍飾作品,觀之慕古之情油然而生,瑰麗典雅之藝術(shù)魅力,令人心折。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,3001349AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND BEIGE JADE SCABBARD SLIDEWarring States Period (475-221 BC)11.5 cm (4 1/2 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 100,000-150,000 USD: 12,800-19,200戰(zhàn)國 · 白玉勾連雲(yún)紋長劍璏劍璏為古代貴族隨身所帶佩劍的裝飾部件,它與劍格、劍珌、劍首同為劍身與劍鞘上的裝飾品,統(tǒng)稱為玉劍飾。此件為白玉質(zhì),呈長方形,前後兩端內(nèi)卷,背後有長方形孔,用以鑲嵌於劍鞘上,供穿帶佩繫之用,可固定劍與腰帶。正面飾勾連雲(yún)紋,勾雲(yún)正反相連,排列對稱,彎曲轉(zhuǎn)折,佈滿整個器表,刀法有力,紋飾簡練,背面光素無紋。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1350AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE ’FIGURE AND DRAGON' PENDANT, HUANGWestern Zhou Dynasty (1100-771 BC)9 cm (3 1/2 in.) wideProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 180,000-220,000 USD: 23,100-28,200西周 · 白玉受沁人龍紋璜此璜以白玉為材,玉質(zhì)細膩瑩潤,局部受沁。器通體扁平,器形較寬,弧度半圓,兩端打孔。雙面同工,以雙鉤陰線陰刻,坡刀工藝雕琢人龍紋,兩端雕側(cè)面神人首,身體則幻化呈夔龍紋,龍長身卷尾,蜿蜒盤繞,線條流暢如行雲(yún)流水。人龍複合紋玉器為西周時期特有主題,多是玉佩,璜則較為少見。整件器型規(guī)整,紋飾繁而不亂,工藝精湛,此滿工的器物極為少見,實為收藏佩戴之珍品。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1351AN ARCHAIC WHITE JADE ‘DRAGON' PENDANT, HUANGWarring States Period (475-221 BC)17 cm (6 3/4 in.) wideProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 500,000-700,000 USD: 64,100-89,700戰(zhàn)國 · 白玉雙龍首璜璜以白玉為料,用料厚實,略有黃色沁斑,體扁平,呈弧形,弧度約璧周的三分之一,中間鑽有一孔,以供穿綴。兩端雕琢對稱的獨角龍首各一,龍首向前,上、下吻旋卷,並以淺浮雕、陰刻線工藝雕琢龍的頭部紋飾,著意於眼、口等細部特徵,左右呼應(yīng),表面雕有細密的陰線勾連穀紋,上下緣有弦紋輪廓線。整體造型古樸典雅、紋飾雕琢精美,所見雙勾、斜坡、拋光等技法,使平面雕的玉璜,能具有鮮明之線條,足見玉匠天工巧琢、匠心獨運,更難能可貴的是,本品寬度高達17厘米,頗為難得,因千年沁潤,皮殼呈現(xiàn)滿玻璃光狀態(tài),值得納藏。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1352AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE DISC, HUANEastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC)3.5 cm (1 3/8 in.) diam.Provenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong東周 · 白玉受沁穀紋環(huán)玉環(huán)為一種圓形而中間有孔的玉器,形狀與鐲類似?!稜栄拧め屍鳌分兄赋觯骸溉獗逗弥^之璧,好倍肉謂之瑗,肉好若一謂之環(huán)?!谷馐侵钢車倪?,好是指當中的孔,即大孔者為瑗,小孔者為璧,孔徑與玉質(zhì)部分邊沿相等者為環(huán)。後玉環(huán)成為玉製的環(huán)的統(tǒng)稱,一般不再用瑗這一名稱。此玉環(huán)為扁平圓環(huán)狀,白玉質(zhì),局部有沁,內(nèi)外緣飾弦紋,器表飾穀紋,方向隨意、靈活,整組刀工鋒利挺拔,飽含神韻,實為古玉精品。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,3001353AN ARCHAIC YELLOW JADE 'DRAGON' BEADWestern Zhou Dynasty (1100-771 BC)4.8 cm (1 7/8 in.) highProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong西周 · 黃玉灰皮龍紋束腰形勒勒子出現(xiàn)之初為一種實用器,將獸皮包卷細繩兩端用於提握,隨著歷史發(fā)展為更加耐用的石玉材料,後逐漸演變?yōu)檠b飾物,多為佩戴、把玩之用,有圓柱形、扁圓柱形、束腰形、橄欖形等等,早期以素面為主,後出現(xiàn)各種紋飾。此件勒子黃玉質(zhì),帶灰皮,呈束腰形,兩端鑽孔,周身飾龍紋,整件造型小巧別致,紋飾精美,與時代特徵相符,既具有歷史價值,又具有珍貴的藝術(shù)價值,值得珍藏。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 80,000-120,000 USD: 10,300-15,4001354A QIN-STYLE ARCHAIC RUSSET JADE 'DRAGON' ORNAMENTWarring States Period (475-221 BC)6.3 cm (2 1/2 in.) wideProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,300戰(zhàn)國 · 玉雕秦式勾連紋出脊飾佩玉質(zhì),帶黃褐色沁。呈近似方形的片狀,邊緣並非規(guī)整的直線,有向外突出的齒狀出脊,正中央有一個較大的圓形穿孔,可能用於穿繩繫掛,方便佩戴或與其他飾品組合搭配。佩背面光素,正面上部飾勾連紋,通過陰線刻的工藝雕琢而成,以線條相互勾連纏繞,形成複雜而有序的圖案,體現(xiàn)了秦代玉器紋飾的獨特風(fēng)格。整件時代特徵明顯,技法高超,用料精良,時時賞玩,慕古之情油然而生。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1355AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE BEADWarring States Period (475-221 BC)5.6 cm (2 1/4 in.) highProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 100,000-150,000 USD: 12,800-19,200戰(zhàn)國 · 白玉受沁穀紋勒勒子,又稱「蠟子」「穩(wěn)步」,起源於文化期的玉管飾,是掛於胸前或腰間的佩飾,一般中間有通天孔,多屬單獨佩戴使用。從紅山、良渚文化一直流行至明清時期,形成了一個器型豐富,形制、紋飾多樣的勒子系列,可單獨佩掛,也可與其它玉飾組合佩掛。此件白玉質(zhì),大部受沁。勒子呈長圓柱形,一端較細,另一端較粗,有通天孔,勒身通體浮雕穀紋,雕工細膩飽滿,刻畫古樸,切磨規(guī)整,有戰(zhàn)國風(fēng)格。整體製作精美,器型小巧、雕工細緻,堪稱玉中美器。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏1356AN ARCHAIC YELLOW JADE 'DRAGON' BEADSpring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC)7.7 cm (3 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 120,000-180,000 USD: 15,400-23,100春秋 · 黃玉勾雲(yún)龍紋長方形勒原始社會的古人在生產(chǎn)勞動過程中,發(fā)現(xiàn)使用繩子提拉重物時,由於繩子過細,會產(chǎn)生一種「勒手」的感覺。為了解決這個問題,想到了使用獸皮包卷繩索,從而改善提拉重物時手部的不適,同時,為了固定包卷在繩索上的獸皮,古人在獸皮兩端結(jié)繩用以固定,這就是最原始的「勒子」。隨著原始社會進入石器時代,勒子也逐漸發(fā)展為更加耐用的石質(zhì)或玉質(zhì)材料,後逐漸變?yōu)樵甲诮讨械募漓肫骰蜓b飾器。此件玉勒呈長體片狀,穿有通天孔,主體紋飾為勾雲(yún)龍紋,典雅精美,排列緊湊有序,佈局繁而不亂,體現(xiàn)匠人精湛技藝及豐富想像力,顯示春秋玉器工藝由平面趨隱起、由簡趨繁的演變,使玉雕藝術(shù)呈現(xiàn)嶄新面貌。整件玉質(zhì)潤澤,雕工細膩飽滿,宜佩宜藏。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1357AN ARCHAIC WHITE JADE CICADAWestern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)5.3 cm (2 1/8 in.) highProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong西漢 · 白玉蟬蟬在古人的心目中地位很高,向來被視為純潔、清高、通靈的象徵。此件玉蟬片狀,背部拱起,雕琢圓眼、雙翅收攏的蟬型,眼珠略跳出輪廓外,打磨圓潤且突出顯眼,頸部用陰線刻橫紋,是表示其具有伸縮功能的皮紋,蟬背部雙翼左右對稱,如肺葉狀,腹部雕琢腹節(jié),富有立體感,形象寫實,棱角分明。玉蟬刀法犀利乾淨,造型生動,整體紋飾對稱,且表現(xiàn)得栩栩如生,每一細節(jié)都顯得活靈活現(xiàn),是十分難得的精品。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 40,000-60,000USD: 5,100-7,7001358AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE CICADAWestern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)6.1 cm (2 3/8 in.) highProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong西漢 · 白玉紅沁蟬此件白玉蟬玉質(zhì)瑩潔溫潤,周身帶紅色沁,沁斑分佈均勻自然,為漢代玉器風(fēng)格。扁平體,正、反兩面均為陰線刻飾,以寥寥數(shù)刀壓地隱起,雕出頭、目、背、腹、翼、尾等各個部位。蟬兩眼平突,蟬頭為利索陰線幾刀砣磨,雙翅狹長,蟬尾與雙翅呈三角形鋒尖。整體輪廓線條遒勁有力,造型生動。古人以蟬為喻往生,蟬生於土中,脫殼後展翅高飛,寄託古人長生不死的願望,在漢代十分流行。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,3001359AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET PIGHan Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220)11.5 cm (4 1/2 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 150,000-200,000 USD: 19,200-25,600漢 · 白玉紅沁八刀豬商代及西周時期,玉握開始逐漸代替動物骨牙成為主流,但其形制並不唯一,多見各式碎玉片的組合,至漢代則出現(xiàn)以「玉握豬」為主的習(xí)俗。此件握豬白玉質(zhì),滿紅沁,呈長柱形,渾圓俯臥姿態(tài),呈現(xiàn)豬憨厚肥碩的形體。整器以粗陰刻雕琢豬的雙耳、四肢及各部位輪廓,其腹下、嘴部及尾部均隨形琢成平面。刀法粗獷有力,線條挺拔,流暢生動形象逼真,屬於比較典型的「漢八刀」工藝。整件線條勾勒古樸簡潔且不失大氣,是為佳器。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1360AN ARCHAIC WHITE AND RUSSET JADE 'HORSE HEAD' BELT HOOKWarring States Period (475-221 BC)6.5 cm (2 1/2 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 120,000-180,000 USD: 15,400-23,100戰(zhàn)國 · 白玉紅沁馬首形帶鉤帶鉤一物乃古時人們用來繫扣腰帶的用具,是一種貴族們生活中的必需品,形狀呈扁長條狀,一端彎曲,用於鉤腰帶。它一般分為鉤首、鉤體和鉤鈕三個部分,也有個別的異形帶鉤無鉤或無鈕。此件帶鉤白玉質(zhì),滿紅沁。鉤首為馬首形,頭部微微抬起,眼睛、鼻孔、嘴巴等部位都刻畫得細緻入微,通過線條的勾勒和雕刻,將馬的神態(tài)表現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致。帶鉤腹部呈琵琶形,鉤身整體飾鳳鳥紋。整體器形別致,紋飾流動性極強,具有韻律感,包漿潤澤,十分難能可貴,是研究戰(zhàn)國時期製玉工藝和衣飾配件的重要實物。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏1361AN ARCHAIC WHITE JADE 'DRAGON' SCABBARD SLIDEWestern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)7 cm (2 3/4 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 100,000-150,000 USD: 12,800-19,200西漢 · 白玉浮雕龍紋劍璏劍璏呈長方形,前後兩端內(nèi)卷,背後有長方形孔,用以鑲嵌於劍鞘上,供穿帶佩繫之用,便於革帶穿過,穿孔工藝規(guī)範古樸。玉劍璏在古代是地位和權(quán)利的象徵,是貴族特有的配飾,其上一般雕琢雲(yún)紋、獸面紋、螭虎紋等紋飾。此件漢代劍璏飾螭龍紋,面上剔地浮雕與陰刻相結(jié)合,螭身線條流暢,呈S型蜿蜒,鬣須飛揚身畔,捲曲如意,瑞意之間,霸氣十足。整件古雅非凡,工藝極精,為玉劍飾的精品之作。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1362AN ARCHAIC WHITE JADE SCABBARD SLIDEHan Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220)9.6 cm (3 3/4 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong漢 · 白玉乳釘紋劍璏玉劍飾是鑲嵌裝飾在劍上的玉質(zhì)飾物,古人也稱為玉劍具。常見有劍首、劍格、劍鞘上帶扣玉璏和鞘末玉珌四種。玉具劍始見於西周,春秋戰(zhàn)國時興起。至漢代是玉具劍使用的鼎盛階段,是帝王貴族標榜身份地位的象徵。此件劍璏白玉質(zhì),呈細長長方形,前後兩端內(nèi)卷,背後有長方形孔,用以鑲嵌於劍鞘上,供穿帶佩繫之用。器表邊緣起棱線,內(nèi)琢乳釘紋,乳釘顆粒飽滿圓潤,排列整齊。整件玉質(zhì)緻密,造型自然,觀賞性和收藏價值均很高。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,3001363AN ARCHAIC PALE CELADON AND RUSSET JADE SCABBARD SLIDEWarring States Period (475-221 BC)9 cm (3 1/2 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong Kong戰(zhàn)國 · 青白玉勾連雲(yún)獸面紋劍璏劍璏是古代裝飾寶劍上的玉飾之一,鑲嵌於劍鞘中央,正視為長方形,其上一般雕琢勾雲(yún)紋、獸面紋、螭虎紋等紋飾。底下有一方框,便於革帶穿過,穿聯(lián)繫於腰帶上,即可將劍固定於腰間,俗稱文帶、昭文帶,流行於春秋戰(zhàn)國至漢代。此玉劍璏青白玉質(zhì),細膩溫潤,局部受沁,劍璏表面陰刻獸面勾雲(yún)紋,排列組合規(guī)整有序,古樸神秘,為戰(zhàn)國時期劍飾上的典型紋飾。劍璏是地位和權(quán)利的象徵,玉劍璏是貴族特有的配飾。整件紋飾拙樸古茂,包漿自然,是玉劍飾中難得的精品。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏HKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,3001364AN ARCHAIC WHITE JADE SCABBARD SLIDEWestern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)4.7 cm (1 7/8 in.) longProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 80,000-120,000 USD: 10,300-15,400西漢 · 白玉水銀沁出廓龍形劍璏劍飾始於戰(zhàn)國,常見有劍首、劍格、劍璏、劍珌四種配套使用。劍璏又稱玉製劍鼻,鑲嵌於劍鞘上,供穿帶佩繫之用。玉具劍從春秋戰(zhàn)國時期興起,演變至兩漢時期已十分昌盛,東漢以後逐漸衰落至消失。其製作工藝與造型上,漢代的玉劍飾雖繼承了戰(zhàn)國傳統(tǒng)的風(fēng)格,但圖案紋飾則頗有新穎別致的創(chuàng)意。玉具劍紋飾圖面有幾何紋、穀紋、雲(yún)紋、螭龍紋、百子釘紋及文字等等,尤以高浮雕的螭龍紋最具特色。此劍璏白玉質(zhì),帶水銀黑沁,略呈長方形,器面出廓高浮雕龍紋,動感十足,為漢代玉劍飾的代表之作。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1365AN ARCHAIC PALE CELADON JADE SEALWestern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)2.5 cm (1 in.) wideProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,300西漢 · 玉覆斗鈕印印文:「和?!褂∮烧麎K玉料雕琢而成,方形,覆斗式,棱角分明,因形制似倒扣於地面的斗,故稱之為覆斗印。印身光素低矮,鈕部作橋型,略帶弧度,橫穿打孔以穿繫,宜於隨身佩戴。印面陰刻「和?!褂∥?,印身素無紋飾,整體線條挺拔流暢,一氣呵成,遒勁有力,極具美感。璽印之應(yīng)用在中國擁有悠長的歷史,自戰(zhàn)國時期漸趨蓬勃,秦漢一統(tǒng)後璽印始分流,璽成為帝王御用之物,印則有官印及私印之分。整體製作精巧,造型古樸方正,用料上乘,打磨細緻,簡潔素雅,秀麗端方,對研究當時的印章史有十分重要的價值。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏印面印蛻Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1366TWO ARCHAIC WHITE JADE SEALSHan Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220)The largest, 1.6 cm (5/8 in.) wideProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 50,000-70,000USD: 6,400-9,000漢 · 玉覆斗鈕印兩方印文:「留浦」、「左軍」璽印之應(yīng)用在中國擁有悠長的歷史,自戰(zhàn)國時期漸趨蓬勃,秦漢一統(tǒng)後璽印始分流,璽成為帝王御用之物,印則有官印及私印之分。此組印章為漢代典型的覆斗鈕造型玉印,形制似倒扣的斗,線條挺拔爽朗,面面如刀切,印身素無紋飾,鈕部作橋型,橫穿打孔,便於穿繫。印面陰刻「左軍」「留浦」印文,文字飽滿工整。整體製作精巧,造型古樸方正,打磨細緻,沁色自然,簡潔素雅,秀麗端方,展現(xiàn)漢代高超的琢玉技藝。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏1367AN ARCHAIC PALE CELADON AND RUSSET JADE SEALWestern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)2 cm (6/8 in.) highProvenance:Zhizhong Hepu Tang collection, Hong KongHKD: 60,000-80,000USD: 7,700-10,300西漢 · 玉高覆斗鈕印古人為便於攜帶印信,就在璽印的上方穿孔繫上印綬佩於腰。東漢?許慎載《說文解字》「印,執(zhí)政所持也;鈕,印鼻也」,早期印鈕只是為了實用,沒有觀賞價值,先秦時期印鈕有了簡單的形式,如鼻鈕、臺鈕、覆斗鈕。此件玉印章高覆斗鈕,扁方形,棱角分明,線條有力,局部受黃褐色沁,印面無印文。玉印反映出古代玉器的藝術(shù)風(fēng)範,同時還蘊藏著巨大的歷史資訊,因此更具有極其珍貴的文物價值和研究價值,值得珍藏。來源:香港致中和璞堂珍藏印面印蛻Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)Property from the Zhizhong Hepu Tang Collection, Hong Kong香港致中和璞堂藏玉 (Lots 1329-1367)
