25262HT S2012/S203H02/3/S104HT SH B0HT C600/6C680/C6T C18L/19LHT 18T C7HT1HT H10HT 01T50/S01HT3/4 C1C
525479HT/D9/H9T 875/88/TT3030DT 301HT02HT C20T0/2WT03UT C501HT70/C7HTHT P8H900-T G600PH03HT V01/TT W04
HT S20S02/S20H S21 S20203HT S201Outdoor Infrared ThermalSearchoductisandnightareder,suitablefobservasearescue,outeaations,nightptrSupportWIFIasytoopereDisplay ScreenVMagnificationDiopter adjustmentColor Paletteideo FormatUSB InterfaceBattery ypeProduct WeightLensIdentification DistanceHumanVTypeInfrared Image ResolutionFocal LengthNETDRanging Accuracy(Building)MlSporlisiaew25mm35mm180m781m1653m4375m413mVoxVoxVox256×192℃,F(xiàn)#1.0℃12.5°x10.0°50Hz10m~1200mlm,>400m?0.4%Manual0.39英?-6D~+4D1x/2x/4x/8xJPP4TYPE-CI 6188mmX81X5903
H2/S10/S1Thermalsuitable for natural observation, search and rescue, outdoor exploration, White Hot,Black Hot,Fire Hot,Rainbow,Iron Red,Cold ColorSupport WIFIHTS102HTS103HTS104Display ScreenVHot Point TColor PaletteLanguageUSB InterfaceBattery TypeProtection LevelProduct WDetector TypeNETDSpectral RangeFrame RateIFOVMagnificationBattery Life3200mAh (18650) Rechargeable Lithium Batteryther SpiictinLensDetection DistanceHumanVehicleehicleMeVoxVoxox256×192384×288640×512≤50mK@25℃℃25mm35mm35mm7.0°x5.4°7. 5°x5. 7°12.5°x10.0°0.48mrad0.34mrad12μm8~14um50HzManual0.32 Inch OLED800×6001x/2x/4x1x/2x/4x/8xG/MP4T-P≥6h144mmX4mm35225g25mm13125m295m781m1653m4375m413m1653m4375m413m1094m
VOx0.32InchWhiteHot,BlackHot,FireHot,RainbowonRColdColorMultiple parameters and color palettes can be setMonocular observation, easy for one person to carry forward observationSupport photo and video, support picture 256192<mK@f1.02H301S01 S301away and vehicles 3700 meters away, light weight, low power consumption, battery life of about 5 hours.MelypeInfrared Image ResolutionPixel SizeFocusing ModeDisplay Screen Tisible Image ResolutionMagnificationDetection Distance(Human)ectioisance(ehice)Inficaton Dist(a)dentifiction DistVecle)Color PaletteLanguagePhotoVideoWemperatureStorage TanSupotiifdChne/TdiiolCse/EngImage/Vio FomatBattery LifeTypeSupportSupportSupportWiFi HotspotCharge/Exme/CV(Removable, Model 18650)Abo6-20℃to 60℃-30℃ to 70℃Outdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | ThermalSearch1.7°x8.8°OLED800×6001x/2x/4x1417m3750m254m938mI 6160.5m
HTHTB101This product is a day and night dual-use infrared thermal imagersearch and rescue, outdoor exploration, Marine operations, night patrol, personal security and so on.Support WIFIarious parameters and color palettes can be set.Day and night observation, photography and video recording of the targetDetector TypeSpectral RangeInfrared Image ResolutionPixel SizeFocal LengthFocusing ModeVisible Image ResolutionLensDisplay Screen Visible Image ResolutionDiopter AdjustmentStorage CapacityWIFI InterfaceLaser RangingElectronic CompassImage ModeColor PaletteBattery LifeProduct SizeProduct WeightManualInfrared/Glimmer/Dual Light Fusion /PIPWhite Hot,Black Hot,Fire Hot,Rainbow,Iron Red,Cold ColorOutdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | SearchMewO412≤20mk@F.,00μm8~14um50m1920x1080-56~71 mm64G1024x768-20m980g>1mmx150mmx65mm
SupportHT S/ S51HT S502HT S401H001Wte Hae Hot,RanwIo,CloloWeihHumanDetector TInfrared Image ResolutionPixel SizeFrame RateFocusing ModeFocal LengthField AngleLaser RangingDiopter AjustmentFocusing RangeDisplay Screen LanguageMagnificationPhote/Video/PIP/Hot Point rackInternal StorageypeProtection LevelOxOOManual FocusManual FocusChinese/EnglishSupport3200mh (150chaeabithiuaerLensDetection Distancer SiationsModelOutdoor Infrared This product is a day and night dual-purpose monocular infrared thermal imager, pporHigh piy to opera1280×10240.5 Inch AMOLEDick Hot,Fire Hot,RaeNew425f#/1.0,50Hz12μm1225℃,f/1.0,50H<40mK(0K60Hz30Hz-6D~+4D16004x12001x/2x/4x/8xPP413m50mm
