Smart Mini PC Global LeaderGenMachine PC
International CertificationsTrusted QualityfiffWe adhere to high standards in producing top-quality products and have obtained multiple international ceCE, mpetitiveness in the global market and strengthening customer trust.
fiffiCompact Mini PCExperience powerful performance in a compact design! Our Mini PCs combine cutting-edge technology with high efficiency, making them ideal for home, office, and entertainment needs.Bright moon silverStarry Sky Black
flfiflRose Gold?
fiCPU Model List?ffi?ffifi??? ?? -fl???ffifl?????-?
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???-?-ffifi???? ?? ?flffi???flffi???-???????? ?? ????? ??
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fiOptional system : Windows 10/11 ProBluetooth : Memory : DDR4 3200MHz Dual Channel up to 32G*2 (optional)Dual-channel M.2 2280 M.2 2242 Support 2T*2 (optional)SSD : 11.4cm*10.6cm*3.75cmOptional system : Windows 10/11 ProHard Disk : M.2 2280 M.2 2242 NVME4.0 Support 2T*2(optional)RAM : 16G/32GRen Pro Detailed Parameters
fiPowerful Mini PCPowerful Mini PC is a high-performance mini host equipped with top-tier processors and high-speed storage, capable of running dits compact size, it delivers desktop-level computing power, making it an ideal choice for professional creators and users seeking an immersive entertainment experienceBright moon silverNatural Titaniu
CPU Model Listfi?-???????? ??ffiflffi???fl-????ffl????? ????????? ??????ffi-ff? ??ffifl???fl?-????fflffi-?-??
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fiOptional system : Windows 10/11 ProBluetooth : WiFi6; Bluetooth 5.2RAM : 16G/32GSSD : SPEC : EU/US/UK/CN/AU13cm*12.6cm*4cm
Additionally, the interface layout has been meticulously optimized for easy ures that every port unlocks greater professional workflows, and immersive entertainment. Its spacesaving design redefinust power with pro grade versatility in a palm Nsized chassis.fffi
ffffLicustomizable coiorsChoose Your Color, Define Your Style
CPU Model List?ffifi?????? ?? ffi?ffl??????? ?? ?
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Optional system : Windows 10/11 ProBluetooth : WiFi5; Bluetooth 4.2Memory : M.2 2280 NVME Support 2T(optional)SPEC : Li Detailed Parametersffffi
ffIntellectual Mini PC
Optional system : Windows 10/11 ProBluetooth : WiFi6; Bluetooth 5.2Memory : SSD : 128G/256G/512G/1TB/2TBLi Detailed Parameters?ffi-?-fi?ffl?? fffifffflffiflffifl-
ffONLY One-fortieth ofthe Volume of a TraditionalTower Chassis
ffPocket-sized mini PC with powerful performance. Low-power & silent design handles creativity, work and entertainmvity partner - compact yet mighty.out disruption. Bedside-friendly design