1368A WHITE JADE MYTHICAL BEASTYuan to Ming Dynasty (1279-1644)3.9 cm (1 1/2 in.) wideProvenance:An Asian private collection, acquired in the 1990sHKD: 35,000-45,000USD: 4,500-5,800元 - 明 · 白玉瑞獸白玉質(zhì),玉質(zhì)溫潤細膩,色澤純淨淡雅,局部有黃褐色沁。圓雕瑞獸呈半立姿,立於蒲席之上,瑞獸身體重心微微傾斜,頭部微微側(cè)轉(zhuǎn),一隻後腿抬起彎曲,爪子靠近耳朵,仿佛正在抓撓,站立的三腿穩(wěn)穩(wěn)支撐著身體,彎曲有度、肌肉緊繃,顯示出力量感,尾巴捲曲在身體一側(cè),動作自然而流暢,極具動態(tài)感,賦予其活潑、靈動的氣質(zhì),細節(jié)之處展現(xiàn)出對動物形態(tài)的精準把握,盡顯工匠的精湛技藝,令人拍案叫絕。來源:亞洲藏家購於20世紀90年代A WHITE JADE HORSESong Dynasty (AD 960-1279)6.7 cm (2 5/8 in) wide無底價No Reserve 宋·白玉馬馬玉質(zhì),玉質(zhì)溫和滋潤,圓雕馬呈跪臥狀,局部帶褐色沁,長頭面、短耳、圓眼、闊嘴,五官比例協(xié)調(diào),身軀盤拱,四肢蜷曲於身下,馬首低垂,馬身圓碩,馬尾上卷,和順自然,姿態(tài)逼真,顯出超凡的刻工。這件玉雕馬構(gòu)思精巧縝密,造型豐腴飽滿,雕工細膩,刻飾流暢,自然逼真,神情怡然自得,無論是頭部的塑造還是腿部彎曲的線條的設(shè)計,都讓整個玉器充滿了靈性,把手可玩,頗有意趣,不失為造型鮮活的玉雕精品。1369
1370A JADE BOYLiao to Jin Dynasty (AD 907-1234)4.8 cm (1 7/8 in.) highProvenance:A Taiwanese private collectionHKD: 50,000-70,000 USD: 6,400-9,000遼 - 金 · 白玉童子此件童子玉質(zhì),質(zhì)地細膩,瑩潤通透。器身通體以圓雕技法雕刻童子造型,童子立姿,雙腿微曲,圓頭鼓腦,喜笑顏開,身著短衫長褲,以陰刻線飾紋飾,流暢飄逸,線條甚富張力。頭頂處鑽孔,用以嵌飾、穿繫。整體體態(tài)勻稱,生動活潑,邊緣打磨細膩,惟妙惟肖,為典型遼金時期的玉童子造型,寓意「連生貴子」「子孫萬代」,顯示出濃厚生活氣息,饒有意趣,令人回味。來源:臺灣藏家珍藏1371A YELLOW AND RUSSET JADE RECUMBENT RAMSong Dynasty (AD 960-1279)5 cm (2 in.) wideHKD: 50,000-70,000 USD: 6,400-9,000宋 · 玉羊此羊玉料色熟黃,局部帶紅褐色沁。羊呈臥形,昂首前望,口緊閉,耳後撇,雙角向後彎曲,面容雕琢十分傳神。身部渾圓,四足回彎蜷於身下,尾部粗壯。羊為祥瑞之征,寓意吉祥,歷來為人們所喜愛。玉羊造型,自商代即已運用。秦漢後,圓雕玉羊多為靜態(tài)臥形,常用作玉鎮(zhèn)或陳設(shè)。此玉羊造型簡潔明快,刀工精湛,打磨潤澤,古拙而靈動,更因其質(zhì)地溫潤熟舊,使羊之溫順的性情與肥美的體態(tài)得以極好的展現(xiàn),鮮活的體現(xiàn)出羊的神氣與雋秀,十分適合把玩。
1372A YELLOW JADE DRAGONTang / Liao Dynasty (AD 618-1125)4 cm (1 5/8 in.) wideProvenance:A Canadian private collectionHKD: 80,000-120,000 USD: 10,300-15,400唐 / 遼 · 黃玉坐龍坐龍以黃玉為材,玉質(zhì)柔潤細膩,光氣純熟。整體片狀圓雕,龍呈坐姿昂首造型,身姿矯健,頭部微微抬起,圓凸眼,雕刻出龍角、龍鬚等細節(jié),鞭尾細長,彎卷上翹,龍身以多條陰線裝飾,鬢毛細密清晰,指爪剛勁有力,身形線條流暢,展現(xiàn)出龍的靈動姿態(tài)。採用鏤空雕刻工藝,增強了立體感,體現(xiàn)了當時精湛的玉雕技藝和獨特的審美風(fēng)格。整件造型有制,雕鏤有規(guī),繁簡有序,表現(xiàn)非常靈動,特具韻味。來源:加拿大私人珍藏參閱圖:唐 / 宋 白玉龍形飾件中國文物總店藏品
1373A WHITE JADE 'LYCHEE' PENDANTSong Dynasty (AD 960-1279)5.4 cm (2 1/8 in.) highProvenance:A Taiwanese private collectionHKD: 120,000-180,000 USD: 15,400-23,100宋 · 白玉荔枝紋佩玉佩白玉質(zhì),玉質(zhì)溫潤細膩,片狀,整玉鏤雕荔枝紋,飽滿豐實,花葉穿插,長葉翻卷,層層迭迭,間隙處理得當,無堆砌繁瑣之感,果、葉肌理皆以線條刻畫,細膩精妙。頂部有圓環(huán)狀孔可供穿繫。荔枝諧音「利至」,蘊含「碩果滿滿」、「利至連連」之意,以荔枝為主題設(shè)計製作的器物悠久流傳。兩宋之際荔枝被官方定為祥瑞圖案,設(shè)計應(yīng)用在貴重器物之上,用以標識官階品級和日常生活裝飾,反映了主流社會對於荔枝圖案審美價值的認可,將其由物質(zhì)層面昇華到精神需求層面。整件形制精巧可人,匠心獨具,寓意美好,實為精品。來源:臺灣藏家珍藏1374A WHITE AND RUSSET JADE FISH-FORM PENDANTSong Dynasty (AD 960-1279)6.1 cm (2 3/8 in.) longHKD: 180,000-220,000 USD: 23,100-28,200宋 · 白玉紅沁魚形佩玉器至宋代真正開始世俗化,宋人所製各種玉器動物、人物皆姿態(tài)生動,富於生活情趣。此佩白玉質(zhì),帶紅沁,片狀,雕琢玉魚扭身擺尾,利用頭、鰭、尾與身型比例的完美搭配,模擬遊魚惟妙惟肖的生動形象,魚身修長,渾身充滿勁道。魚在中國傳統(tǒng)文化之中有較重要地位,因其與「餘」同音,所以成為傳統(tǒng)的吉祥文化符號,是百姓祈求生活富足有餘的主要具象象徵。整件線條優(yōu)美靈動,儼然有宋畫之意境,令人感歎宋人狀物之細緻生動,令人愛不釋手。
1375A SPINACH-GREEN JADE 'MASK' VASEJiaqing Six-Character Mark and of the Period (1760-1820)27.5 cm (107/8 in.) highProvenance:An important English private collectionAcquired from Stanley Charles Nott (1887-1978), London, in 1946 or 1947Marchant, London, no. R8993Literature: 90th Anniversary Exhibition: Ninety Jades for 90 Years, Marchant, London, 2015, cat. no. 90Exhibited: 90th Anniversary Exhibition: Ninety Jades for 90 Years, Marchant, London, 2015, cat. no. 90HKD: 350,000-450,000 USD: 44,900-57,700清嘉慶 · 碧玉獸面紋瓶「大清嘉慶仿古」款碧玉瓶通體墨綠色調(diào),光澤亮鮮。瓶口為橢圓形,配有木質(zhì)鏤雕如意紋蓋,瓶頸內(nèi)收向下外擴,連結(jié)瓶身,瓶頸附雙耳,雙耳為對稱龍形紋樣,龍頭朝上,瓶身較扁,弧線流線,瓶頸及近足部繪製曲線波浪圖紋與草葉紋,瓶身雙平行弦紋內(nèi)飾饕餮紋,雙眼圓睜,雙角高聳,令人望而生畏。饕餮獸面紋自良渚文化時期就存在,古人在塑造饕餮形象時,整合了羊(牛)角(代表尊貴)、牛耳(善辨)、蛇身(神秘)、鷹爪(勇武)、鳥羽(善飛)等,它的涵義有通天地、通生死、驅(qū)鬼避邪、威猛、勇敢、公正、祭神等象徵說法。下部圈足,底落「大清嘉慶仿古」款。整件材質(zhì)珍貴,製作規(guī)整,紋飾勾勒無一不精,繁美異常,具有較高收藏價值。來源:英國私人收藏 購於倫敦StanleyCharlesNott(1887-1978年),1946或1947年 馬錢特,倫敦,編號R8993出版:《玉器九十,90週年特展》,馬錢特,倫敦,2015年,編號90展覽:《玉器九十,90週年特展》,馬錢特,倫敦,2015年,編號90出版物:《玉器九十,90 週年特展》,馬錢特,倫敦,2015 年,編號 90
1376AN EXTREMELY RARE AND IMPORTANT INSCRIBEDSPINACH-GREEN JADE VASE, COVER AND STANDQianlong Four-Character and of the Period (1736-1795), cyclically dated to dingwei year, corresponding to 178755 cm (215/8 in.) highProvenance:Prince Gong (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang Yamanaka & Co. collectionThe American Art Gallery, 28 March 1913, lot 187Mrs. Henry Walters, Baltimore, MarylandParke Bernet Galleries, New York, 24 April 1941, lot 311Admiral Frederic (1875-1949) R. Harris, New YorkStanley Charles Nott (1887-1978), New YorkJohn T. Dorrance Jr. collection, Gladwynne, PASotheby’s New York, The Collection of John T. Dorrance, Jr., 20 October 1989, lot 283 (part)Alan and Simone Hartman collection, New YorkChristie's Hong Kong, Important Chinese Jades from the Personal Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman, 28 November 2006, lot 1386Literature: Robert Kleiner, Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996, no. 136Exhibited: Christie's New York, 13-26 March 2001Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, August 2003 - December 2004HKD: 6,500,000-7,500,000 USD: 833,300-961,500清乾隆 1787 年 · 碧玉御題詩獸面紋活環(huán)大蓋瓶「乾隆仿古」款來源:恭王府恭親王奕訢(1833-1898年,道光皇帝第六子)舊藏山中商會舊藏 TheAmericanArtGallery,1913年3月28日,拍品編號187 美國馬里蘭州巴爾的摩HenryWalters夫人舊藏 ParkeBernetGalleries,紐約,1941年4月24日,拍品編號311 AdmiralFrederickR.Harris,紐約 StanleyCharlesNott(1887-1978年),紐約 JohnT.DorranceJr.,Gladwynne,PA.,釋於紐約蘇富比,《TheCollectionofJohnT.Dorrance,Jr.》專場,1989年10月20日,拍品編號283(部分) 紐約艾倫與西蒙·哈特曼伉儷舊藏 香港佳士得,2006年11月28日,拍品編號1386出版:《ChineseJadesfromtheCollectionofAlanandSimoneHartman》,RobertKleiner,香港,1996年,編號136展覽:紐約佳士得,2001年3月13至26日 波士頓,MuseumofFineArts,2003年8月至2004年12月
瓶碧玉質(zhì),細膩溫潤,通體色澤均勻。高55厘米,器口呈橢圓形,有蓋。蓋沿飾回紋一周,蓋面飾綬帶雲(yún)紋,頂鏤雕四龍首,各銜一環(huán)。龍首雕刻細膩,龍鬚等細節(jié)清晰可見,活環(huán)線條流暢,可自由轉(zhuǎn)動。瓶口微撇,邊飾回紋,頸略收,正面雕刻有乾隆帝《詠和闐玉仿周蟠螭壺》御製詩一首:「春秋玉貢至京師,量質(zhì)恆教匠氏為。玩器最憎雕麗鳥,古壺雅合琢蟠螭。方圓略異分卿士,宗廟常因贊禮儀。必有關(guān)雎麟趾意,乃堪法度效周姬。」落款「乾隆丁未御題」,鈐印「比德」,表達了乾隆皇帝對古雅藝術(shù)風(fēng)格的喜愛,強調(diào)了玉器在禮儀文化和道德傳承方面的重要性,筆法遒勁、佈局工整,體現(xiàn)了皇家玉器特有的文化底蘊。兩側(cè)各雕一龍首銜活環(huán)。肩飾如意紋。壺腹扁圓,體琢周帶,以渦紋為邊,其間以壓地隱起技法琢獸面紋,眉骨突起,雙目炯炯,威嚴凝重,刻畫細膩,頗具鎮(zhèn)壓百邪之威儀,周圍環(huán)繞如意雲(yún)紋和雷紋,整體佈局緊湊且富有韻律,襯托出古樸莊重的氛圍。橢圓形圈足,邊飾回紋,底心陰刻「乾隆仿古」描金款。配同料雙重蓮瓣紋座,束腰鏤雕花卉紋,下承祥雲(yún)紋足,紋飾流暢自然、層次豐富。乾隆時期製作玉器所使用的碧玉多源自新疆,儘管此地有一定玉礦資源,然而經(jīng)過長期開採,高品質(zhì)的碧玉愈發(fā)稀缺,而要滿足如此大型蓋瓶尺寸需求,且玉質(zhì)均勻細膩、色澤溫潤一致,無明顯瑕疵、綹裂,更是難上加難。同時受當時技術(shù)條件的限制,開採、運輸稍有疏漏,都可能讓玉料毀於一旦,這種稀缺性與來之不易,非皇家御製不能為,也使玉瓶愈發(fā)顯得珍貴無比。(圖為乾隆御題白玉採玉圖山子,生動表現(xiàn)了開採新疆玉料的場景。)清代宮廷有大量的仿照古代青銅器所製作的器物,尤其是玉爐、玉瓶、玉壺等室內(nèi)陳設(shè)用品,更是大量採用了古代青銅器的造型。有的是完全仿古,大小尺寸比例及紋飾特點都仿照古器而做,很多還仿刻上銘文,如清宮遺存的玉雕「司寇匜」(圖二)、「召夫鼎」(圖三)等等,是這類器物中的精品。有的局部仿古,在一件器物的局部採用了古代青銅器的造型,或以青銅器的造型為基礎(chǔ),並融合了當時的風(fēng)格特點,所製作出的器物既有古代的遺風(fēng),又具備了後代變化出來的各種不同的風(fēng)格,如瀋陽故宮博物院藏清青玉雙獸耳活環(huán)三足爐(圖四),器形借鑒了商周時期的青銅鼎,而造型變化較大。乾隆皇帝尤為崇尚古制,極力提倡以青銅彝器為藍本仿古玉,在造型方面或與原器相似,或略有改變,紋飾方面有繼承,亦有創(chuàng)新,形成鮮明的宮廷製玉風(fēng)範,將中國古代玉器藝術(shù)推上了高峰,此件碧玉瓶即是乾隆帝仿古玉器品味的最好詮釋之一。此瓶原為恭王府恭親王奕訢(1833-1898年,圖五)舊藏,1912年清朝被推翻後,承襲了小恭王的溥偉(奕訢嫡孫,圖六) 為展開復(fù)辟清廷的活動,「毀家紓難」,將王府里積蓄的除字畫外2000多件古玩珍寶,以34萬大洋的價格幾乎全部匯總變賣給了日本古董商山中定次郎及其創(chuàng)建的山中商會。山中定次郎(圖七)原名安達定次郎,1866年出生於日本大阪的一個古董商家庭,13歲進入當時大阪頗有名氣山中吉兵衛(wèi)古董商店作為學(xué)徒,後入贅山中家族,改名山中定次郎,隨後開始了為進入歐美市場開疆拓土之路。1894年圖一乾隆御題白玉採玉圖山子圖二 清宮遺存「司寇匜」圖三 清宮遺存「召夫鼎」圖四 瀋陽故宮博物院藏品清 青玉雙獸耳活環(huán)三足爐圖五 恭親王奕訢(1872 年拍攝)圖六 溥偉(奕訢嫡孫)圖七 山中定次郎
在紐約開設(shè)古董店,之後在波士頓、芝加哥陸續(xù)開設(shè)分店,1900年,在倫敦開設(shè)分店,同年將公司改組為山中商會,並且親自擔任業(yè)務(wù)執(zhí)行。1905年在巴黎開設(shè)代理店,利用20世紀初歐美經(jīng)濟發(fā)展機遇,滿足富裕階層對東方藝術(shù)品需求,快速拓展銷售網(wǎng)絡(luò),山中定次郎憑借極佳的鑒賞力和社交網(wǎng),將東方藝術(shù)品推向西方國家,使山中商會成為當時數(shù)一數(shù)二的亞洲藝術(shù)古董行。隨著海外市場對中國藝術(shù)品需求的擴大,山中商會把目光轉(zhuǎn)向了擁有悠久歷史、古董文物珍藏最豐富、市場交易最活躍的中國北京,彼時由於朝代更替,社會動蕩,北京剛剛經(jīng)歷了庚子國變的慘禍,八國聯(lián)軍佔領(lǐng)了紫禁城,對文物藝術(shù)品的掠奪販賣肆無忌憚,破落的皇親貴族變賣家產(chǎn),新興的權(quán)貴、商人大肆收購,海外市場對中國藝術(shù)品的強勁需求,造成了歷史上中國文物第一次大規(guī)模的轉(zhuǎn)手流通。山中商會適逢其時,看準這一歷史變遷的巨大商機,開始在北京建立山中商會支店(圖八,位於北京東城區(qū)麻線衚衕的肅親王府內(nèi)),邁入了山中商會在中國發(fā)跡的歷史,成為20世紀初外國人開設(shè)於中國境內(nèi)的最大古董買賣機構(gòu)。1912年年初對恭王府文物的收購(圖九,1912年山中定次郎在恭王府門前合影),無疑是山中商會最大的一筆生意。山中定次郎抓住小恭親王溥偉沒有生活來源、又企圖復(fù)辟滿清政權(quán)而急需大量資金的機會,從他手中收購了恭王府除書畫外的大批收藏品,根據(jù)《山中定次郎傳》記述,交易之後,山中定次郎抑制不住激動的心情,感慨道:「數(shù)額不同於十萬或二十萬。無論哪個商人,這是一生不會再有的事情。」山中定次郎在拿到這些珍品後迅速運回日本分類整理,一批運往了美國拍賣,一批運往了英國拍賣,一批留在了山中商會設(shè)在日本和美國的古董店中零售。其中,1913年2月27日、28日和3月1日三天,山中商會在紐約的美國藝廊(American Art Association, 簡稱AAA,1964年被蘇富比收購)等聯(lián)合舉辦了「恭王府收藏拍賣會」,據(jù)山中定次郎的第四代孫山中讓收藏的當年拍賣圖錄顯示(圖十),這次拍賣會共有536件文物上拍,其中玉器250多件,青銅器110多件,瓷器130多件……所有拍品無一流拍,拍賣總額達280435美元,創(chuàng)當時拍賣成交的最高紀錄。此件清乾隆御製詩文碧玉大瓶即列於其中。由於紐約拍賣的恭王府舊藏大多已進入了國際知名博物館、美術(shù)館,流通在拍賣市場上的珍品極為稀有,頂著「恭王府」與「山中商會」的兩張金字招牌,每次出現(xiàn)在拍場的恭王府舊藏皆能引起轟動,成交數(shù)據(jù)自然不俗:2006年11月28日,香港佳士得秋季拍賣會上,這件碧玉瓶以628萬港元成交,體現(xiàn)了其在藝術(shù)品市場上的珍貴價值,受到眾多收藏家和藝術(shù)愛好者的關(guān)注與追捧。檢閱海內(nèi)外公私諸藏,北京故宮博物院藏一件清乾隆碧玉雙耳活環(huán)帶蓋瓶(圖十,故00103328),一面陰刻「萬壽尊鼎子孫永寶用之」,底部陰刻篆書「大清乾隆年製」款,可資比較。綜上,此件清乾隆御製詩文碧玉大瓶玉質(zhì)瑩潤,風(fēng)格古樸典雅,雕工講究、鉅細靡遺,具有典型乾隆期仿古玉器的意蘊,非能工巧匠不可做,有王者之風(fēng),不僅是乾隆時期宮廷玉器的藝術(shù)結(jié)晶,也是研究清代宮廷文化、玉器工藝的重要實物依據(jù),為不可多得的玉雕珍品。圖八 山中商會北京支店 位於北京東城區(qū)麻線衚衕的肅親王府內(nèi)圖九 1912 年山中定次郎在恭王府門前合影圖十 山中定次郎的第四代孫山中讓收藏的當年拍賣圖錄圖十一 北京故宮博物院藏品清 乾隆碧玉雙耳活環(huán)帶蓋瓶故 00103328
清中期 · 白玉劉海戲金蟾蓋瓶白玉質(zhì),色白純淨,光澤厚潤,以蓋、瓶子母合唇組成。瓶蓋光素無紋,上鏤雕一小如意紋鈕。橢圓形瓶口,長頸略收,頸兩側(cè)各鏤雕雙耳,下套活環(huán),溜肩,扁腹,圈足。瓶正面光素純淨,一側(cè)雕琢劉海面相飽滿,神態(tài)灑脫,喜笑顏開佇立於巖石上,左手高舉,執(zhí)一掃帚,右手拿一金錢戲耍另一側(cè)立於巖上的三足金蟾,生動逼真。反面則雕以劉海背後腰系上之葫蘆吐以祥雲(yún)及蝙蝠,意為「?!购汀傅摗埂⒑蚪痼甘侵袊鴤鹘y(tǒng)的吉祥圖案,劉海為中國民間傳說中的神仙,是道教中吉祥的財神,被尊稱為「海蟾仙師」,金蟾被視為招財進寶的瑞獸,有著「劉海戲金蟾,步步釣金錢」的諺語,此擺件寓意著財源廣進、吉祥如意。全器精雕細琢,溫潤純淨,勻稱沉穩(wěn),其造型清秀端莊,線條流暢,是件可遇不可求之精品。來源:香港蘇富比,1988年11月17日,拍品編號291參閱圖:臺北故宮博物院藏品清 玉群仙壺館藏編號 故玉 0032041377A WHITE JADE 'LIUHAI AND TOAD' VASE AND COVERMid Qing Dynasty17.3 cm (6 3/4 in.) highProvenance:Sotheby's Hong Kong, 17 November 1988, lot 291HKD: 280,000-320,000 USD: 35,900-41,000