H60/640/80C6ModelBattery working time Storage temperature 384×288640×512384×28812μm12μm12μm5.3°× 4°8.8°× 7.0°5.3°× 4°VOxVOx8.8°× 7.0° 203200mAh×2 rechargeable lithium batteryProduct size Product weight 193.1×176.8×99mm1.65kgVOxDetection distance 2361m 1563m2361m 6250m 590m 1563mHT-C600HTHT-C690search and rescue, outdoor exploration, sea operations, night patrols, personal securityand more.but also suitable for fixed observation station erection observation Outdoor Infrared ThermalSearchPixel SizegleWavelength coverage Focal lengthous modeDisplay resolutionMifct100m8μm~14μm50mm≤50Hzlec fcus0.39 Inch OLEDInfrared/Shimmer/Dual light fusion/Picture in pictures1×/2×/4×2.4G image transmission≥6 hours≥-20°C°C20~+50°C°C+70C+70Human 1.7m×0.5m×0.3mVVehicle 4.5m×2.0m×1.5m6250m 590m C600 6250m 590m SpecificationFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
HT A4/A74This prduct is a dad nght dual purpose mooculnfreThermal iager suitable for natural obervation, search and rescu, outdor exploration, sea optionsgatrols, psonal scuityore.Observation by a single person.HT-A4WiFiHigh pixel, easy to operate, strong shock resistance.Monocular observation, easy to carry forward HTALCD resolution Detector type NETDEyepiece avelength coverage Language Focusing mode Picture format WIFIBattery type USBProduct size Product weightChinese , English Whe hot k t , omateyoird watch18650 rechargeable lithium battery (3200mAh) T·ModelOutdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | ThermalWheatlack heimmered hat720×54025Hz35mm17μm≤40mK@2/152,.°×1°10.7°×8°11°×8.78°x1/x2/x48-14μmBMP°C~+50°C-3C
HT A3/A73This product is a day and night dual purpose monocular infrared Thermal imager suitable for natural observation, search and rescue, outdoor exploration, sea operations, night patrols, personal securityHigh pixel, easy to operate, strong earthquake resistance.HTInfrared image resolution LCD resolution Detector type Frame rate Objective lens Pixel spacing NETDField angle Eyepiece Wavelength coverage Language Magnification Focusing mode Picture format Color palette Battery type USBorking temperature Storage temperature Battery working time Product size384×288256×192720×540720×54050/60Hz25Hz25mm 35mm15mm12μm≤40mK @ 25°C, F/1.0≤50mK @ 25°C, F/1.014.9°×110.7°× 8° 11.7°× 8.78°Monocular display (adjustable curvature correction) 814μmChinese , English White hot,Black hot,Hot metal,Saturated yellow,Bird watching 18650 rechargeable lithium battery (3500mAh) Type-C -0°C+50-30°C~+7°C≥10hoursProduct weight69×68mm186×69×68mm420gModelVOxVOxTA37Outdoor Infrared ThermalSearch1x/2x/4x
HT N01Thidut is a day and night dual purose monocuanfreTerml imitalr nral obsvaton, srch and rese, outdoor eoatiopin, niht poert, anoreAutomatic,100 ,200Normal,black and white,green,film Crossing division color line SupportOff,5 minutes,10 minutes7 Styles available / Off division lineRed / Blue / X ,YChinese,English,Russian,Italian,Japanese,German,Spainsh,Polish,Portuguese Year/Month/Date/Hour/Minute V0MenuPhoto resolution ideo resolution ISO ColorExposure Compensation Laser range finder CrossingDivision LineAutomatic power offime Default setting EditionOutdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | ThermalModel5M、2M1080P、720P、-1/3、Focus on quality Quality first Win-win future
HTA12HTA16HTA30Detector type Infrared image resolution Pixel spacing Frame rate NETD Focal LengthFocusing mode Eyepiece magnification Diaplay typeDiopter adjustment MagnificationColor palette Battery type Battery working time orking temperature IP rating Product size This product is a day and night dual purpose monocular infrared and more.Wild boarCarsHumandniatinWild boardistanceManual 0.4 Inch OLED1024×768)White Hot, Black Hot, Fire Hot, Rainbow18650 rechargeable lithium battery≥5.5 hours Oer SpeiionImage/VOutdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | thermal AimVoxVV640x51212μmμm50mK @25,F(xiàn)/1.0<,< mK @ ℃,F(xiàn)/ . 25Hz25Hz50Hz88~l4μmμm15mm;19mm25mm;35mm25mm;35mm1x/2x/4x/8x±5DJ/M4187×67×67mm520g2~0°30°+°C708m1875m177m15mm897m792m594m224m19mm1181m1042m3125m260m781m295m1653m1458m4375m365m1094m413m35mm