1378A CELADON JADE 'DRAGON' WATERPOTQing Dynasty (1644-1911)16 cm (6 1/4 in.) wideProvenance:Louis Joseph collection, London, acquired in 1960-1985 (by repute)Literature: 95th Anniversary Exhibition: The Lobl Collection of Chinese Jades, Marchant, London, 2020, pp. 70-73, cat. no. 27Exhibited: 95th Anniversary Exhibition: The Lobl Collection of Chinese Jades, Marchant, London, 2020, cat. no. 27HKD: 100,000-150,000 USD: 12,800-19,200清 · 青玉螭龍紋水盂水盂取材整塊青玉玉材,玉質(zhì)堅實緊密,細膩青潤。水盂頂開橢圓口,深挖膛,外壁高浮雕螭龍紋,底部雕波浪紋,龍紋之外余白處淺浮雕流雲(yún)紋。螭龍共四條,雙目炯炯有神,背部曲張,凸起成脊,螭首與前爪攀於盂頂,後爪與螭尾支於外壁,長尾捲曲分叉,姿態(tài)各異,生機勃勃,共戲一珠,有呼之欲出之感。整器雕刻精細,螭龍紋飾華美,線條清晰俐落,層次分明,堪稱精絕,以質(zhì)、工、型整體而言,實為文房玉雕之精品佳作,殊為難得。來源:倫敦古董商LouisJoseph舊藏,購於1960-1985年(傳)出版:《95週年特展·樓伯珍藏中國玉器》,馬錢特,倫敦,2020年,頁70-73,編號27展覽:《95週年特展·樓伯珍藏中國玉器》,馬錢特,倫敦,2020年,編號27出版物:《95 週年特展·樓伯珍藏中國玉器》,馬錢特,倫敦,2020 年,頁 70-73,編號 27
下述條款可以在拍賣期間以公告或口頭通知的方式作出更改。在拍賣會中競投即表示競投人同意受下述條款的約束。第一條 中國嘉德(香港)國際拍賣有限公司作為代理人除另有約定外,中國嘉德(香港)國際拍賣有限公司作為賣家之代理人。拍賣品之成交合約,則為賣家與買家之間的合約。本規(guī)則、賣家業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)則、載於圖錄或由拍賣官公佈或於拍賣會場以通告形式提供之所有其他條款、條件及通知,均構(gòu)成賣家、買家及/或中國嘉德(香港)國際拍賣有限公司作為拍賣代理之協(xié)定條款。第二條 定義及釋義(一) 本規(guī)則各條款內(nèi),除非文義另有不同要求,下列詞語具有以下含義:(1)“本公司”指中國嘉德(香港)國際拍賣有限公司;(2)“中國嘉德”指中國嘉德國際拍賣有限公司,“其住所地為中華人民共和國北京市東城區(qū)王府井大街1號嘉德藝術(shù)中心辦公區(qū)三層。(3)“賣家”指提供拍賣品出售之任何人士、公司、法團或單位。本規(guī)則中,除非另有說明或根據(jù)文義特殊需要,賣家均包括賣家的代理人(不包括本公司)、遺囑執(zhí)行人或遺產(chǎn)代理人; (4)“競投人”指以任何方式考慮、作出或嘗試競投之任何人士、公司、法團或單位。本規(guī)則中,除非另有說明或根據(jù)文義特殊需要,競投人均包括競投人的代理人(但不包本公司);(5)“買家”指在本公司舉辦的拍賣活動中,拍賣官所接納之最高競投價或要約之競投人,包括以代理人身份競投之人士之委託人;(6)“買家傭金”指買家根據(jù)本規(guī)則所載費率按落槌價須向本公司支付之傭金;(7)“拍賣品”指賣家委託本公司進行拍賣及於拍賣會上被拍賣的物品;(8)“拍賣日”指在某次拍賣活動中,本公司公佈的正式開始進行拍賣交易之日;(9)“拍賣成交日”指在本公司舉辦的拍賣活動中,拍賣官以落槌或者以其他公開表示買定的方式確認任何拍賣品達成交易的日期;(10)“拍賣官”指本公司指定主持某場拍賣並可決定落槌的人員;(11)“落槌價”指拍賣官落槌決定將拍賣品售予買家的價格,或若為拍賣會後交易,則為協(xié)定出售價;(12)“購買價款”指買家因購買拍賣品而應(yīng)支付的包括落槌價加上買家須支付之傭金、以及應(yīng)由買家支付的稅費、利息及買家負責的各項費用的總和;(13)“買家負責的各項費用”指與本公司出售拍賣品相關(guān)的支出和費用,包括但不限於本公司對拍賣品購買保險、包裝、運輸、儲存、保管、買家額外要求的有關(guān)任何拍賣品之測試、調(diào)查、查詢或鑒定之費用或向違約買家追討之開支、法律費用等;(14)“底價”指賣家與本公司確定的且不公開之拍賣品之最低售價;(15)“估價”指在拍賣品圖錄或其他介紹說明文字之後標明的拍賣品估計售價,不包括買家須支付之傭金;(16)“儲存費”指買家按本規(guī)則規(guī)定應(yīng)向本公司支付的儲存費用。(二) 在本規(guī)則條款中,根據(jù)上下文義,單數(shù)詞語亦包括複數(shù)詞語,反之亦然。除非文義另有要求:(1) 買家及本公司在本規(guī)則中合稱為“雙方”,而“一方”則指其中任何一方;(2) 凡提及法律條文的,應(yīng)解釋為包括這些條文日後的任何修訂或重新立法;(3) 凡提及“者”或“人”的,應(yīng)包括自然人、公司、法人、企業(yè)、合夥、個體商號、政府或社會組織及由他們混合組成的組織;(4) 凡提及“條”或“款”的,均指本規(guī)則的條或款;(5) 標題僅供方便索閱,不影響本規(guī)則的解釋。第三條 適用範圍凡參加本公司組織、開展和舉辦的文物、藝術(shù)品等收藏品的拍賣活動的競投人、買家和其他相關(guān)各方均應(yīng)按照本規(guī)則執(zhí)行。第四條 特別提示凡參加本公司拍賣活動的競投人和買家應(yīng)仔細閱讀並遵守本規(guī)則,競投人、買家應(yīng)特別仔細閱讀本規(guī)則所載之本公司之責任及限制、免責條款。競投人及/或其代理人有責任親自審看拍賣品原物,並對自己競投拍賣品的行為承擔法律責任。本公司有權(quán)自行決定因天氣或其它原因,將拍賣延期或取消,而無需向競投人作出任何賠償。第五條 競投人及本公司有關(guān)出售拍賣品之責任(一) 本公司對各拍賣品之認知,部分依賴於賣家提供之資料,本公司無法及不會就各拍賣品進行全面盡職檢查。競投人知悉此事,並承擔檢查及檢驗拍賣品原物之責任,以使競投人滿意其可能感興趣之拍賣品。(二) 本公司出售之各拍賣品於出售前可供競投人審看。競投人及/或其代理人參與競投,即視為競投人已在競投前全面檢驗拍賣品,並滿意拍賣品之狀況及其描述之準確性。 (三) 競投人確認眾多拍賣品年代久遠及種類特殊,意味拍賣品並非完好無缺。所有拍賣品均以拍賣時之狀態(tài)出售(無論競投人是否出席拍賣)。狀態(tài)買 家 業(yè) 務(wù) 規(guī) 則報告或可於審看拍賣品時提供。圖錄描述及狀態(tài)報告在若干情況下可用作拍賣品某些瑕疵之參考。然而,競投人應(yīng)注意,拍賣品可能存在其他在圖錄或狀態(tài)報告內(nèi)並無明確指出之瑕疵。(四) 提供予競投人有關(guān)任何拍賣品之資料,包括任何預(yù)測資料(無論為書面或口述)及包括任何圖錄所載之資料、規(guī)則或其他報告、評論或估值,該等資料並非事實之陳述,而是本公司所持有之意見而已,該等資料可由本公司不時全權(quán)酌情決定修改。(五) 本公司或賣家概無就任何拍賣品是否受任何版權(quán)所限或買家是否已購買任何拍賣品之版權(quán)發(fā)出任何聲明或保證。(六) 受本規(guī)則第五(一)至五(五)條所載事項所規(guī)限及本規(guī)則第六條所載特定豁免所規(guī)限,本公司是基於(1)賣家向本公司提供的資料;(2)學(xué)術(shù)及技術(shù)知識(如有);及(3)相關(guān)專家普遍接納之意見,以合理審慎態(tài)度發(fā)表(且與本規(guī)則中有關(guān)本公司作為拍賣代理的條款相符)載於圖錄的描述或狀態(tài)報告。第六條 對競投人和買家之責任豁免及限制(一) 受本規(guī)則第五條之事項所規(guī)限及受規(guī)則第六(一)及六(四)條所規(guī)限,本公司或賣家均無須:(1) 對本公司向競投人以口述或書面提供之資料之任何錯誤或遺漏負責,無論是由於疏忽或因其他原因引致; (2) 向競投人作出任何擔?;虮WC,且賣家委託本公司向買家作出之明示保證以外之任何暗示保證及條款均被排除(惟法律規(guī)定不可免除之該等責任除外);(3) 就本公司有關(guān)拍賣或有關(guān)出售任何拍賣品之任何事宜之行動或遺漏(無論是由於疏忽或其他原因引致),向任何競投人負責。(二) 除非本公司擁有出售之拍賣品,否則無須就賣家違反本規(guī)則而負責。(三) 在不影響規(guī)則第六(一)條之情況下,競投人向本公司或賣家提出之任何索賠以該拍賣品之落槌價連同買家傭金為限。本公司或賣家在任何情況下均無須承擔買家任何相應(yīng)產(chǎn)生的間接損失。(四) 本規(guī)則第六條概無免除或限制本公司有關(guān)本公司或賣家作出之任何具欺詐成份之失實聲明,或有關(guān)本公司或賣家之疏忽行為或遺漏而導(dǎo)致之人身傷亡之責任。第七條 拍賣品圖錄及其他說明本公司在關(guān)於拍賣品之圖錄或在拍賣品狀態(tài)報告內(nèi)之所有陳述,或另行之口頭或書面陳述,均只屬意見之表述,而不應(yīng)依據(jù)為事實之陳述。此陳述並不構(gòu)成本公司任何形式之任何陳述、保證或責任承擔。圖錄或拍賣品狀態(tài)報告中所提及之有關(guān)瑕疵及修復(fù),只作為指引,而應(yīng)由競投人或具備有關(guān)知識之代表親自審看。未有提述本條前述資料,亦不表示拍賣品全無瑕疵或未經(jīng)修復(fù);而如已提述特定瑕疵,亦不表示並無其他瑕疵。因印刷或攝影等技術(shù)原因造成拍賣品在圖錄及/或其他任何形式的圖示、影像製品和宣傳品中的色調(diào)、顏色、層次、形態(tài)等與原物存在誤差者,以原物為準。本公司及其工作人員或其代理人對拍賣品任何說明中引述之出版著錄僅供競投人參考。本公司不提供著錄書刊等資料之原件或複印件,並保留修訂引述說明的權(quán)利。第八條 底價及估價凡本公司拍賣品未標明或未說明無底價的,均設(shè)有底價。底價一般不高於本公司於拍賣前公佈或刊發(fā)的拍賣前低估價。如拍賣品未設(shè)底價,除非已有競投,否則拍賣官有權(quán)自行決定起拍價,但不得高於拍賣品的拍賣前低估價。在任何情況下,本公司不對拍賣品在本公司舉辦的拍賣會中未達底價不成交而承擔任何責任。若拍賣品競投價格低於底價,拍賣官有權(quán)自行決定以低於底價的價格出售拍賣品。但在此種情況下,本公司向賣家支付之款項為按底價出售拍賣品時賣家應(yīng)可收取之數(shù)額。估價在拍賣日前較早時間估定,並非確定之售價,不具有法律約束力。任何估價不能作為拍賣品落槌價之預(yù)測,且本公司有權(quán)不時修訂已作出之估價。第九條 拍賣會上競投出價競投人可以透過以下方式競投出價:(一) 競投人親自出席拍賣會,並按照本規(guī)則第十至第十二條的規(guī)定進行登記及在領(lǐng)取牌號前交納保證金;或(二) 受本規(guī)則第十五條之約束,競投人可採用書面形式,透過妥為填妥及簽署的本公司的電話委託競投表格,委託本公司代為競投;或(三) 競投人可選擇本公司認可的同步代拍服務(wù)參與競投。第十條 競投人登記競投人為個人的,應(yīng)在拍賣日前憑政府發(fā)出附有照片的身份證明文件(如居民身份證或護照)填寫並簽署登記文件,並提供現(xiàn)時住址證明(如公用事業(yè)賬單或銀行月結(jié)單);競投人為公司或者其他組織的,應(yīng)在拍賣日前憑有效的註冊登記文件、法定代表人或授權(quán)代表人身份證明、股東或董事證明文件以及合法的授權(quán)委託證明文件填寫並簽署登記文件,領(lǐng)取競投號牌。本公司可能要求競投人出示用作付款的銀行資料、其他財政狀況證明或以上文件之外的資料以盡合理審查之目的。本公司保留要求競投人提供資金來源證明文件的權(quán)力。第十一條 競投號牌本公司可根據(jù)不同拍賣條件及拍賣方式等任何情況,在拍賣日前公佈辦理競投號牌的條件和程序,包括但不限於制定競投人辦理競投號牌的資格條件。本公司鄭重提示,競投號牌是競投人參與現(xiàn)場競價的唯一憑證。競投人應(yīng)妥善保管,不得將競投號牌出借他人使用。一旦丟失,應(yīng)立即以本公司認可的書面方式辦理掛失手續(xù)。無論是否接受競投人的委託,凡持競投號牌者在拍賣活動中所實施的競投行為均視為競投號牌登記人本人所為,競投人應(yīng)當對其行為承擔法律責任,除非競投號牌登記人本人已以本公司認可的書面方式,在本公司辦理了該競投號牌的掛失手續(xù),並由拍賣官現(xiàn)場宣佈該競投號牌作廢。第十二條 競投保證金競投人參加本公司拍賣活動,應(yīng)在領(lǐng)取競投號牌前交納競投保證金。競投保證金的數(shù)額由本公司在拍賣日前公佈,且本公司有權(quán)減免競投保證金。若競投人未能購得拍賣品且對本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司、以及中國嘉德、中國嘉德的分部、附屬公司、子公
司、母公司無任何欠款,則該保證金在拍賣結(jié)束後十四個工作日內(nèi)全額無息返還競投人;若競投人成為買家的,則該保證金自動轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橹Ц杜馁u品購買價款的定金。第十三條 本公司之選擇權(quán)本公司有權(quán)酌情拒絕任何人參加本公司舉辦的拍賣活動或進入拍賣現(xiàn)場,或在拍賣會現(xiàn)場進行拍照、錄音、攝像等活動。第十四條 以當事人身份競投除非某競投人在拍賣日前向本公司出具書面證明並經(jīng)本公司書面認可,表明其身份是某競投人的代理人,否則每名競投人均被視為競投人本人。第十五條 電話委託競投競投人應(yīng)親自出席拍賣會。如不能親身出席或由代理人出席,可採用本公司的電話委託競投表格以書面形式委託本公司代為競投。本公司有酌情權(quán)決定是否接受上述委託。委託本公司競投之競投人應(yīng)在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)(不遲於拍賣日前二十四小時)辦理委託手續(xù),向本公司出具妥為填妥及簽署的本公司電話委託競投表格,並按本規(guī)則規(guī)定妥為交納競投保證金,方視為完成辦理委托競投的委托手續(xù)。委託本公司競投之競投人如需取消委託競投,應(yīng)不遲於拍賣日前二十四小時以書面通知本公司。第十六條 電話委託競投的競投結(jié)果競投人委託本公司代為競投的,競投結(jié)果及相關(guān)法律責任由競投人承擔。競投人應(yīng)在電話委託競投表格中準確填寫即時通訊方式(如流動電話號碼)並妥善保管該即時通訊工具,在本公司受託競投期間,競投人應(yīng)親自使用該即時通訊工具,一旦丟失或無法控制該即時通訊工具,應(yīng)立即以本公司認可的書面方式變更電話委託競投表格中填寫的即時通訊方式。在本公司受託競投期間,會(盡適當適時努力)聯(lián)絡(luò)競投人,而該即時通訊工具所傳達之競投信息(無論是否競投人本人或競投人的代理人傳達),均視為競投人本人所為,競投人應(yīng)當對其行為承擔法律責任,除非競投人本人已以本公司認可的書面方式變更了電話委託競投表格中填寫的即時通訊方式。但在任何情況下,如未能聯(lián)絡(luò),或在使用該即時通訊工具的競投中有任何錯誤、中斷或遺漏,本公司均不負任何責任。第十七條 電話委託競投之免責鑒於電話委託競投是本公司為競投人提供的代為傳遞競投信息的免費服務(wù),本公司及其工作人員對競投未成功或代理競投過程中出現(xiàn)的任何錯誤、遺漏、疏忽、過失或無法代為競投等不承擔任何責任。第十八條 拍賣官之決定權(quán)拍賣官對下列事項具有絕對決定權(quán):(一) 拒絕或接受任何競投;(二) 以其決定之方式進行拍賣;(三) 將任何拍賣品撤回或分開拍賣,將任何兩件或多件拍賣品合併拍賣;(四) 如遇有出錯或爭議時,不論在拍賣之時或拍賣之後,有權(quán)決定成功競投者、是否繼續(xù)拍賣、取消拍賣或?qū)⒂袪幾h的拍賣品重新拍賣;(五) 拍賣官可以在其認為合適的水平及競價階梯下開始及進行競投,並有權(quán)代表賣家以競投或連續(xù)競投方式或以回應(yīng)其他競投人的競投價而競投的方式,代賣家競投到底價的金額;(六) 採取其合理認為適當之其他行動。第十九條 不設(shè)底價就不設(shè)底價的拍賣品,除非已有競投,否則拍賣官有權(quán)自行酌情決定開價。若在此價格下並無競投,拍賣官會自行酌情將價格下降繼續(xù)拍賣,直至有競投人開始競投,然後再由該競投價向上繼續(xù)拍賣。第二十條 影像顯示板及貨幣兌換顯示板本公司為方便競投人,可能於拍賣中使用影像投射或其他形式的顯示板,所示內(nèi)容僅供參考。無論影像投射或其他形式的顯示板所示之數(shù)額、拍賣品編號、拍賣品圖片或參考外匯金額等信息均有可能出現(xiàn)誤差,本公司對因此誤差而導(dǎo)致的任何損失不承擔任何責任。第二十一條 拍賣成交最高競投價經(jīng)拍賣官落槌或者以其他公開表示買定的方式確認時,該競投人競投成功,即表明該競投人成為拍賣品的買家,亦表明賣家與買家之間具法律約束力的拍賣合約之訂立。第二十二條 傭金及費用競投人競投成功後,即成為該拍賣品的買家。買家應(yīng)支付本公司傭金,其計算方式如下: 每件拍賣品的落槌價中,在港元5,000,000或以下之部分,該部分金額的傭金以20%計算;超過港元5,000,000至港元20,000,000之部份,該部分金額的傭金以17%計算;超過港元20,000,000之部份,該部分金額的傭金以14%計算。買家同時應(yīng)支付給本公司其他買家負責的各項費用,且認可本公司可根據(jù)本公司賣家業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)則的規(guī)定,向賣家收取傭金及其他賣家負責的各項費用。第二十三條 稅項買家向本公司支付的所有款項均應(yīng)是淨額的,不得包括任何貨物稅、服務(wù)稅、關(guān)稅或者其他增值稅(不論是由香港或其他地區(qū)所徵收)。如有任何適用於買家的稅費,買家應(yīng)根據(jù)現(xiàn)行相關(guān)法律規(guī)定自行負擔。第二十四條 付款時間拍賣成交後,除非另有書面約定,否則不論拍賣品之出口、進口或其他許可證之任何規(guī)定,買家應(yīng)自拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi),向本公司付清購買價款並提取拍賣品。若涉及包裝及搬運費用、運輸及保險費用、出境費等,買家需一併支付。第二十五條 支付幣種所有價款應(yīng)以港幣支付。如買家以港幣以外的其他貨幣支付,應(yīng)按買家與本公司約定的匯價折算或按照香港匯豐銀行於買家付款日前一個工作日公佈的港幣與該幣種的匯價折算。本公司為將買家所支付之該種外幣兌換成港幣所引致之所有銀行手續(xù)費、傭金或其他費用,均由買家承擔。第二十六條 所有權(quán)的轉(zhuǎn)移只有在買家付清購買價款及所有買家欠付本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司、以及中國嘉德、中國嘉德的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司的所有款項之後,買家才取得拍賣品之所有權(quán),即使本公司已將拍賣品交付給買家。為免生疑惑,在所有權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)移之前,本公司及/或賣方可以對拍賣品行使管有權(quán)及/或留置權(quán)或法律容許的其它救濟。第二十七條 風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)移競投成功後,拍賣品的風(fēng)險於下列任何一種情形發(fā)生後(以較早發(fā)生日期為準)即由買家自行承擔:(一) 買家提取所購拍賣品;或(二) 買家向本公司支付有關(guān)拍賣品的全部購買價款;或(三) 拍賣成交日起七日屆滿。第二十八條 提取拍賣品買家須在拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi),前往本公司地址或本公司指定之其他地點提取所購買的拍賣品。買家須自行負責於風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)移至買家後為所購拍賣品購買保險。若買家未能在拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi)提取拍賣品,則逾期後對該拍賣品的相關(guān)保管、搬運、保險等費用均由買家承擔,且買家應(yīng)對其所購拍賣品承擔全部責任。逾期後,即使該拍賣品仍由本公司或其他代理人代為保管,本公司及其工作人員或其代理人對任何原因所致的該拍賣品的毀損、滅失,不承擔任何責任。第二十九條 包裝及付運本公司工作人員根據(jù)買家要求代為包裝及處理購買的拍賣品,僅視為本公司對買家提供的服務(wù),本公司可酌情決定是否提供此項服務(wù),若因此發(fā)生任何損失均由買家自行承擔。在任何情況下,本公司對因任何原因造成的玻璃或框架、囊匣、底墊、支架、裝裱、插冊、軸頭或類似附屬物的損壞不承擔責任。此外,對於本公司向買家推薦的包裝公司及裝運公司所造成的一切錯誤、遺漏、損壞或滅失,本公司亦不承擔責任。第三十條 進出口及許可證買家須自行負責取得任何有關(guān)拍賣品進出口、瀕臨絕種生物或其他方面之許可證。未獲得任何所需之許可證或延誤取得該類許可證,不可被視為買家取消購買或延遲支付購買價款之理由。本公司不承擔因不能填妥或呈交所需出口或進口貨單、清單或文件所產(chǎn)生之任何責任。如買家要求本公司代其申請出口許可證,本公司則有權(quán)就此服務(wù)另行收取服務(wù)費用。然而,本公司不保證出口許可證將獲發(fā)放。本公司及賣家概無就任何拍賣品是否受進出口限制或任何禁運作出聲明或保證。