This product is a day and night infrared Thermal rilfescope suitable for natural observation,search and rescue,outdoor exploration,sea operations,night patrols,personal security,and more. Multiple parameters and color palette can be set to observeObserve and photograph the target day and nightVoxWhite Hot, Black Hot, Fire Hot, Rainbow, Iron Red, Cold ColorModelH201TA202TA033HTA23-5VoxVoxVox Manual Support3200mAh/2000mAh (18500 Rechargeable Lithium Battery) Infrared thermal resolution NETD Viewing Angle Color PaletteHot Sot Traing/ Picturiture Focusing Mode Frame Rate Pixel SizeSpectral Rangeage Detector Type BatteryPicture formatLanguageProduct W Product Sizeorking timeProtection LevelFocal Length IFOVUSB Interface 0.39 Inch OLED Detection DistanceLens Vehicle Identification Human HumanOher SpcftoAimNe256x192384x288640x512640x51250mK@25℃F#1.0<℃,F(xiàn)#1.0F#1.0<℃,F(xiàn)#1.025mm8.8°x7.0°0.48mrad0.34mradμ1x/2x/4x1x/2x/4x/8xJPG/MP4TYPE-CI 66≤5h≤2.5h590g204x76x65mm214x76x65mm25mm1180m1653m2361m3125m4375m6250m295m1094m35mm1653m4375m413m1094m
AimFocus on quality Quality first Win-win futureTA73mmThis is a portable monocular handheld infrared telescope with easy operation and wide application scenarios. Comfortable to look at and provide clear,delicate thermal imaging, ideal for outdoor equipment. Monocular observation, easy for one person to carry forward observationMultiple parameters and color palettes can be setake pictures and video of the target to support the middle of the picture Pixel Size Detector ypeModel Focusing ModeSpectral RangeageFocal Length Viewing Angle Frame Rate MagnificationDiopter Adjustment Color PaletteLanguage BatteryStorage temperatureorking temperature Product Sizeeightorking time V ManualWhite Hot, Black Hot, Fire Hot, Rainbow2000mAh (18500 Rechargeable Lithium Battery) Built-in 16G 5 hours4 hoursLens Vehicle Humanhr SpcifatosewNETD<50mK @25℃8~14μ256x19225mm7. 03 x5. 39°384x2881x/2x/4x/8x6D~4D--30°C~+70°CI 66192x68.9x62mmP200x68.9x62mm5780g5mm1m25295m1m16531m109m
HT A501HTA501ranging, ballistic calculation, with White Hot/Black Hot/Rainbow/Iron Red/ Fire Hotfive color modes;The 2.0-inch display magnifies objects by 1 to 4 times, helping users improve shooting accuracy.Multiple parameters and color modes can be set. 25mm focal length, clear and fine shootingDustproof and waterproof functionype Infrared thermal resolution Frame RateFocal Length Focusing ModeBuilt-in storage Battery Working timeStorage temperature Interface T Interface function BTrajectory calculation Storage ypeImpactSquare screen 2.0 inchesanadium Oxide Uncooled Infrared Focal Plane, Iron Red, Charge+Store Read Built-in 16GAndroid+IOS PlasticourOutdoor Infrared AimodelewNETDμ50HZ25mm<50mK @25℃-30°C~+70°CI 66P≥600gFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Outdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | thermal AimFocus on quality Quality first Win-win futureHTA801HTA802HTA803HTA804Vox 0.39 Inch OLEDChinese English Built-in 16G White Hot, Black Hot, Fire Hot, Rainbow, Iron Red, GlimmerThis product is a day and night infrared Thermal rilfescope suitable for natural Multiple parameters and color palette can be set to observeObserve and photograph the target day and nightRechargeable Lithm Batterydel Detector TypeFocal Length Viewing Angle Magnification Pixel Size Frame Rate Focusing Mode Display Screen Laser ranging Display ResolutionHot Spot TraingiturnicureBuilt-in storagePicture format BatteryProtection Level Battery Working timeProduct Weight Manual Support VehicleiNw25mm13.3°x10. 7°m50Hz1x/2x/4x384×288<40mK@25°C,F#1.035mm1x/2x/4x/8x1200m1024×768I 66≥5h202×87×64mm25mm413m781m
HTA302HTA301Thermal rilfescope suitable for natural observation,search and rescue,outdoor exploration,sea operations,,and more. EnglishWhiteHot,BlackHot,Rainbow,IronRed,ColdColorSupportModelgableLithmBatterher Specicatons Detector Type Infrared thermal resolution NETD Viewing Angle Spectral Range Frame RateRangingRangeBuildings)RaningAcuracy(uiling) Display ScreenDiopter ot SpoTakingPitre IPicPicture formatUSB InterfaceProduct Weight Detection Distanceehicle Distanceehicle HumanLensThermal Imager | thermal Nw<??50Hz8~14μm12μm7.0°x5.4°25mm<50mK@25°C,F#1.0oxV640x5121024×768-6DTYPE-CJPG/MP4188×81×52mm490g510g530g13125m781m35mm1653m4375m413m1094m4375m413m1094mFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Outdoor Infrared AimHTA1201HTA1101HTA1102HTA1201This product is a day and night dual purpose monocular infrared imager suitable for natural observation, search and rescue, outdoor exploration, sea operations, night patrols, personal security, and more.Multiple parameters and colorTargets were observed and the typePixel SpacingFOVFrame RateSpectral RangeFocusing ModeDisplay ScreenPIPLanguageStorage CapacityImage/Video Format USB InterfaceBattery ypeProtection LevelWTManualWhite Hot, Black Hot, Cold ColorBuilt-in 16GB(ASupportipifieineseritionahnee,ngsh,Gan,Freh,SpanisDuh,Czh,Italianortuguese3500mAh (18650battery)Rechargeable lithium battery MdlV2.69 inch OLEDOtr SpecewNETD256x192384x2888~14<50HzP295m781m1180m3125m35mm1653m1094m