第三十一條 未付款之補救方法及強制履行若買家未按照本規(guī)則規(guī)定或未按照與本公司協(xié)定之任何付款安排足額付款,本公司有權(quán)採取以下之一種或多種措施:(一) 在拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi),如買家未向本公司付清全部購買價款,本公司有權(quán)委託第三方機構(gòu)代為向買家催要欠付的全部或部分購買價款;(二) 在拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi),如買家仍未足額支付購買價款,本公司有權(quán)自拍賣成交日後第八日起就買家未付款部分按照日息萬分之三收取利息,直至買家付清全部款項之日止,買家與本公司另有協(xié)議者除外;(三) 在本公司或其他地方投保、移走及儲存拍賣品,風(fēng)險及費用均由買家承擔;(四) 對買家提起訴訟,要求賠償本公司因買家遲付或拒付款項造成的所有損失和費用,包括利息損失;(五) 留置同一買家在本公司投得的該件或任何其他拍賣品,以及因任何原因由本公司佔有該買家的任何其他財產(chǎn)或財產(chǎn)權(quán)利,留置期間發(fā)生的一切費用及/或風(fēng)險均由買家承擔。若買家未能在本公司指定時間內(nèi)履行其全部相關(guān)義務(wù),則本公司有權(quán)在向買家發(fā)出行使留置權(quán)通知且買家在該通知發(fā)出後三十日內(nèi)仍未償清所有欠付款項的情況下,處分留置物。處分留置物所得不足抵償買家應(yīng)付本公司全部款項的,本公司有權(quán)另行追索;(六) 在拍賣成交日起九十日內(nèi),如買家仍未向本公司付清全部購買價款的,本公司有絕對酌情決定權(quán)撤銷(但無義務(wù))或同意賣方撤銷交易,並保留追索因撤銷該筆交易致使本公司所蒙受全部損失的權(quán)利; (七) 將本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司、以及中國嘉德、中國嘉德的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司在任何其他交易中欠付買家之款項抵銷買家欠付本公司關(guān)於拍賣品之任何款項;(八) 本公司可自行決定將買家支付的任何款項用於清償買家欠付本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司、以及中國嘉德、中國嘉德的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司關(guān)於拍賣品或其他交易之任何款項;(九) 拒絕買家或其代理人將來作出的競投,或在接受其競投前收取競投保證金。(十) 有權(quán)選擇向賣家披露買家的名字、地址以及聯(lián)繫方式, 賣家可據(jù)此提起訴訟追討欠款及/或其他費用。本公司在披 露之前將通過合理方式通知買家;本公司知悉就拍賣品之買賣而言,是獨特和無可替代的,不論是賣方或買方違約,一方向另一方支付損害賠償,均不是對守約方足夠的救濟。因此,本公司、賣方和買方均同意,任何一方違約的,守約方可以向法院申請強制履行的命令,要求違約方繼續(xù)履行其在本規(guī)則或其它相關(guān)文件項下的義務(wù)。第三十二條 延期提取拍賣品之補救方法若買家未能在拍賣成交日起七日內(nèi)提取其購得的拍賣品,則本公司有權(quán)採取以下之一種或多種措施:(一) 將該拍賣品投保及/或儲存在本公司或其他地方,由此發(fā)生的一切費用(包括但不限於自拍賣成交日起的第三十一日起按競投人登記表格的規(guī)定計收儲存費等)及/或風(fēng)險均由買家承擔。在買家如數(shù)支付全部購買價款後,方可提取拍賣品(包裝及搬運費用、運輸及保險費用、出境費等自行負擔);(二) 買家應(yīng)對其超過本規(guī)則規(guī)定期限未能提取相關(guān)拍賣品而在該期限屆滿後所發(fā)生之一切風(fēng)險及費用自行承擔責任。第三十三條 有限保證(一) 本公司對買家提供之一般保證:如本公司所出售之拍賣品其後被發(fā)現(xiàn)為膺品,根據(jù)本規(guī)則之條款,本公司將取消該交易,並將買家就該拍賣品支付予本公司之落槌價連同買家傭金,以原交易之貨幣退還予買家。就此而言,根據(jù)本公司合理之意見,膺品指仿製品,故意隱瞞或欺騙作品出處、原產(chǎn)地、產(chǎn)出年數(shù)、年期、文化或來源等各方面,而上述各項之正確描述並無收錄於目錄內(nèi)容(考慮任何專有詞彙)。拍賣品之任何損毀及/或任何類型之復(fù)原品及/或修改品(包括重新塗漆或在其上塗漆),不應(yīng)視為膺品。謹請注意,如發(fā)生以下任何一種情況,本保證將不適用:目錄內(nèi)容乃根據(jù)學(xué)者及專家於銷售日期獲普遍接納之意見,或該目錄內(nèi)容顯示該等意見存在衝突;或 於銷售日期,證明該拍賣品乃膺品之唯一方法,並非當時普遍可用或認可或價格極高或用途不切實際;或可能已對拍賣品造成損壞或可能(根據(jù)本公司合理之意見)已令拍賣品喪失價值之方法;或如根據(jù)拍賣品之描述,該拍賣品並無喪失任何重大價值。
(二) 本保證所規(guī)定之期限為相關(guān)拍賣成交日後五年內(nèi),純粹提供給買家之獨享利益,且不可轉(zhuǎn)移至任何第三方。為能依據(jù)本保證申索,買家必須:在收到任何導(dǎo)致買家質(zhì)疑拍賣品之真?zhèn)位驅(qū)傩灾Y料後三個月內(nèi)以書面通知本公司,註明拍賣品編號、購買該拍賣品之日期及被認為是膺品之理由;將狀況與銷售予買家當日相同,並能轉(zhuǎn)移其妥善所有權(quán)且自銷售日期後並無出現(xiàn)任何第三方申索之拍賣品退還予本公司。(三) 有關(guān)現(xiàn)代及當代藝術(shù)、中國油畫以及中國書畫,雖然目前學(xué)術(shù)界不容許對此類別作出確實之說明,但本公司保留酌情權(quán)按本保證但以拍賣成交日後一年內(nèi)為限取消證實為膺品之現(xiàn)代及當代藝術(shù)、中國油畫以及中國書畫拍賣品之交易;已付之款項按本條規(guī)定退還予買家,但買家必須在拍賣成交日起一年內(nèi)向本公司提供證據(jù)(按本條第(二)、(四)款規(guī)定的方式),證實該拍賣品為膺品;(四) 本公司可酌情決定豁免上述任何規(guī)定。本公司有權(quán)要求買家索取兩名為本公司及買家雙方接納之獨立及行內(nèi)認可專家之報告,費用由買家承擔。本公司無須受買家出示之任何報告所規(guī)限,並保留權(quán)利尋求額外之專家意見,費用由本公司自行承擔。第三十四條 資料獲取、錄影就經(jīng)營本公司的拍賣業(yè)務(wù)方面,本公司可能對任何拍賣過程進行錄音、錄影及記錄,亦需要向競投人搜集個人資料或向第三方索取有關(guān)競投人的資料(例如向銀行索取信用審核)。這些資料會由本公司處理並且保密,唯有關(guān)資料有可能根據(jù)本規(guī)則的目的或其它合法目的,提供給本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司、以及中國嘉德、中國嘉德的分部、附屬公司、子公司、母公司,以協(xié)助本公司為競投人提供完善的服務(wù)、進行客戶分析,或以便提供符合競投人要求的服務(wù),或根據(jù)本規(guī)則第三十一條進行披露。在本規(guī)則項下的交易完成後(如適用),本公司可在法律容許的合理時間內(nèi),保存及使用已收集的個人資料。如競投人或買家欲查閱及/或更正存於本公司的個人資料,可與客戶服務(wù)部聯(lián)絡(luò)或書面致函本公司(連同合理的行政費)提出有關(guān)要求。為了競投人的權(quán)益,本公司亦可能需要向第三方服務(wù)供應(yīng)商(例如船運公司或存?zhèn)}公司)提供競投人的部份個人資料。競投人參與本公司的拍賣,即表示競投人同意上文所述。第三十五條 版權(quán)賣家授權(quán)本公司對其委託本公司拍賣的任何拍賣品製作照片、圖示、圖錄或其他形式的影像製品和宣傳品,本公司享有上述照片、圖示、圖錄或其他形式的影像製品和宣傳品的版權(quán),有權(quán)對其依法加以無償使用或自行授權(quán)其他人使用。未經(jīng)本公司事先書面同意,買家及任何人不得使用。本公司及賣家均並未作出拍賣品是否受版權(quán)所限或買家是否取得拍賣品之任何版權(quán)的陳述及保證。第三十六條 通知競投人及買家均應(yīng)將其固定有效的通訊地址和聯(lián)絡(luò)方式以競投登記文件或其他本公司認可的方式告知本公司,若有改變,應(yīng)立即書面告知本公司。本規(guī)則中所提及之通知,僅指以信函、電子郵件、傳真或透過本公司APP用戶端(“APP用戶端”)形式發(fā)出的書面通知。該等通知在下列時間視為送達:(一) 如是專人送達的,當送到有關(guān)方之地址時;(二) 如是以郵寄方式發(fā)出的,則為郵寄日之後第七天;(三) 如是以傳真方式發(fā)出的,當發(fā)送傳真機確認發(fā)出時;(四) 如果是以電子郵件形式發(fā)出的,當在電子郵件記錄上確認發(fā)出之時;(五) 如本公司透過APP用戶端方式發(fā)出的,則發(fā)送當日為競投人及買家收到該通知日期。第三十七條 可分割性如本規(guī)則之任何條款或部分因任何理由被認定為無效、不合法或不可執(zhí)行,本規(guī)則其他條款或部分仍然有效,相關(guān)各方應(yīng)當遵守、執(zhí)行。第三十八條 法律及管轄權(quán)(一) 本規(guī)則及其相關(guān)事宜、交易、因依照本規(guī)則參加本公司拍賣活動而引起或與之有關(guān)的任何爭議,均受香港法律規(guī)管並由香港法律解釋。(二)競投人及買家同意香港法院對本公司拍賣活動而引起或與之有關(guān)的任何爭議(“該爭議”)擁有排他性管轄權(quán)。(三) 本第三十八(三)條只受益於本公司。競投人及買家同意本公司有權(quán)於任何其他具管轄權(quán)的法院就該爭議提起訴訟而不受任何限制。在法律允許的範圍內(nèi) ,本公司可在若干司法管轄區(qū)同時進行訴訟。第三十九條 語言文本本規(guī)則以中文為標準文本,英文文本為參考文本。英文文本如與中文文本有任何不一致之處,以中文文本為準。第四十條 規(guī)則版權(quán)所有本規(guī)則由本公司制訂和修改,相應(yīng)版權(quán)歸本公司所有。未經(jīng)本公司事先書面許可,任何人不得以任何方式或手段,利用本規(guī)則獲取商業(yè)利益,亦不得對本規(guī)則之任何部分進行複製、傳送或儲存於可檢索系統(tǒng)中。第四十一條 適用時期 本公司可不時更新本規(guī)則而無需另行通知,競投人及買家有義務(wù)定期查閱本公司網(wǎng)站HTTPS://WWW.CGUARDIAN.COM.HK 上發(fā)佈的更新。如競投人和買家不同意當前適用的買家業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)則,可以選擇退出拍賣競投登記。競投人和買家參與拍賣時應(yīng)以當時適用的買家業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)則為準。第四十二條 解釋權(quán)日常執(zhí)行本規(guī)則時,本規(guī)則的解釋權(quán)由本公司行使。如買家、賣家與本公司發(fā)生法律爭議,在解決該爭議時,本規(guī)則的解釋權(quán)由具管轄權(quán)的法院行使。版本日期:2024年11月1日本公司地址:香港金鐘道89號力寶中心一座五樓The following provisions may be amended by public notice or verbal notifi cation during the auction. By bidding at the auction, the Bidder agrees to be bound by the following provisions. Article 1 China Guardian (Hong Kong) Auctions Co., Ltd. as the Auction AgentUnless otherwise provided, China Guardian (Hong Kong) Auctions Co., Ltd. shall serve as the Seller’s agent. The contract for the sale of the Auction Property shall be the contract between the Seller and the Buyer. These Conditions, the Conditions of Business for Sellers, and all other terms, conditions and notices contained in the catalogue, announced by the Auctioneer or provided in the auction venue in the form of an announcement shall constitute the terms agreed among the Seller, the Buyer and/or China Guardian (Hong Kong) Auctions Co., Ltd. as the auction agent. Article 2 Defi nitions and Explanations1.The following terms herein shall have the meanings assigned to them below:(1)“Company” means China Guardian (Hong Kong) Auctions Co., Ltd.;(2)“China Guardian” means China Guardian Auctions Co., Ltd., with its domicile at 3/F, Offi ce Area, Guardian Art Center, No.1 Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China;(3)“Seller” means any person, company, body corporate or entity that off ers Auction Property for sale. Unless otherwise stated or specifi cally required by the context, the term “Seller” herein shall include the Seller’s agent (excluding the Company), executor or personal representative; (4)“Bidder” means any person, company, body corporate or entity that contemplates, makes or attempts a bid in any manner. Unless otherwise stated or specifi cally required by the context, the term “Bidder” herein shall include the Bidder’s agent;(5)“Buyer” means the Bidder, including the principal of a person bidding as an agent, the highest bid or off er of whom is accepted by the Auctioneer in the auction held by the Company;(6)“Buyer’s Commission” means the commission that the Buyer must pay to the Company based on the Hammer Price at the rate specifi ed herein;(7)“Auction Property” means the item(s) that the Seller consigns to the Company for auction and which are auctioned off at the auction;(8)“Auction Date” means, for a particular auction, the date announced by the company on which the auction will offi cially commence;(9)“Sale Date” means the date on which the transaction of an Auction Property is confi rmed by the striking of the hammer by the Auctioneer or other public indication by the Auctioneer that a transaction has been struck in the auction held by the Company;(10)“Auctioneer” means the person that the Company designates to preside over a particular auction; (11)“Hammer Price” means the price at which the Auctioneer strikes the hammer, deciding the sale of the Auction Property to the Buyer, or, in the case of a postauction transaction, the agreed upon sale price;(12)“Purchase Price” means the total amount that the Buyer is required to pay for his or her purchase of an Auction Property, including the Hammer Price plus the Buyer’s Commission, and the taxes, levies, interest and various charges payable by the Buyer;(13)“Buyer Charges” means the expenditures and expenses relating to the sale of an Auction Property by the Company, including but not limited to the charges for insurance, packing, transport, storage and custody that the Company is required to purchase in respect of the Auction Property, expenses for testing, investigation, searching or authentication of an Auction Property additionally requested by the Buyer and additional expenditures and legal expenses incurred in seeking recourse against a defaulting Buyer;(14)“Reserve” means the confi dential minimum selling price for an Auction Property determined by the Seller and the Company;(15)“Estimated Price” means the estimated sales price of an Auction Property indicated in the catalogue or after other descriptive text, and excluding the Buyer’s Commission;(16)“Storage Fee” means the charge for storage that the Buyer is required to pay to the Company in accordance herewith.2.As required by the context, the singular of a term herein includes the plural thereof, and vice versa. Unless otherwise required by the context:(i)the Buyer and the Company are herein collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and a “Party” refers to either Party; (ii)Any mention of legal provisions shall be construed as including any future amendments to, or re-enactment of, such provisions; (iii)Any mention of “person” shall include natural persons, companies, legal persons, enterprises, partnerships, individual proprietorships, governmental or social organizations and organizations comprised of more than one of the foregoing;(iv)Any mention of “Article” or “Clause” refers to the Articles or Clauses hereof;(v)The headings are provided for ease of reference only, and shall not affect the interpretation hereof.Article 3 Applicable ScopeAll Bidders, Buyers and other concerned parties participating in the auction of such collectibles as cultural artifacts, works of art, etc. organized and conducted by the Company shall act in accordance herewith.Article 4 Special NoticeAll Bidders and Buyers participating in the auction by the Company shall carefully read and abide by these Conditions, and, in particular, they shall carefully read the provisions hereof on the liability of the Company, the restrictive provisions, and the disclaimers. The Bidder and/or his or her agent is/are responsible for viewing the original Auction Properties in person, and shall be legally liable for his or her bidding on the Auction Properties. The Company may at its own discretion postpone or cancel any auction due to weather or other reasons and shall not be liable to make any compensation to the Bidder. Article 5 Responsibilities of the Bidder and the Company in Respect of the Auction Properties1.The Company’s perception of an Auction Property is partly dependent on the information provided by the Seller, the Company is in no position to and will not carry out comprehensive due diligence of the Auction Properties. The Bidder is aware of this and shall be responsible for inspecting and examining the original Auction Properties so as to satisfy himself or herself in respect of those Auction Properties which he or she may be interested in.2.All Auction Properties to be sold by the Company are available for viewing by the Bidder before sale. Where the Bidder and/or his or her agent participates in bidding, the Bidder shall be deemed as having thoroughly examined the Auction Properties, and to be satisfied with the condition of, and the accuracy of the description of, the Auction Properties. 3.The Bidder confi rms that numerous Auction Properties are of great age and of special types, meaning that they are not necessarily sound and free from defects. All Auction Properties are sold “as is” at the time of the auction (whether or not the Bidder attends the auction in person). Condition reports may be provided at the time of viewing the Auction Properties. Under certain circumstances, the catalogue descriptions and condition reports may serve as reference about certain defects in the Auction Properties. Nevertheless, the Bidder should note that the Auction CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS FOR BUYERS
Properties may have other defects not expressly stated in the catalogue or condition reports.4.The information concerning any Auction Property provided to the Bidder, including any forecast information (written or verbal), and any information, rules or other reports, commentaries or estimated values contained in the catalogues, are not statements of fact, but rather statements of the opinions held by the Company. Such information may be revised at the sole discretion of the Company from time to time. 5.Neither the Company nor the Seller gives any representations or warranties as to whether any Auction Property is subject to any copyright or whether the Buyer has bought the copyright in any Auction Property.6.Subject to Articles 5(1) to 5(5) and the specifi c exemptions contained in Article 6 hereof, the catalogue descriptions and condition reports are made by the Company in a reasonable and prudent manner (consistent with the provisions relating to the Company as the Auction Agent) based on (1) the information provided by the Seller to the Company; (2) academic and technical knowledge (if any); and (3) generally accepted opinions of relevant experts.Article 6 Exemption of Liability Towards the Bidder and the Buyer and Limitations1.Subject to Article 5 and Articles 6(1) and 6(4) hereof, the Company or the Seller shall not: (1) be liable for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the Company to the Bidder, whether verbally or in writing, regardless of whether due to negligence or otherwise;(2)give any guarantee or warranty to the Bidder, and any implied warranties or conditions other than the express warranties given by the Seller to the Buyer through the Company are excluded (except where it is provided in law that such liabilities may not be exempted);(3)be liable to any Bidder for any actions or omissions in respect of any matter relating to the auction or sale of any Auction Property by the Company (regardless of whether due to negligence or otherwise).2.Unless the Company owns the Auction Property to be sold, it shall not be liable for any breach of these Conditions by the Seller. 3.Without prejudice to Article 6(1) hereof, the amount of any claim that a Bidder may lodge against the Company or the Seller shall be limited to the Hammer Price of the Auction Property and the Buyer’s Commission. Under no circumstance shall the Company or the Seller bear any consequential losses incurred by the Buyer. 4.Article 6 hereof does not exempt or restrict the liability of the Company for any fraudulent misrepresentation made by the Company or the Seller, nor for any personal injury or death arising due to the negligence of or an omission by the Company or the Seller.Article 7 Catalogue and Other Descriptions of the Auction PropertyAll statements made by the Company about an Auction Property in the catalogue or in the condition reports, or separately made verbally or in writing, are statements of opinion only, and shall not be relied upon as statements of fact. Such statements do not constitute any representation, warranty or assumption of liability by the Company in any form. The relevant defects and restorations mentioned in the catalogue or the condition report for an Auction Property are for guidance only and shall be reviewed in person by the Bidder or a representative with the relevant knowledge. The absence of a reference to the above-mentioned information does not mean that the Auction Property is completely free from defects or has never been restored. Furthermore, even if reference is made to a specifi c defect, this does not mean there are no other defects.Where there is a discrepancy between the tone, color, texture or shape of an Auction Property in the catalogue and/or in any other manner of illustration, video recording or publicity materials and that of the original, due to printing, photographic or other such technical reason, the actual Auction Property shall prevail.Bibliographies cited in any description of an Auction Property by the Company, its employees or its agents are for the Bidder’s reference only. The Company will not provide the originals or photocopies of the bibliographic publications or other such materials, and reserves the right to revise the cited descriptions.Article 8 Reserve and Estimated PriceA Reserve is set for all of the Company’s Auction Properties, unless it is indicated or stated that an Auction Property is not subject to such a Reserve. In general, the Reserve is not higher than the low Estimated Price announced or published before the auction by the Company. If a Reserve has not been set for an Auction Property, unless there already have been bids, the Auctioneer shall have the right, at his or her discretion, to decide the starting price, which, however, may not be higher than the low Estimated Price of the Auction Property before the auction.Under no circumstance shall the Company bear any liability in the event that the bids for an Auction Property fail to reach the Reserve at the auction held by the Company. If the bids for an Auction Property are lower than the Reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right, at his or her discretion, to sell the Auction Property at a price lower than the Reserve. However, under such a circumstance, the amount that the Company shall pay the Seller shall be the amount that the Seller would have received had the Auction Property been sold at the Reserve. An Estimated Price is estimated some time before the Auction Date, is not a defi nitive selling price, and is not legally binding. No Estimated Price may serve as a forecast of the Hammer Price for an Auction Property, and the Company has the right to revise from time to time Estimated Price(s) that have already been made.Article 9 Bidding at AuctionBidders shall bid through the following methods:1. The Bidder shall attend the auction in person, and complete the registration and pay a bid deposit before obtaining a paddle as required, subject to Article 10 to Article 12 hereof; or2. Subject to Article 15 hereof, the Bidder may appoint the Company in writing to bid on his or her behalf by a duly completed and signed Telephone Bidding Form of the Company (“Telephone Bidding Form”); or3. The Bidder shall adopt the Live Auction Platform which authorized by the Company.Article 10 Bidder RegistrationWhere the Bidder is an individual, he or she shall fi ll in and sign before the Auction Date the registration documents on the strength of an identity document with photo issued by the government (such as a resident identity card or passport), and provide proof of his or her current address (e.g. a utility bill or bank statement); where the Bidder is a company or other organization, it shall fi ll in and sign the registration documents on the strength of its valid incorporation document, identity document of the legal or authorized representative, proof of shareholding or directors and lawful authorization document, and collect a paddle before the