HTJ13HT J13/J14HT J13/J14±5DDetectorPixel SpacingFocal lengthFrame RateFocusing ModeDisplay ScreenVDiopter AdjustmentColor PaletteHot Spot racking/PIPStorage CapacityUSB InterfaceBattery Wime White Hot,Black Hot,Fire Hot, RainbowSupportSimplified Chinese,TSupportBuilt-in 16GB(Available storage space is 13.8GB)ISO 11 and higher Version, ≥7.5hMultiplepametpalettesctTargetswereobservedandandnightThis product is a day and night dual purpose monocular infrared Thermal imager suitable for natural observation, search and rescue, outdoor exploration, sea operations, night patrols, personal security, and Photograph/ Recording/MicrophoneManualOthpecifiatosOutdoor Infrared AimMoelVoxNeAPP17μμm54mm8~14mNETD2560x25601x/2x/4x/8x419×104×70mm1035gHuman 1.7m×0.5m×0.3m1688mFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Outdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | thermal Focus on quality Quality first Win-win futureHTC7searching and rescuing, maritime operating, night time patrolling, personal security, etc. Single eye hot search, convenient for single person observation 6 color palettes can capture day and night imagesPixel spacing Frame rate Focusing mode DisplayscreenRColor palette Hot spot tracking Language Picture format Power dissipation orking temperature Storage temperature Imaging plane LensViewing angle Manual,Hot metal,White heat,Black heat,Yellow saturation,Bird watching mode Support16G(Support 16G/32G/64G/128G)18500 rechargeable lithium battery (Battery working time: ≤6 hours)≤IP54distanceWild boardistanceHumanWild boarModeOthpifaisehcle384x288μm≤2.0 Inch LCD(480×3602x/4x/8x/16x≤1000G20°C~+50°C30°C~+60°C54mm03m>3.>1.5m14.9°x11.2°10.7°x8.0°6.9°x5.2°≤2333m≤3176m≤2501m≤416m≤875m
HTA401HTA403≤400m±1m,Thermal Imager | thermal ModelDetector type ResolutionPixel spacing Focal lengthWavelength coverage Frame rate Dilay sreenDipy screen ResoutonRanging accuracy System functionLanguage Magnification Color palette Battery typeBattery Working ime Built-in storageProduct size Detection distance Manual0.5 lnch MOLEDideo/Picture-in-picture/Hotspot trackingChinese,EnglishWhite Hot, Black Hot, Fire Hot, RainbowRecargb/dethalithiatteryBuilt-in 16GBOther SiiinNwVHuman V640x512NETDVoxox12mμmm≤25mK@25°C,F#1.0≤μm25Hz1600x12001x/2x/4x/8x≥8h 6735mm4375m413m1094m1653m4375m413m1094m1653m4375m413m1094mFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Thermal Imager | thermal AimFocus on quality Quality first Win-win futureThis product is a day and night infrared Thermal rilfescope suitable for natural observation, search and rescue, outdoor exploration, sea , and more. Manual0.39 Inch OLEDSupportWhite hot, Black hot, Fire hot, Rainbow, Iron red, Cold color C18LHT0m 120±5DModDetector type Infrared image resolution Pixel spacingavelength coverage Ranging rangeFocusing mode Display screen type VMagnification Color palette ideo format USB interface Battery typeImpactVoxVoxOitIdentification distance 640x51212μm25mm35mm≤40mK@25°C,F#1.08~14μm50HzVehcle 4.5m×2.0m×1.5m25mm1181m3125m295m781m1653m413m
HT5Infrared image resolution Wavelength coverage NETDFocusing mode Display screen type Visible image resolution Magnification Diopter adjustment Hot point track Color palette Language USB interface Battery typeProduct size oxV0.39 Inch OLEDSupport Support, Iron red, Cold color ther SpecficationsMeLensIdentification distance This product is a day and night infrared Thermal rilfescope suitable operations, night patrols, personal security, and more. Outdoor Infrared Thermal Imager | thermal Aim384x288640x51212mμ≤40mK@25°C,F#1.0m50Hz1440x10801x/2x/4x/8xJPG/MP4≤1000G201×66×73mmehcle 4.5m×2.0m×1.5mHuman 1.7m×0.5m×0.3m54mm1181m2550m6750m638m1688m35mm4375m413m1094mFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Focus on quality Quality first Win-win futureJPG/MP4-10℃+50℃-20℃+60℃10%RH80%RHT-C90×105×223mm389garchaeology, this product is ideal for electricians and maintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.256×1924.0mm°×4/40m3.75mrad25Hz-℃+550℃(-℉1022℉)15℃+℃(±2℃%);-2015℃(±℃)~~~~HT 18+Display screen VFocus lengthField angle IFOVFrame rate Focusing mode WAccuracy Setting Storage capacityTFTAdjustable from 0.01 to 1.0, Iron oxide red, Cold color, White hot, Black hot Unit,Language,Date,TAuto power-off Built-in 8G PeterycapWorkingtimeetweightyMod3.2-inch TFT full-view LCD large display screenrange r Snμm50mK@25°C,F#1.08~14Thermal lmaging Camera
HTH201Infrared thermal imaging cameras are widely used in many fields such as medical, public security, fire protection, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geologymaintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areasMulipe paramd colr cold spot trackingDetector TypeInfrared Image ResolutionPixel SpacingFocusing ModeApertureDisplay ScreenLangagePhtographRecordingHot spot TrackingScreen Display ModeTemperature RangeTemperature AccuracyDistnce Temperatre SulmentStorageImage/Vedio FormatUSB InterfaceProtection Level Power, Iron Red, Cold ColorSupport±2℃or2%,SupportSupportFixedBuilt-in 16GBechargeleRovbe BateWTemperatureProduct SizedlHandheld Thermal lmaging Camera×42°3.5 Inch OLEDOthepeiatonsNewJPG/MP4640x480ox256x192384x288μm≤40mK@F#1.1≤40mK@F#1.120°C~+60°C
Thermal lmaging CameraFocus on quality Quality first Win-win futureHTH101DetectorType8.89mardThis product is widely used in many fields such as medical, security,fire protection,archaeology,transportation, agriculture and geologytechnicians to quickly locate problematic areas.Lightweight and easy to carryAngle/focal length: 50.0°50°/1.35MM Battery typeorking timeWork temperatureIfrrermaeslutonied anepectral rangasuing rgeFrmatil sacigEmissiviFol lengthsg mesrement acuracyPalettesmperaursrement modeImagy meDipy screFormaStoragapacgeiprhhemaImglysis ftnuaeStorage temperatureProduct size±2°C ±2inches User available storage space is about 6.5G)fline analysisBuilt-in 18650 battery4 hourstionsModlNewNETD IFOVVox50()×(°)≤8~14-4°F~1022°F)m≤18Hz1.35mm0.01~1.002000mAh℃(-4°F~140°F)
25HT175Infrared thermal imaging cameras are widely used in many fields such as medical, public security, fire protection, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geologynance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.Lightweight and easy to carryInformation 8~1mDisplay screen Focus lengthField angleFrame rate Wavelength coverage EmissivityColor palette Measuring range Accuracy Setting Language Storage capacityFile formatPower interface WRelative humidity Product size Product weightUnit adjustments18650 rechargeable battery Field of view/focal length.MeChinese ,EnglishHandheld Thermal lmaging Camera2.0 Color screen33/0.5m32x320.5mm33°x33°≤50mK@25°C,F#1.08~14μm0.95-℃~300℃(-±2℃/±2%16MBBMPTYPE-C-0°C~50°C-10°C~50°C<%RH16569×60Focus on quality Quality first Win-win future
26Handheld Thermal lmaging CameraFocus on quality Quality first Win-win futureTFT display screenNon-heating fixed focus lensAdjustable from 0.01 to 1.0RainbowAuto power-off Chinese ,English ,German ,ItalianBuilt-in 4G eMMC (user available storage space is about 3G)Wilyednaareasscasmedicl,plicin,fiefighing, archaeologytransportation, agriculture and geology, this product is ideal for electricians and maintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.Self-contained software analysis and video photographyVField angle Pixel spacingFrame rate Focusing mode NETDWavelength coverage EmissivityColor paletteSoftware analysis & VAccuracy LanguageStorage capacityFile formatBattery typeork temperature Storage temperature Relative humidityorking time Product weightPower interface tionsMod3.2mm3.75mrad20°C~550°C-2000mAh0℃°F-140°F)96mmx72mmx226mm375g-20℃F-140°F)10%RH~85%RH2h~3h
27IR image resolution Display dimensions Pixel dimensions Display Lens NETD Detector type Spectral response Capture frequency Image rectification PalettesStorge temperature SizeTFTUncooled infrared focal plane detector ShutterUnit/Language/Data Time Format/Auto power off Product introduction and application Scenarios: Thermal lmaging amera is widely used in the Medical, Archaeologyransport,Agriculture and so on.Infrared thermal image resolution up to 640*512Wrange ~14μmThermal image frame rate 25Hz/50HzelHTD8HTD9Handheld Thermal lmaging Camera384x288640x512640x48017μm13mm≤60mK@25°C,F/1.08~14μm25HzJPG0℃~45℃81mmx168mmx85mmFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