Auction Date. The Company may request the Bidder to present banking information for making payment, other proof of fi nancial standing or other documents for the purpose of due diligence. The Company reserves the right to check the source of the Bidder’s funds.Article 11 PaddleThe Company may, depending on the auction conditions and auction method, announce before the Auction Date the conditions and procedures for obtaining a paddle, including but not limited to formulating the qualifi cation conditions necessary for Bidders to carry out the procedures for obtaining a paddle.The Company solemnly reminds the Bidder that a paddle is the sole proof for the Bidder to participate in the bidding in person. The Bidder shall keep the same in safe custody and may not lend the same to other persons. In the event it is lost, the Bidder shall promptly carry out the loss report procedures by way of a written method approved by the Company.All of the bidding acts carried out during the auction by a paddle holder, regardless of whether he or she has been appointed by the Bidder, shall be deemed as having been done by the paddle registrant himself or herself, and the Bidder shall bear the legal liability for the acts of such person, unless the paddle registrant has himself or herself carried out with the Company the procedures for reporting the loss of a paddle by way of a written method approved by the Company, and the paddle in question is declared void by the Auctioneer on the spot.Article 12 Bid DepositWhen the Bidder participates in the Company’s auction, he or she shall pay a bid deposit before collecting the paddle. The amount of the bid deposit shall be announced by the Company before the Auction Date, and the Company has the right to reduce or waive the bid deposit. If the Bidder fails to buy an Auction Property and does not have any amounts owing to the Company, its divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries or parent, or China Guardian, its divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries or parent, the entire amount of the bid deposit shall be refunded to the Bidder without interest within 14 working days after conclusion of the auction. If the Bidder becomes the Buyer, the bid deposit shall automatically be transformed into the deposit for payment of the Purchase Price of the Auction Property.Article 13 Discretion of the CompanyThe Company has the right, at its discretion, to refuse anyone from participating in the auction held by the Company, entering the auction venue, or taking photos, audio recordings or video recordings, etc. in the auction venue.Article 14 Bidding as PrincipalUnless a particular Bidder has presented written proof to the Company indicating that he or she is the agent of a particular Bidder and the same has been approved in writing by the Company, each Bidder shall be deemed to be the Bidder himself or herself. Article 15 Telephone BidsThe Bidder shall attend the auction in person. If he or she cannot attend in person or by way of an agent, he or she may appoint the Company in writing using the Telephone Bidding Form to bid on his or her behalf. The Company shall have the discretion to decide whether or not to accept such an appointment. If the Bidder wishes to appoint the Company to bid on his or her behalf, he or she should have completed the appointment procedures of the bids by the prescribed deadline (no later than 24 hours before the Auction Date), present a duly completed and signed Telephone Bidding Form to the Company, and paid the bid deposit pursuant to these Conditions.If, having appointed the Company to bid on his or her behalf, the Bidder wishes to cancel the appointment, he or she shall notify the Company in writing no later than 24 hours before the Auction Date. Article 16 Outcome of Telephone BidIf the Bidder has appointed the Company to bid on his or her behalf, the bid outcome and relevant legal liabilities shall be borne by him or her.The Bidder shall accurately provide the instant communication method (such as mobile phone number) and keep such instant communication instrument in safe custody. While the Company is appointed to bid on the behalf of the Bidder, the Bidder shall personally use the instant communication instrument. In event of loss of, or loss of the control of, the instant communication instrument in question, the Bidder shall promptly revise by way of a written method approved by the Company the instant communication method provided on the Telephone Bidding Form.While the Company is appointed to bid on the Bidder’s behalf, it will (use timely and appropriate effort) to contact the Bidder, and all of the bidding information transmitted by the instant communication instrument (regardless of whether it is transmitted by the Bidder himself or herself or the Bidder’s Agent) shall be deemed as having been transmitted by the Bidder himself or herself, and the Bidder shall be legally liable for the actions thereof, unless the Buyer has himself or herself altered by way of a written method approved by the Company the instant communication method provided on the Telephone Bidding Form. Nevertheless, under no circumstance shall the Company be liable for any unsuccessful attempt to make contact or for any errors or omissions in the bids made using the instant communication instrument in question.Article 17 Disclaimer of Liability for Telephone Bid Given that telephone bidding is a free service provided by the Company to the Bidder for the purpose of transmitting bidding information, neither the Company nor its employees shall be liable for unsuccessful bids or any errors, omissions, negligence, fault or inability to bid on the Bidder’s behalf arising in the course of the bidding on the Bidder’s behalf.Article 18 Discretion of the AuctioneerThe Auctioneer shall have the absolute right of discretion in respect of the following matters:1.to refuse or accept any bid;2.to conduct the auction in the manner he or she decides;3.to withdraw any Auction Property, divide it into separate lots for auction or combine any two or more Auction Properties and auction them together;4.where an error or dispute occurs, whether during or after the auction, to decide the successful Bidder, whether or not to continue the auction, to cancel the auction or to auction the disputed Auction Property anew;5.to open and conduct the bidding at the level and at bid increments that he or she deems appropriate, and to bid on behalf of the Seller up to the amount of the Reserve, by making a bid, by making consecutive bids or by making bids in response to the bids of other Bidders;6.to take other actions that he or she reasonably deems appropriate.Article 19 No ReserveFor those Auction Properties without a Reserve, unless there are bids, the Auctioneer shall have the right, at his or her own discretion, to decide the starting price. If there are no bids at such price, the Auctioneer will, at his or her own discretion, lower the price and continue the auction until a Bidder starts to bid, whereupon he will increase the price from there and continue the auction.Article 20 Image Display Panel and Currency Conversion Display PanelFor the convenience of Bidders, the Company may use image projection or other manner of display panel during the auction. The information shown thereon shall be provided for reference only. Regardless of whether there may be errors in the information, such as the amount, reference number of an Auction Property, the picture of an Auction Property or reference foreign exchange amount, etc., shown on the image projection or other manner of display panel, the Company shall not be liable for any losses arising as a result thereof.Article 21 Successful SaleUpon the confi rmation of the highest bid by the striking of the hammer or otherwise by the Auctioneer, such Bidder’s bid shall be the successful bid, indicating that he or she has become the Buyer of the Auction Property, and that a binding sales contract has been concluded between the Seller and the Buyer.Article 22 Commission and ChargesOnce the Bidder has made a successful bid, he or she becomes the Buyer of the Auction Property. The Buyer shall pay to the Company a commission to be calculated as follows: For each Auction Property, those part of Hammer Price which is HKD5 million or below, the commission shall be equivalent to 20% of the Hammer Price; for each Auction Property whose Hammer Price exceeds HKD5 million, the commission applicable to those part of the Hammer Price between HKD5 million to HKD20 million shall be equivalent to 17% thereof and the commission applicable to those part of the Hammer Price above HKD20 million shall be equivalent to 14% thereof. The Buyer shall also pay to the Company other Buyer Charges, and accepts that the Company may charge the Seller a commission and other Seller charges in accordance with the Conditions of Business for Sellers.Article 23 Taxes All the monies paid to the Company by the Buyer shall be the net amount, exclusive of any tax on goods, tax on services or other value added tax (whether levied by Hong Kong or another region). If any taxes or levies are applicable to the Buyer, he or she shall solely bear the same in accordance with the relevant laws currently in force.Article 24 Payment DeadlineUnless otherwise agreed in writing, after a sale, the Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price in full to the Company and collect the Auction Property within seven days from the Sale Date, regardless of any export, import or other permit regulations for the Auction Property. All packing and handling charges, freight and insurance charges, export related