28Focus on quality Quality first Win-win futureWidely used in many areas such as medical, policing, firefighting, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geology, this product is ideal for electricians and maintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.Display screen Infrared image resolution Visible image resolution Focal length Field angle IFOVPixel spacing NETDWColor palette ideo WIFIMeasuring range Accuracy Setting Language Storage capacity File format Power interface 3.5\"Full angle display screen FixedAdjustable from 0.01 to 1.0,Iron oxide red,Cold color,White hot,Black hot Support15°C0(±2or;°C-15°°Working time Product size ≥4hoursWIFI support full-viewing angle LCD screenInfrared thermal image resolution 256*192WRelative humidity Ml256x192640x48056°x42°3.75mrad12μm50mK@25°C,F#1.0μm-20℃~550℃(-4°F-1022°F)JPG/MP4TYPE-C0~45℃-20℃+6085%RH255.4mmx122.1mmx97.2mm
29HTH9Display screenInfrared image resolution Focus length Pixel spacing Frame rate Focusing mode NETD avelength coverage Measuring rate Setting Language Storage capacity 3.5\"Full angle TFT display 3.5\"full angle display screenManual focusAdjustable from 0.01 to 1.0Rainbow,Iron oxide red,Cold color,White hot,Black hot SupportUnit,Language,Date,Time,Format,Auto power-off Chinese,Englis,German,Italian3.5-inch TFTThermal image frame rate 25HzBuilt-in 8G(Actually available 6.6G) Battery type Work temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Working time Product size 4hoursMoelHandheld Thermal lmaging CameraSpecifictionsWidely used in many areas such as medical, policing, firefighting, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geology, this product is ideal for electricians and maintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.384x288640x4801.3mr1725Hz640x480.9°x26.6°/13mm60mK@25°C,F#1.0m±3%JPGMicro USB 2.0-in26650-20℃+60℃5000mAh588g
30Focus on quality Quality first Win-win futureHTH38Infrared thermal imagers have important applications in many fields such as , fire protection, archaeology, transportation,agriculture and geology.Infrared image resolution Field angle Pixel spacing Focusing mode avelength coverage Color paletteSoftware analysis & VAccuracy Language3.5\"Full angle TFT display screen Adjustable from 0.01 to 1.0, Iron oxide red, Cold color, White hot, Black hot Support Unit,Language,Date,Time,Format, Auto power-off Self-contained software analysis and video photography814uBattery capacity orking time Product size WStorage temperature Relative humidity Power interface Mol640x4809.1mm1.32mradm≤25Hz8~14-1~+50°C(or-20°C-15°C±℃+60℃<≥4hours588g-20℃~+550℃
31HT875as medical treatment, public security, fire protection, archaeologytransportation,agriculture and geologyInfrared image resolution OLED resolution Focus lengthPixel spacing Focusing mode avelength coverage Temperature measurement EmissivityColor palette Software analysis & Video WIFILanguageStorage capacityFile formatPower interfaceFixedMin,center,maxAdjustable from 0.02 to 1.0Rainbow,Iron oxide red,Cold colorSupport SupportUnit,Language,Date,Time,Format, Auto power-off Chinese,English,Japanese,German,Korean and many other languagesBuilt-in 32GBattery typeWork temperature Storage temperature Relative humidityBuilt-in 18650 battery Battery capacity Working time Product size Product W4.0 inch full viewing angle OLED displaySoftware analysis & Video4.0\"OLED display screen olSpecifictionsHandheld Thermal lmaging Camera384x28825Hz8~14μ5+0C(-4°F~°)±3C0℃℃+504~6hours5000mAhFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
32Thermal lmaging CameraHT 02DInfrared thermal imaging cameras are widely used in many fields such as , fire protection, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geology. It is an ideal choice for electricians and maintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.Field n3°0.5mavelength coerge8~.5mCenter point/hot and cold spot trackingDisplay screen Infrared image resolution Field angleEmissivityColor paletteAccuracy Work temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Model,White hot,Black hot ime,Format, batteries size 5English32x326Hz≤8~1μ±2°CorBMP-20℃~50℃10%RH~85%RH212mmx95mmx62mm320g
33HT 03HT 03DHT 04D2.8-inch full-view TFTFixedAdjustable from 0.01 to 1.00Rainbow,Iron oxide red,Cold color,White hot,Black hotUnit,Language,Date,Time,Format,Auto power-off Chinese, English, German, ItalianInfrared thermal imaging cameras are widely used in many fields such as medical, public security, fire protection, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geology. It is an ideal choice for electricians and maintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.Thermal image frame rate support up to 25HzDisplay screenVisible image resolution Focus lengthField angle Frame rate EmissivityColor palette Measuring rangePower interface2.8\"TFT display Battery typeWork temperature Storage temperature Relative humidityBattery capacity Working time WeightodeSpecifictionsThermal lmaging CameraJPG/MP4TYPE-C120x9080x60160x120640x4803.2mm50°x37.2°5.31mrad≤25Hz8~14-15℃~550℃(±℃/±)-20℃~15℃(±4)°F~122°F)-20℃~60℃(-4°F~140°F)10%RH~80%RH2~3hours2000mAhFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Focus on quality Quality first Win-win future34 301HT301It needs to be used together with smartphones. By downloading and installing the APPand infrared temperature measurement functions can be used, , fire protection,archaeology, and industryUncooled infrared focal plane detection 3°or ±3% Manual/Automatic Above Android 6.0White hot,Black hot and Rainbow Support 3.8~5.5V(Power supply for external devices)Temperature range Accuracy Wavelength coverage Pixel spacing Focusing mode Image calibration Supporting systemideo recording / Photo VInterface typeorking temperature Storage temperaturePicture/Video format Product sizeProduct weightd384x288-20℃~400℃8~14μ17μm≤60mK@25°C,F#1.025HzTYPE-CPNG/MP4-10℃~50℃49.5mmx36.3mmx29.3mm45g
HT 102HT102Inraed ige reutn Visie imge resoluton Detctor typmperature rne curay sltonWeegh cveraeHoiol fied angleVerticalgle Pl scinNErmaFcnmpetre calbaion Image cibtiinyem Cor patteVidcording/PhManual/Automatic FixedAbove Android 6.0APP, infrared thermal imaging observation and infrared temperature measurement functions can be used, widely used in multiple fields such as medical, public security, fire protection, archaeology.Widely used in many areas such as medical, security, fire, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geologyOpen the application software of the thermal imaging camera for infrared observationWith infrared temperature measurement, temperature analysis oltage supplyWorking temperature Product weightseus sh aot,bot,rainlMobile Phone Thermal lmager±C or ±5% 0.1℃or0.1F8~14μ43℃1°17Focus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Mobile Phone Thermal lmagerFocus on quality Quality first Win-win futureThe use of smart phone thermal imager requires the mobile phone to download and install smart phone software,through which the observation infrared measurement functions can be imagers widely used in fields as fire protection, archaeology, and geology, and electricians maintenance to quickly Infrared Image ResolutionFocal LengthField AngleSpectral RangeFrame RateWorking TemperatureExternal InterfaceLanguagePicture / Video FormatCamera TTpertre MesuremenccuracyideoFree FocusRainbow,White heat,Black heatPoint,line and area temperature measurementpuportChinese,EnglishTelNe-10℃~+75℃45℃~85℃35.7mmx29.7mmx14mmNETD80x62CMOSm3.7mm45°(H)x34°(V)8~14μ125mK@25°C,F#1.0-2~℃~6-2~282%;280℃~600℃±3°
It needs to be used together with smartphones. By downloading and installing the APP, infrared thermal imaging observation and infrared temperature measurement functions can be used, widely used in multiple fields such as medical, public security, fire protection, archaeology, and industry. Small and lightweightVox 256x192 8~14μm 3.2mm 56.0°(H)×42.0°(V) 3.75mrad 12μm≤50HzFree FocusWhie hot,Black hot,Iron hot,Iron r,Red ht,Rainb,ainbow-,Raino-3,Rainbo-4,nbw-Point, Line and regional temperature measurementChinese, English, Support USB ype-C, DC5V Power supply HT203H-Display type Working band Focal length Field angle/Focus length IFOVPixel spacing Focusing mode PalettesTemperature measurement modeTemperature measurement rangeemperature measuring distanceTemeatre mesuremnracyLanguageCamera/Video External interfaceorking temperature Product sizePower consumption of the whole machine is as low as ≤0.35WMoelMobile Phone 5℃50≤50mK@25°C,F#1.015℃10℃±3℃;-10℃~550℃±2℃-10+7℃-℃~+8545mmx36.7mmx1Type-CFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future