charges, etc. involved, if any, shall be paid by the Buyer together with the foregoing.Article 25 Payment CurrencyAll monies shall be paid in Hong Kong dollars. If the Buyer pays in a currency other than the Hong Kong dollar, the same shall be converted at the exchange rate agreed between the Buyer and the Company or at the exchange rate for the Hong Kong dollar and the currency in question posted by The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. one working day prior to the date of payment by the Buyer. All bank service charges, commissions and other charges incurred by the Company in converting the foreign currency paid by the Buyer into Hong Kong dollars shall be borne by the Buyer.Article 26 Transfer of OwnershipThe Buyer shall own the ownership of the Auction Property only after he or she has paid in full the Purchase Price and all amounts that he or she may owe the Company, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent company, or China Guardian, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent company, even if the Auction Property has been delivered to the Buyer by the Company. For the avoidance of doubt, before the transfer of the ownership of the Auction Property, the Company and/or the Seller reserve the right of possession /lien or any other lawful relieves.Article 27 Transfer of RisksOnce a successful bid has been made, the risks attaching to the Auction Property shall be solely borne by the Buyer once any of the following circumstances (whichever is earlier) arises:1.the Buyer collects the Auction Property; or2.the Buyer pays all of the Purchase Price for the Auction Property to the Company; or3.the lapse of seven days after the Sale Date.Article 28 Collection of the Auction PropertyThe Buyer must, within seven days from the Sale Date, proceed to the Company’s address or other location designated by the Company to collect the Auction Property he or she purchased. The Buyer shall be solely responsible for purchasing
insurance for the Auction Property he or she purchased once the risks pass to him or her. If the Buyer fails to collect the Auction Property within seven days from the Sale Date, he or she shall bear all of the relevant costs for storing, handling, insuring, etc. the Auction Property in question, and he or she shall bear all of the liability for the Auction Property he or she purchased. Furthermore, notwithstanding the Auction Property remaining in the custody of the Company or another agent, none of the Company, its employees or agents shall be liable for damage to or loss of the Auction Property, regardless of the reason the same arises.Article 29 Packing and ShippingThe packing and processing by the employees of the Company of the purchased Auction Property as required by the Buyer shall solely be deemed as a service provided by the Company to the Buyer, and the Company may decide at its own discretion whether to provide such service. If any losses arise therefrom, they shall solely be borne by the Buyer. Under no circumstance shall the Company be liable for damage to glass or frame, box, backing sheet, stand, mounting, inserts, rolling rod or other similar auxiliary object arising for any reason. Furthermore, the Company shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, damage or loss caused by the packing company or removal company recommended by the Company to the Buyer.Article 30 Import/Export and PermitsThe Buyer shall himself or herself be responsible for securing any relevant import and export, endangered species or other permit for the Auction Property. A failure or delay in obtaining any required permit shall not be deemed as grounds for cancelling the purchase or delaying payment of the Purchase Price by the Buyer. The Company shall not bear any liability for the failure to duly complete or submit the required import or export waybill, list or documents.If the Buyer requests that the Company apply for an export permit on his or her behalf, the Company shall have the right to charge him or her a separate service fee for such service. However, the Company does not warrant that such export permit will be issued. Neither the Company nor the Seller gives any representations or warranties as to whether or not any Auction Property is subject to import/export restrictions or any embargo.Article 31 Remedies for Non-Payment and Specifi c PerformanceIf the Buyer fails to make payment in full pursuant to these Conditions or any payment arrangement agreed with the Company, the Company shall have the right to take one or more of the following measures:1.If the Buyer fails to pay all of the Purchase Price in full to the Company within 7 days from the Sale Date, the Company shall have the right to engage a third party organization to collect all or part of the outstanding Purchase Price from the Buyer;2.If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in full within 7 days from the Sale Date, the Company shall have the right to charge interest at the rate 0.03% per day on the Buyer’s outstanding amount starting from the 8th day after the Sale Date until the date on which the Buyer pays the entire amount in full, unless the Buyer and the Company agree otherwise;3.All risks and charges relating to insurance coverage taken out on the Auction Property, removal thereof, or storage thereof, at or from the Company or elsewhere shall be borne by the Buyer; 4.To institute a legal action against the Buyer, demanding that he or she compensate it for all the losses incurred as a result of his or her breach of contract, including the interest losses arising due to delay in payment or refusal to pay by the Buyer;5.To exercise a lien on the Auction Property in question and any other Auction Property of the Buyer purchased under the auspices of the Company, and any other property or property rights of the Buyer that may be in the Company’s possession for any reason, and all expenses and/or risks arising during the duration of the lien shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to perform all of his or her relevant obligations by the deadline designated by the Company, the Company shall have the right to dispose of the subject matter of the lien after issuing notice to the Buyer that it is exercising its lien rights and if the Buyer fails to discharge all outstanding amounts within 30 days after issuance of such notice. If the proceeds from the disposal of the subject matter of the lien are insuffi cient to off set all the monies payable by the Buyer to the Company, the Company shall have the right to separately recover the same;6.If the Buyer still has not paid all of the Purchase Price in full to the Company within 90 days from the Sale Date, the Company shall have the right (but shall not be obliged) to decide, at its absolute discretion, to cancel the transaction or agree to cancellation of the transaction by the Seller, and reserves the right to recover all of the losses suff ered by the Company due to cancellation of the transaction; 7.To off set any amount related to the Auction Property owed by the Buyer to the Company against any amount owed from any other transaction by the Company, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent, or China Guardian, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent to the Buyer;8.To decide at its discretion to use any monies paid by the Buyer to discharge the amount owed by the Buyer to the Company, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent, or China Guardian, its divisions, affi liates, subsidiaries or parent in connection with the Auction Property or other transaction;9.To refuse any future bids made by the Buyer or his or her agent, or to charge him or her a bid deposit before accepting his or her bids;10. The Company has the right to disclose the name, address and contact information of the Buyer to the Seller for the Seller to commence a legal action against the Buyer to recover the arrears and/or other expenses. The Company will take reasonable steps to notify the Buyer before disclosure;The Company is aware that the Auction Property is unique and irreplaceable, if either the Seller or the Buyer defaults, the payment of damages by one party to another shall not be a suffi cient remedy to the observant party. Accordingly, the Company, the Buyer and the Seller agree that any such breach, the observant party may apply to the court to order specifi c performance, requiring the defaulting party to perform his/her obligations under these Conditions or their ancillary documents.Article 32 Remedies for Delay in Collecting the Auction PropertyIf the Buyer fails to collect the purchased Auction Property within seven days from the Sale Date, the Company shall have the right to take one or more of the following measures:1.To take out insurance coverage for the Auction Property and/or store the same on Company premises or elsewhere, with all of the costs (including but not limited to charging the Storage Fee specifi ed on the Bidder Registration Form from the 31st day following the Sale Date) and/or risks arising therefrom borne by the Buyer. In such a case, the Buyer may collect the Auction Property (packing and handling charges, freight and insurance charges, export related charges at the sole expense of the Buyer) only after he or she has paid all of the Purchase Price in full;2.If the Buyer fails to collect the relevant Auction Property by the deadline prescribed herein, he or she shall solely be liable for all the risks and expenses arising after the expiration of such deadline. Article 33 Limited Warranties1.The general warranties provided to the Buyer by the Company are as set forth below:If it is discovered