Mobile Phone Focus on quality Quality first Win-win futureHT203UHT 203UIt be together with By downloading and insliteAPP,nfradhrmaliagngobservationiftemperature measurement functions be used, widely used multiple medical, public security, archaeology, and industry.orking band Focal length Field angle/Focus length Focusing modeBrightness adjustment Palettesideo Picture / Video format External interface Working temperature Storage temperature Product weightSupport SupportWhite hot, Black hot, Blend, Iron, Dark brown, Red hot, Green hot, Rainbow Point, Line and regional temperature measurement±2°C ±2%Chinese, English, USB Temperaue measureodeTepature mrempreasrinceTepeaccurVMode-25046mmx70mmx14mm56.0°(H)×37.2°(V) 5.31mrad 17μm≤50Hz40mK@25°C,F#1.0≤~12d120℃~3mJPG/MP4
HT C501HT C501To use the smartphone thermal imager, you need to download and install the smartphone thermal imager software, through which you can realize the infrared observation and infrared temperature measurement function. Widely used in many fields such as healthcare, policing, firefighting, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geology, it is ideal for electricians and maintenance technicians to quickly locate problem areas.-10゜C1514゜302゜)10C-55C(302゜F1゜F)30mm25z/-℃℃40 85℃38×15.3mm(Includesaccessorieswithmacr)/Infrared image resolution WFocal length Field angle/Focus length IFOVPixel spacing Focusing mode PalettesTTemperature measurement rangeemperature measuring distanceTemperature measurement accuracyLanguageCamera/Video Picture /VPower consumption Working temperature Product sizeProduct weightelInterfaceCompact and lightweight, easy to carryMobile Phone Thermal lmagerVox Free FocusWhite hot,bt,raiboirod,urral,juge,oot,mecalgt,sird h,city°Corr256x192 8~14μm 3.2mm ≤50mK@25°C,F#1.0~USB T
Mobile Phone Thermal lmagerFocus on quality Quality first Win-win future//JPG/MP4-0℃~50℃-45℃~75℃-0℃50℃5℃8℃01C702C702The product is available models, C701 C702. It the cell and install the thermal camera through which software realizes infrared observation and infrared temperature can locate the product widely in many fields such as care, law and order, firefighting, transportation, archaeology, which is an ideal choice for electricians and maintenance technicians.Display type Working band Field angle/Focus length IFOVPixel spacing emperature measurementemperature outputImage Calibrationox eeraure meuredeContrast adjustmentTPalettesTemperature measurement Camera VideoPicture / Video format SBType-C,DC5VPorking temperature Fixed focusMax/Min/CenterShutter CalibrationWhite hot, Black hot and Rainbow±2°reading ±2%Support Support Chinese, English, Fixed focusModelNew256x192 56.0°(H)×37.2°(V) ,63.6(°D)3.43mrad 4μm 10mm 17.6°(H)×13.2°(V) ,1.20mrad ≤50Hz20℃
41HTA2+Infrared thermal imaging cameras are widely used in many fields such as medical, public security, fire protection, archaeology, transportation, agriculture and geology. It is an ideal choice for electricians and mainte nance technicians to quickly locate problem areas. Touch scree Small size,easy to carrySupporting regional high and low temperaturesDetector type Infrared image resolution Visible image resolution Lens Field angle Focusing mode NETD Wavelength coverage EmissivityColor paletteTemrature muelImage display mode AccuracyLanguage 3.2 inch ouch screen RainbowInfrared light/visible light/infrared and visible lights Chinese,English,German,Italian5 minutes/20 minutes/not power off automaticallyAdjustable from 0.01 to 1.00Picture / Video format Storage temperature Relative humidity Built-in 104060 battery Working temperature emperature range Product size dMobile Phone Thermal lmagerFree FocusVox 652x480375mrad ≤25Hz50mK@25°C,F#1.014μm 300℃~500℃;±4%±2℃or±2%;±4℃JPG/MP4-2℃0℃-℃~+50℃-0℃+55(-40F)