after an Auction Property is sold by the Company that the same is a forgery, the Company will, in accordance herewith, cancel the transaction and refund to the Buyer in the original currency the Hammer price together with the Buyer’s Commission paid by the Buyer to the Company in respect of the Auction Property.For the purposes of the foregoing, a forgery, based on the reasonable opinion of the Company, means such things as a forged work or intentional concealment or a fraudulent claim in respect of the source, place of origin, date, production year, age, culture or origin, etc. of a work, and a correct description of the foregoing is not included in the catalogue (considering any terms of art). Any damage to an Auction Property and/or any manner of restored piece and/or any repaired piece (including repainting or overpainting) shall not be deemed a forgery.Please note that the foregoing warranty shall not apply if:(1)The information in the catalogue is based on the generally accepted opinions of academics and experts on the selling date, or said information in the catalogue indicates that there exist confl icts in such opinions; or (2)On the selling date, the only means of proving that the Auction Property in question is a forgery is not generally available or recognized at such time, is extremely expensive or is impractical; or may already have caused damage to the Auction Property or may (in the reasonable opinion of the Company) already have caused the Auction Property to lose value; or (3)If, based on its description, the Auction Property has not lost any material value.2.The period specifi ed by this warranty simply provides the Buyer an exclusive nontransferrable benefi t for 5 years after the Sale Date. To lodge a claim based on this warranty, the Buyer must:(1) notify the Company in writing within three months after the receipt of any information which leads the Buyer to doubt the authenticity or attributes of the Auction Property, specifying the reference number of the Auction Property, the date on which the Auction Property was purchased and the reasons for believing that the Auction Property is a forgery;(2)return the Auction Property to the Company in a condition identical to that on the date on which it was sold to the Buyer, and provided that good title thereto is transferrable and no third party claims have been made in respect thereof since the selling date.3.With respect to contemporary and modern art, Chinese oil paintings and Chinese paintings and calligraphy, although academic circles do not permit the making of defi nitive statements in respect thereof at present, the Company reserves the discretion, pursuant to this warranty, to cancel transactions of contemporary and modern art, Chinese oil paintings and Chinese paintings and calligraphy that are confi rmed to be forgeries, but only within one year after the Sale Date. The amount paid shall be refunded to the Buyer pursuant to this Article, provided that the Buyer provides to the Company evidence (by the methods set forth in clauses 2 and 4 of this Article) confi rming that the Auction Property is a forgery within one year from the Sale Date;4.The Company may, at its discretion, decide to waive any of the foregoing provisions. The Company shall have the right to request that the Buyer obtain, at his or her expense, reports from two experts acceptable to the Company and the Buyer who are independent and recognized in the industry. The Company shall not be subject to any report presented by the Buyer, and reserves the right to seek the opinion of additional experts at its own expense.Article 34 Obtaining Information and Video TakingWith respect to the operation of the Company’s auction business, the Company may make audio recordings, video recordings or keep a record of any auction process, and may need to collect personal information from the Bidder or request information about the Bidder from third parties (such as requesting a credit review from a bank). Such information will be processed and kept confi dential by the Company. However, relevant information may be provided to the Company, its divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries or parent, or China Guardian, its divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries or parent in order to assist the Company in providing excellent services to Bidders, carrying out client analyses, or providing services that satisfy the requirements of Bidders or may be disclosed according to Article 31. Once the sale under these Conditions is completed (if applicable), the Company may save and use the collected personal information within a reasonable time permitted by law. If a bidder or buyer wishes to access and/or amend his or her personal information stored with the Company, he or she may contact the customer service department or make the relevant request to the Company in writing (together with a reasonable administrative fee). For the benefi t of the Bidder, the Company may also be required to provide certain personal information of the Bidder to third party service providers (such as shipping companies or warehousing companies). By participating in the auction by the Company, the Bidder indicates that he or she consents to the foregoing. Article 35 CopyrightThe Seller authorizes the Company to produce photos, illustrations, a catalogue, or other form of video recording of, and publicity materials for, any Auction Property that he or she has consigned to the Company for auction, and the Company enjoys the copyrights therein, and has the right to use free of charge or authorize others to use the same in accordance with the law. Without the prior written consent of the Company, neither the Buyer nor anyone else may use the same. Neither the Company nor the Seller gives any representations or warranties as to whether the Auction Property is subject to copyright or whether the Buyer secures any copyright in the Auction Property. Article 36 NoticesThe Bidder and the Buyer shall inform the Company of their fixed and valid correspondence address and contact information by the method specifi ed in the bidding registration documents or other method approved by the Company. In the event of a change, the Company shall be promptly informed thereof in writing.The notices mentioned herein only refer to written notices sent by post, by email, by fax or by the Company’s mobile app (“Mobile App”). A notice shall be deemed as served at the following times:1.If served by hand, at the time it reaches the address of the relevant Party; 2.If by post, the seventh day after it is posted; 3.If by fax, when transmission is confi rmed by the sending fax machine;4.If by email, when delivery is confi rmed by the email record;5.A notice sent by the Company through Mobile App shall be deemed to be received by the Bidder and the Buyer on the date when it is delivered.Article 37 SeverabilityIf any provision or part hereof is found invalid, unlawful or unenforceable for any reason, the other provisions and parts hereof shall remain valid, and the relevant parties shall abide by and perform the same.Article 38 Laws and Jurisdiction(1) These Conditions and related matters, transactions and any disputes arising from, or in connection with, participation in the auction conducted by the Company pursuant hereto shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Hong Kong. (2) The Buyer and the Bidder agree that the Hong Kong courts have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising out of or in connection with any auctions conducted by the Company (the “Disputes”). (3) This Article 38.3 is for the benefi t of the Company only. The Buyer and the Bidder agree that the Company shall not be prevented from taking any proceedings relating to the Disputes in any other courts with jurisdiction. To the extent allowed by law, the Company may take concurrent proceedings in any number of jurisdictions.Article 39 LanguageThe Chinese language version hereof shall be the governing version and the English language version shall be for reference only.In the event of a discrepancy between the English language version and the Chinese language version, the Chinese language version shall prevail.Article 40 Ownership of Copyright in the ConditionsThese Conditions are formulated and shall be revised by the Company, and the relevant copyrights shall vest in the Company. Without the prior written permission of the Company, no one may use these Conditions in any manner or way to obtain commercial benefits, and may not take copies of, communicate or store in any searchable system any part hereof.Article 41 Term of ApplicabilityThe Company may update these Conditions from time to time without further notice and the Bidder and the Buyer have the obligation to check the Company’s website https://www.cguardian.com.hk for any update. If the Bidder and the Buyer do not agree with the then applicable Conditions of Business for Buyers, he or she may choose to withdraw from the auction bidding registration. When the Bidder and the Buyer participate in any auction, then applicable Conditions of Business for Buyers shall prevail.Article 42 Right of Interpretation During routine performance hereof, the right to interpret these Conditions shall be exercised by the Company. In the event of a legal dispute between the Buyer and the Company, the right of interpreting these Conditions, when resolving the dispute, shall be exercised by the competent court.Date of this version: 1st November, 2024Address of the Company: 5th Floor, Tower One, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong
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